A crane that winning budokai that isn’t sendoku? Yeah I think it time to wipe the server per se and add me to the balance team
Posts by adrian on fire
I 100% agree with the raid party system sorta of what SWTOR has that can hold like 16 people in a party.
I'm ban in game but if daneos is really serious about taking suggestion from the community to bringing this game from dead, I can help out per se.
If the new client can add new modes to current dungeons he could add a expert mode.
Expert Mode to TMQs and UDs
basically a 4th game mode to every TMQ and UD that make every dungeon a max cap level dungeon extremely hard and gives special types of drops for completing them.
Stats on these can be change to balance out certain classes to make them better
Example with level 70s items(These stats could be Change help bringer up classes up to par with god class like SK and ultimates)
Expert mode UD1 could drop items like gloves, staffs, and subs and give bonus effects of like 40 dodge.
Expert mode UD2 could drop items like gloves, staffs, and subs and give bonus effects of like 20 LP absorb not %
Expert mode UD3 could drop items like gloves, staffs, and subs and give bonus effects of like 10% anti-critical For ONLY humans and maybe spiritual majin?
Expert mode UD4 could drop items like gloves, staffs, and subs and give bonus effects of like 40 strength.
Expert mode UD5 could drop items like gloves, staffs, and subs and give bonus effects of like 15 Dexterity
Expert mode UD6 could drop items like gloves, staffs, and subs and give bonus effects of like 15 Con,Focus, and 10 RP(the stats that make your RP go up faster when charging)
Expert mode TMQ1 drop 1 piece that would have to correspond to TMQ2 and 3 to get the bonus effect
Example TMQ1 would only drop boots. TMQ2 would only drop pants, and TMQ3 would only drop jackets. the same can work for TMQ4,5,6 and 7.
TMQ1 Boots
TMQ2 pants=====[bonus effect for wear these 3 pieces]======= Whatever the community decides
TMQ3 Jacket
TMQ4 gloves,staffs
TMQ4 gloves,staff
TMQ5 jacket
TMQ6 pants=====[Bonus effect for wearing these 4 pieces]======== Whatever the community decides
TMQ7 boots
Drop rate could be shitty like BID4(Kraken) and Cellx
The purpose of this mode is to make PVE more funnier and bring back alive dead content from UDs instead of just spamming same thing over and over again like crafting, CCBD, and Tmq5,6, and 7.These are just examples of what the Expert mode Dungeons can give if implemented.
for the lols add ssj 2 -
i made video with the character creation
Make it a spawn server and make budokai, scramble n dojo war every day
did you use twitter? https://twitter.com/DBOnlineGl…tatus/1073724733642997760
i stop following dbog social media after they all kept getting shut down, that cool though, but it nothing that can revive the game though
the game dead nothing is coming lulz plus that trailer was 5 month ago so we have to wait another 3 more month per se. I dont understand how you successful revive a game just to kill it in 4 months time
winter is from 21.dezember until 20.march so maybe 2019
winter does not mean dezember only xD
He mean 33% anti crit top but let’s flame him and his arguments against sk anyways since the game dead anyways haha
when only 3 classes out 12 are viable for pvp something has to be obviously broken and unbalance
This game a lost cause at this point. 20 pages of people complaining that ultimate are broken and nothing has been adjusted or balanced for months, because the ring leader of this so called balance team mains an ultimate majin and doesn’t know the first thing to balance a mmo game and make it fun and FAIR for EVER other class. It ridiculous. There’re better and newer improved games coming out/out, so it time to move on like the majority of the game player base did.
I’m be honest it 2k18 and there a reason why all those Korea grind games die or dead right now. Changing the game from “easy mode” to hard mode won’t keep players around at all because all that grinding takes no skill. Only things that take some sort skill is probably 5v5 pvp, dojo war, kid budokai. Everything else is unbalanced no matter what you try to do to it hence to why all those people quit
Fix the critical damage for classes that doesn’t have increased damage on crit passive
the game will never get balance because people will complain about their favorite class getting nerfed and force buffs for their own class & their personal agenda shit happen multiple times in Pre Open beta) another example is sitting right in this thread which is a nerf KARMA thread and you got people like cashalot talking about buffing resistance rate which ultimates would HEAVILY benefit from, oh yeah btw dude also MAINS an Ultimate and this is not the first time he has done like something this either like wdf, buffing resistance create more problem overall. I think badpiccolo idea is way better idea. but the whole resistance success rate system is fcking wonking and should never be even discuss in nerf karma thread
reset the server and start it over again and build some new hype around this client and boom dbog undead again
wdf lmao what happen to this game
there was a bug on hk in which you could obtain multiple +15 tickets and I don't think it ever got fixed in retail. should remove them asap
after they are a must play class, lets make them broken again.
no ultima buff post which skedar is against cuz he is maining that
why is there no report user for a ban option?
Daneos capped resistance % at 60% + the dodge rate/hitrate and success rate/ resistance formula is awful
lol funny that people don't understand that Daneos also has a real life. Sometimes he has things to do in life not in DBO. Moreover sometimes it takes some discussions before something can get changed / fixed. And sometimes it takes a few days to fix a bug. Also don't forget it's Open beta (still testing phase).
then he should hire some more developer
Ive hear tmq8 is in this client
You rarely saw a karma in any parties so I'm just wondering why they did not take karma but plasma while karma has this crazy aoe confuse?
playful doll skill broke when the user is being auto attack. And Karma weren't able to eat buff off people or themselves back then either from what i remember