Posts by hawx

    Why you dont make a direct payment by bank where people can introduce in the message for receiver their login name and you give them cash :x .. a lot of people can't buy a founder pack cause PipiLoad says that their payment system has been blocked ..

    I must give credit to you, you are one of those players who have time and play to find all the bugs, also you go for the nostalgia! I wish i had more time :)

    Anyways, even if there's no adult quest, can you get the master class skills? or it is not possible as of this moment?


    At the moment is impossible ot get master class... You can become adult if you're able to get kid clock.. asi Saito said .. the place where is Korin is also a dungeon so we have to wait untill the whole PVE system is done ..

    -Me : Daneos, Saito is way stronger than us. We can't beat him.. We have to become one ..
    - Daneos : I will never join someone like you hmh...
    - Me : Daneos everyone will be killed !! Even Trunks and Bulma !!
    - Daneos : Damn !! I have no choice ...
    :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: WRONG FINGER :!: :!:

    Hope that this time im not making another suggestion which was mentioned before .. Well as you could experience (specially translators) there are sooo much people arround asking for passive skills .. Is there any way to put them for example in the gift box so then the player don't have to be bothering arround and asking GM's to give it them. Yes i am also one of the people without passives after the reset but i think that is good idea do it this way if we cant enter to TLQs.. I hope that noone mentioned this before and that Daneos didn't said anything about this (i used search box to look for similar thread but i didnt find it ) .. So what do you say guys ? :)

    Yeah as Nady said .. this damned upgrade system is out of range ... with 60 yes 60 !!! purple stones i was not able to upgrade more than +8 .. INSANE

    TBH I would love to do this but they actually use the same texture and just change the name ingame. thus I change the texture for one they all change ahahahaha.

    Saito what about if we add to those id names textures of unused mobs .. saw many of them in tex(1-60).pak files ..

    i can help also.. ive done some modifications to my dbo when it was working on tw server .. got complete goku look even with the face expression and all that stuff .. algo modified pretty fine some dogis .. can't post images of it right now cause my college is in other country

    UD drop would be fine ... then it will depend on your luck .. you can get rare item o rare dogi :) also some special dogis should be avible only in cash shop ;)