Welcome Ryndo
Pm if you need something, mine is Diogenes
Anyways enjoy the game
Posts by Nierdy
i am using windows 10 i have tried all these possible fixes nothing work..even with the version 1709
As I sad, try playing in windows 7 you won't get ANY frezes
I won't go as far to say you won't get any on windows 8, but i'm 90% sure it will fix most of the freezes -
And the 4 years I played TW, farm, learned all skill's in the game, the best way to farm and quest with all classes
The best gears, how to get it, how to craft
all the effort people put into learning the game itself
What happens with that if you change the game so it fits new people easily? -
But, i'm trying to make my point as
My game doesn't freezes
I'm pretty sure 90% of players having trouble with it
are using windows 8 or 10
And the game wasn't made for it -
First off, why do people even play this game? its 2018
I can only think off nostalgia, this is a 2010 game after all
This game does not reflect what the anime is anymore
Neither does it reflect how the game series has developed in this 8 years
Só why are people quitting?
First off, this isn't the game we wanted to play
Most of us
-I can't say for everybody, but I can say for everyone I know IRL that gave up on this project-
Its been 2 months since I last care about the game itself
I'm not a good player, I never did budokai
But I have every character available in the game, but only one character lvl 60
So I think I'm the right mood to give my honest opinion.
Why is it that I can't enjoy playing?
I tried every character in the game, but none of then seens to suit me well, why is that?
Because I'm not playing Dbo Taiwan anymore.
And that was the game I really liked in this first place, not DBOG
All the changes the staff made to the game, are for the most, great for developing the game
But, is only good for newcomers.
I don't think anyone that plays right know wants to play another game, Sendoku itself fits this example
He stoped playing Crane, because right now, this class isn't what he used to be.
and he already quit the game.I used to play a fighter in TW, that only had one skill "Strom Strike"
he's only purpose was to farm U-stones
and if you inded kept reading until now, you already know why I stoped playing
this fighter is not the character I wanted to play
and all those changes aren't good for the game
making changes is all about getting new people to play the game
But, this isn't going to work
as the fell who still playing now
Problably play since Tw or maybe even since Kr server got released
I don't know If i made a good point as my english is not that great, but I'm sure if this game keep changing that drastically
In a fell months all people that are left, will problably stop playing as well
Como eu disse, os horários podem ser alterados sem aviso prévio, eu não sou da staff, e simplesmente converti os horários para o horário de Brasília.
Com a ultima atualização o evento de esferas do dragão se tornou diário e com horários diferentes em todos os dias (exceto nas quintas)
Horários do Evento
Segunda-feira: das 07:00 h às 11:00 hTerça-feira: das 11:00 h às 15:00 h
Quarta-feira: das 15:00 h às 19:00 h
Sexta-feira: das 19:00 h às 23:00 h
Sábado: das 23:00 h às 03:00 h
Domingo: das 03:00 h às 07:00 h
Vale lembrar que os horários podem ser alterados sem aviso prévio.
Tudo corria normal ate eu chegar no lv 45, apos isso nunca mais consegui jogar em paz. O jogo fica fechando sozinho apos algum tempo entre 20 a 30 minutos, Abri um ticket no suporte aqui do fórum e foi dito pra verificar a segurança do meu PC. Removi o WinDefender do meu PC, desativei o Firewall do win e mesmo assim não resolveu nada. Efetuei um novo download do jogo instalei e nada, Formatei um HD instalei o Windows 7 tudo certinho com drives, .net framework, VS e tudo que é necessário mesmo assim continuo com o mesmo problema, o jogo fecha apos alguns minuto.
Agora vem a sacanagem, você espera a semana todinha pelo evento das esferas e quando vc ta procurando a esfera e acha, a bixa dropa e quando vc vai pegar o maldito do jogo fecha SACANAGEM jogo bugado. Na hora de colocar cash é tudo fácil, eu mesmo já coloquei cash 3x iria colocar a quarta vez mas nem vou.... PAREI COM ESSE JOGO
não tem suporte nenhum.
Se um dia a equipe dbz global se dedicar mais com o suporte e os clientes talvez eu volte, se não espero outra equipe lançar o dbo online.
Deixo pra trás minha acc com kid clock e vários itens de cash lamentável
Te garanto que o problema é seu pc, eu mesmo tenho esse problema, como resolvi ? Não resolvi
A causa do problema é o Antivírus, como eu tenho 3 pcs, jogo em 2, e o que uso pra trabalho não jogo, porque não posso deixar sem antivirus, se você usar o Avast, te garanto só desinstalando pra resolver -
Q1: Look on that map, you need to do the quest in that order, at lvl's 15,21 and 30
I Couldn't find a human video, so I'll post a namek guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHTbzbgonSs
Q2: At lvl 29, you should have done a quest on the korin teleportation point, I'll post another guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-pRSooAoc
Q3: On Pre-Beta, you can reset all your skills paying zenny's, but you can only do that once a week, and everytime the servers restarts, it resets the countdown.
correction: swordsman has better lvl 70 base stats(skills). Nierdy
As i said, the only good thing SM's do, is PvP, that problably wont be the focus of a new player as he wont have good equipment
Ok. Which class are u and also once i summoned shenron and he gave me amazin armor
The game have quests that give you the Dragon Balls,
But, its like a tutorial for it
You have to actually drop they from mobs,
Dragon Ball Hunt Event: [Guide] Dragon Ball Wishes!
I'm lvl 56 FighterAnd lvl 46 Swordsman
and Lvl 42 PokoBtw, i starter Swordsman (Because i has lvl 40 Swordsman on Tw)
And them startet again on fighter because i didnt like the playstyle of SMAnyways, you can play which one you like better, SM's are cool asf
Did someone know a build and gear for fighter
thx for the help
What your level atm?
Maybe i can help you -
Os Baus, dropavam de mobs de um evento, do qual não está funcionando
Provavelmente vão arrumar esse evento antes do Open Beta, ou vão simplesmente tirar as chaves do game também
Porem, mais provável arrumarem o evento -
Welcome, be good and have fun
increasing base con would break of the pve sytem for ever i don't agree with u
Making mobs do more damage could solve this, i think
Swordsman isnt a bad class, but its too much focused on Pvp, if you dont enjoy PvP a lot, or is starting to play now, i think you should play Fighter, its an easier class, and its stronger than Swordsman right now
Btw, you have to get the 7 Dragon Balls and call shenglong for SsjAh, and you have to be lvl 40
my profile pic. looks better then this s***. No1 judge passive dodge its life saver vs every class if u faill on kd spam. Here have some fun killing some maggots https://tools.dboglobal.to/?to…0040400101510144501340040
Not everyone lives for Pvp, i dont care about pvp
So if you want to show how good you are at the game
Try doing this by teaching newers to play
Its better than being an asshole
Thank's for the build opining though