Both to stay on topic and a slight bit off topic to bring something to the table that I tested today more closely.
Karma are an incredibly powerful class no matter what everyone wants to say. Effective in all aspects of the game and does everything better than what people consider the best class at doing whatever those classes excel at. I've said it multiple times before and I don't think it's vague at this state of the game, Karma are simply the best class in the game and will probably continue being so no matter how hard the nerfs come; however, they definitely need nerfing.
Every class has between 1~3 cc skills, whether those are Stun, immobilize, sleep, paralysis, etc.. the list goes on, but they always have between 1 and 3. The only true exception to this rule is Karma, who end up having around 7 different CC skills, most of which have a different effect. They have a Paralysis, an immobilize, a petrification, a stun, a skill lock, and 2 confusions.
Looking closely at that, the only things you can remotely anti are paralysis, confusions and the petrify. No one goes for the petrification because that would be a dumb way to end your life for not having the other two put down. even if you knock all those 3 out of the park completely (just to show) Karma still stands strong with "3" cc skills, which is the most any class can have without anti-cc accessories applied.
When you're in a match against a Karma, they're the ones dictating the pace, not you. It's up to you to try and find an opening, but usually end up in a combo vortex that leads to your death for one mini-mistake.
Another thing (which I tested today) is this: If your skill's animation is not fully done for some moves, the effects simply do not apply. Taking Dende's super Antenna beam (slightly different from the other 2), their staff slash, and their paralysis from antenna beam as an example, they can all be stunned/CC'd through if the animation is not fully finished. You (the user of the character) would see your skill fully hitting, doing the damage (sometimes you see it fully hit and you see on your log that you did the damage, but the opponent takes none at all), but not applying the effect -.- For skills that consume RP, this is incredibly frustrating! Many skills are like this for other classes, but every Karma skill is simply INSTANT, with an almost 0.2 sec animation time, not enough to do anything through. You are likely the one to be interrupted rather than interrupting them. If this doesn't get fixed, playing against karma is going to be a pain in the ass ALL the time.
Too busy bringing all those dogis put in Mateo's video to bother too much with the balance 
Also, isn't Open Beta now? I thought Open Beta was the time when balance changes are gonna happen. Guess not.
The thing I fear the most is knowing that this cap system" served nothing other than urging people to spend more and to shut people who said "We want Open Beta" up so Daneos has time to fix bugs
These caps are supposed to provide excellent and fun gameplay, but as of now they are simply stepping stones to discover more bugs, spend more money, and fix old bugs that weren't fixed before.