SViper Is a shiny magikarp
Posts by CookieMonster
Everyone can play classes, but mastering is a different matter which makes all of them diffucult.
We should stick together and it would be more fun to see dbog crowded with players it will give a nice feeling and we can meet up with alot of people who are new or
old players so I would say give us more channels.
transformation as well not sure how that going to work with kid buu and giant namek tho
It was stated that transformations weren't buffs.
CookieMonster see you in open beta, I wanted to kick your ass in POB but then I will wait OB for that.
Don't you dare to leave DBOG, I expect you in OB.
You bet and it will be soon.
ClickBait too strong.
Hello guys, I'm officially quitting I want to thank everyone on my journey in pre open beta and thank you all for supporting me when I needed you all and I hope I see everyone back in open beta take care everyone.
Some pictures ..
Trying out some ranked with Plasma.
Newu =w= video I did pretty bad since I'm its my first plasma and still trying to learn :3
with much love for the saibaman
I opened here cc25 capsules that I farmed whole day enjoy
You should Just go ahead and Rank when you want not cause its pre open beta, the more experience you get with pvp the better you get even if you have a huge lose streak.
Fight Dendeee next.
I don't think he plays anymore.
C'mon now, really.........really? theres no need to hate on us or cookie for showing some good ranked matches
Till Next Time-
Haha no need to take it serious he is a good friend and he likes to make jokes ;3
New video enjoy guys.
New video against Csir
My recent video