Posts by Box-head(boxbox)

    oh no I wanted feedback for my idea, yours was the best explanation so far other than daneos saying there is no new classes being implemented in dbo global cheers and thank you for the long thought out response

    While this idea would be cool in theory (especially since Xenoverse has it), I don't think the people here have the skill to program something like that. They would have to create new skills, new skill animations, new skill images, new character customization options, new animations for that, balance racial stats, create new classes and balance those, and many more things I'm probably not even aware of. Simply put, I don't think something like this is very plausible. My guess is most improvement focuses will be on balancing, adding something like night/day, minor yet important changes that aren't too complicated to set up yet improve overall gameplay.

    yea your good at seeing the full picture, i know theres like a 99.9999% chance of this not happening due to the amount of time and stuff u added in your comment. im justp utting out ideas thanks four ur input

    It's simpler than that. They just can reset all skills every character and they can sell Reset Books at the Cash Shop. Then If you are looking for a build cause you want to try some Class, do it now and you wont have any problem ^^

    If ur talking after the official release then Ill have to say no! bad idea then that means theres not much reason for a skill reset book. The main reason people buy reset book is to reset the points they used pre master quest. but to make myself sound like a hippocrete I hope your idea gets implemented

    Hey guys i saw on other threads about the engineer class will it be implemented and was wondering what was your thought on this i dont expect this to be implemented at all but if it does probably 3 years after open beta

    a freeza playable race backstory the freeza race a group of beings who utilize many different transformations to overcome problems and changing battle sutations, some members didnt agree with freeza and king cold's ways and defected to earth but since they arent from earth they never learned kaioken

    begining race galactic trooper
    basically they are a close range melee fighter with some energy attacks (similar stats to martial artist) no buffs as transformations provide good enough increase in stats

    transformation skills to learn in this race
    second form large freeza (brute enforcer) large increase in def, slight increase in atk learn at lvl 10
    thrid form (assault form) increase in atk and critical atk learned at lvl 15
    final form increase in atk and speed and dexerity learned at lvl 25

    galactic trooper at lvl 30 can choose 2 master classes

    Galactic Physic (specializes in long range aoe and dot attacks-similar to crane and turtle hermit) and Galactic Ruler (specializes in damage similar to sword)
    weapon hover pod (can also be used as drivable vehicle movement speed increase fo 10%) Weapon for Ruler Septre or mace

    skill for galactic physic skills
    freeza's super nova
    freeza s leviatation attack used on krillan
    golden form learnt at lvl 50 (increases atk and def but drains lp and ep)

    Skills for Ruler
    buff final form (increases atk and def reduction in speed) learnt at lvl 30
    golden form learnt at 40(increase atk and def and speed but drains ep and lp) similar drainging ability as kaioken

    feel free to ad ideas and comments below thanks :)

    another race idea could be the freeza race here me out
    freeza race ultilizes many transformations which helps them adapt for different combat situtations (cannot learn kaioken)
    the freeza race charactors body changes with each transformation (dah man im a noob at times)
    heres some examples of skills
    (ie first form learned at lvl 5 increase physical atk and def(engery and physical) reduce speed,during transformation
    second form (assault form) learn at lvl 15 increase in attack and critical damage increase during transformation
    third form learned at lvl 30 increase in attack and speed and dexterity

    i didnt really think this out it is a quick idea nothing more feel free to add input

    excellent brain storming i would make gun mech weak def like turtle hermit lvl since its main focus is far range enegery attacks

    Does anyone know if the game developers are planning to add the engineer class? I know that there are engineer experts but no engineer class. Was it just a DBO beta thiing that they never actually put in the game before they sht it down? were they ever going to add it? So i guess my question is, will there be an engineer class in DBOG?

    im glADY SOMEONE BROUGHT IT up thank u

    Stop troll him Daneos said that all the Characters will get a Full Skill Resets. Stop say that 'Daneos need money'.

    im tired of hearing everyone saying we want free this and that cash shop exist to keep up maintenance its common sense im not saying daneos needs money im thinking about the full picture sever cost money to run, but it is good news that daneos is giving full reset that basicially answer kamiraos question