Welcome Serey,your name in game?
Thanks And it's the same, "Serey"
Welcome Serey,your name in game?
Thanks And it's the same, "Serey"
Thank you everyone for the welcomes!
Looking forward to seeing you guys around in the future and getting to know some of you
Display MoreHi there, and welcome!
I would love to add you in-game (IGN: Ishinato)
I'll call ya Aya then, call me Leo!
And you do have great tastes in shows, to be honest I re-watched dragonball twice and dragonball Z three times (I was really bored mang)
Do you like One Piece? Its now my top favourite, I hated it because of the art style but finally looked past that and started watching 2 years ago, and Im so HOOKED with the story and myths, its SOOO good!
I don't mind talking whenever, I get bored in-game and on the forum most of the time so looking for people to chat with
Nice to meet you, Leo
I never really watched much One Piece to be honest, I had a hard time getting into it, but I heard that if you get past the first 20-30 eps it starts getting pretty interesting, but I never made it that far lol.
I'll add you when i get on game, not currently on, making dinner and watching tv lolz.~
Hi there, just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I may have made one of these way back when I started, but it's been months and months since I've been around so thought I should and hopefully find some friends
A little about me, let's see, you can call me Serey or Aya, most people go with Aya .-. I've been watching Dragonball, DBZ, since I was reallllllly little, think it was the first anime I ever watched. I love most animes, and I certainly love to talk about them. I'm also a big Flash/Arrow/SHIELD/Gotham fan. Anddddd I love cheese, fuzzy things, turtles, tennis, drawing, arts and graphic design
That's about it, if you wanna chat or ask me a question you can feel free to.
I'd say July or August. Hopefully July.