4 days left, only 68 followers. its too bad but i think we might not make it :I
Posts by Neoluce
vegito and 18 neck en neck, vegeta crashed the party and became one of the top 3.
listen here , morning sunshine , i been in this game since Toriyama Decided to smoke weed. so don't go around being Princess Trunks , he know's it was a joke. also for ur information son. i did this type of shit 3 years ago , i bet 2 times. and guess what. Bee Event is a thing now. so don't go around giving me ur FusionFall Garbage Lore about being a good guy.
Here you go
bumping agen :V
I've never seen a poll so even lol, Vegeta all the way!
gon bumb this a bit ;p
More info on the give away here:
What's up!
I’m going to be doing a give-away in two weeks, so considering that (more about it in a YouTube video soon) I'm wondering which character people would most likely want to win as a figure.
I’ve listed a few options in the form of a poll. It would be awesome to hear which character you guys would like as the prize.
A couple of notes though. Firstly, the winner of the poll isn’t guaranteed to be picked as outside factors may force me to make an alternative pick (for example, if there are no good statues of the winner I’ll go for the next one in the poll).
And finally, if you think I’ve missed a character let me know. For characters with a variety of transformations, just comment on which form is your favourite for that character.
Thanks, and good luck! -
Playing the Dragon Ball Z Legacy of Goku trilogy every saturday starting today untill i fiçnished all 3 games.
for those too lazy to scroll up here it is again ;):
give me the link for your twitch channel
its in the 1st post
going live soon :V
wipe or not, the state of the game is very bad and nobody forces us to play, if you do not like how the game is going so just do not play.
someone with some common sence
Nein, whit kor uticki.
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Blazen typing tutorials 2018
When is the video comming out? -
We won't, Daneos already said no more wipes after open beta, also the lack of him saying anything on the forums means he doesn't care about the forums.
I'm starting to understand why.
ben ik wel de beul
wat ga je doen? ze onder kaas begraven?
mischien een publieke executie van de huidige staff en een niew en beter team in de plaats.
Simple solution: Delete server, delete ftp, Read the book: A whole new life
After reading this forum a good book might just be the only good solution to wipe the stupidity i've seen here from my brain.
Are you even playing this game? If we go on like this we will have no players after a few month. Even when lvl 70 cap is released nothing will change. We need a wipe thats for sure but before that we need to change some things. Like broken, stone drop rates, dogis, maybe upgrade chances, braun boxes and an anti cheat system. Gameguard won't be enough. We need an algorithm on the server that will log all activities and ban players accordingly. After that we need a wipe. This game is no fun anymore. Only people who don't play this game or botter themself don't want a wipe (ofc also players who farmed hours and hours to get +15 but thats just 1-5 guys).
I'm neither a botter and neither someone with +15 gear. It's easy to say that's the reason why people dont want a wipe while the true answer is much simpler than that. people dont want to focking restart from scratch for a god damn 6th time