Posts by RaMMy96

    No disrespect KZane, but it's too late now, I get it, shaddy practice from those guys, but still, tomorrow the pob is launching, why bother now?
    1 year has passed, and you came back with this? There's nothing you can do buddy, as i've said, tomorrow the pre-open beta is launching and you can finally get to play it as most of us. I'd still be respectful here, this community might not be too big, but still, don't do any negative on it, or the whole community might turn against you, or worse, Daneos could easly ban you. I'm sorry this happened to you, but you need to understand you can't do anything, you don't have any power on these guys, so please, be calm, and hey as i've said 2 time's now, tomorrow is the pob, you can play it from now on, have a good day and remain awesome!

    I've watched the dragon ball series for a long time and played this game back on the TW server, I'm looking for a guild that has a sense of humor (I won't get flamed for making a 9/11 joke XD or something dark), Preferably a team speak server, and a maybe not having young (5-12) children screaming in your ears on said TS server.

    P.S L English plz

    I'm in! xD

    This doesn't make any sense? You just said that you won't spend money on the game, so why would the prices affect you?

    I'm done, i'm fking done, this whole discution with you was just like a 30min lol match with an adc that goes full tank, have a good day

    that's why i would like daneos to use PaySafe Card as away to pay, i'll be glad to support the game, but that's the only way i can do it, with paysafe, so yeah Daneos please think about the people like me or RaMMy96 that can help the serv but cant.

    yes, please, PaySafe! if they add this method, it's done, I could spend some cash on this game, no problem

    I could support more than 5$, but I won't oppen a bank account only to support this game, I live in romania, this country is shit, so I don't see a point, opening a bank account, to pay 30+$ of fees every month just to support this game.
    I buy figurines and statues that go up to 400$, but that's because we here have online shops, where you can pay when the item gets home, that's my only problem here, not the money, maybe the money too, i won't play this game so much, more like 1 year at max and then move on to the next game, the point is, if they make something for me to pay without involving a credit card, deal.

    Guys, chill. Here's the only solution to avert getting Openbucks compatible Gift Card stuff into Point cards.
    I'd say if you have zeni that they are worthless, and don't have much use other than wasting space, then you can use a transfer from Zeni to Cash Coins in the shop.

    This makes it way easier to make a lot of Cash Shop points, plus you don't have to go to the Gift card Shop most of the time! Also, you can spend as much as you wanted for Dogis, and other cosmetic stuffz.

    This makes sense! +1

    then where is the game going to make any profits from? pay2win doesn't have to be amazing stuff, I'm only talking about stuff like dogis and bonus exp etc supplies..

    That's not even pay2win, pay2win is when a game sells cosmetics or anything micro-transaction related to players, so if you pay, you have an advantage over the players who don't, that's pay2win, aaand, i fking hate games that do that (*cough dota, ghost recon*)

    that's ridiculous. Dogis are MADE for making us pay. It's something unique, that's like the skin on LOL. the dogis are something that makes people different from the others, this is the thing that show that you can be unique, if everyone have the same dogis what's the point on wearing these ?

    IK these should be unique, so, i get the point, but still, you gave lol as an example, now lol has a mechanic where with a free chest that you get from matches, and also free keys, you can open them, and get a free skin.
    As long as this game doesn't turn into those type of mmorpg's games, pay to win, it's ok.
    And as of that, let's please move on, and not go forward with this discution, it get's to a weird and retarded point, and I just don't want to look like that spoiled retard on a game, thanks for the valid points why dogis should be payd. <3