Screen Name :qwerty56578
Age: 17
Availability: I am online everyday for a total of 7-8 hours, check all news, speaking to friends and such.And I answer any question regarding the game, avoiding any sorts of flame spam and such.
Leangue: Italian 100% english 50%How Can You Help DBOG:improve the users experience, by helping newbies in any way I can, sanctioning and punishing only when necessary
If One Of Your Friends Broke A Rule On Our Forum What Would You Do:If one of my friends, guildmates or whatever else, were to break the rules, I would correct them like anyone else.
Anything else you want us to know:
I'am an avid Dragonball Z fan,i have played Dragon Ball Online since the korean open beta and am willing to help create and build on the best community possible for these forums.Nothing else beside that. If it is required, I would be glad to provide any kind of suggestion regarding the forum, when it is needed. If any other information about myself would be required, I would be glad to answer in the best way I can. -
Screen Name :qwerty56578
Age: 17
Availability: I am online everyday for a total of 7-8 hours, check all news, speaking to friends and such.And I answer any question regarding the game, avoiding any sorts of flame spam and such.
Leangue: Italian 100% english 50%How Can You Help DBOG:improve the users experience, by helping newbies in any way I can, sanctioning and punishing only when necessary
If One Of Your Friends Broke A Rule On Our Forum What Would You Do:If one of my friends, guildmates or whatever else, were to break the rules, I would correct them like anyone else.
Anything else you want us to know:
I'am an avid Dragonball Z fan,i have played Dragon Ball Online since the korean open beta and am willing to help create and build on the best community possible for these forums.Nothing else beside that. If it is required, I would be glad to provide any kind of suggestion regarding the forum, when it is needed. If any other information about myself would be required, I would be glad to answer in the best way I can. -
Screen Name: Tsunayoshi21
Age: 15Availability: Im usually online daily. I try to help people who dont have the english patch get it. I also try to party lower levels to help them complete quests if they ask me for help.
Language You're Fluent In? English.
How can you help DBOG? I will try my best to help lower levels. f i have the permission i would love to help translate the English patch so that it makes more sense than it already does.
If one of your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do? Punish him. Friend or not a rule is a rule.
Anything else you want us to know? Nothing really except that I would love to become a mod although its completely your choice. Thanks for taking the time of reading this.
Screen Name: Tsunayoshi21
Age: 15Availability: Im usually online daily. I try to help people who dont have the english patch get it. I also try to party lower levels to help them complete quests if they ask me for help.
Language You're Fluent In? English.
How can you help DBOG? I will try my best to help lower levels. f i have the permission i would love to help translate the English patch so that it makes more sense than it already does.
If one of your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do? Punish him. Friend or not a rule is a rule.
Anything else you want us to know? Nothing really except that I would love to become a mod although its completely your choice. Thanks for taking the time of reading this.
Nome de Tela: Pablo Henrique
Idade: 19
Disponibilidade: Eu jogo DBO a muitos anos desde a época do original , lembro de tudo e sei como funciona todas Quest , sempre estou online pois ultimamente eu estudo , e faço cursos e sempre estou conectado ao fórum
Idioma Você é fluente no? Portugues , Japones , posso ajudar os brasileiros a ter um desenvolvimento pois uma grande parte dos Br jogam mas com poucas informaçoes e como eu falo japones posso ajudar no desempenho , eu joguei o DBO original por muito , muito, tempo nao tem nada que eu n saiba desse game ..
Como você pode ajudar DBOG? Como eu disse , eu conheço o game inteiro classes , Quest e tudo mais , quero ajudar a transforma ele no original , volta a ser grandioso como sempre , com informações , falar sobre o game , ajudar as pessoas a transforma-lo e reporta os bugs pois ja conheco todos se eu estiver na equipe creio que vo fazer grande diferença no game para melhor desempenho
Se um de seu amigo quebrou uma regra no nosso fórum o que você faria? eu ja fui adm de outros fóruns e quando isso acontece devemos chamar atenção do individuo se caso ele persistir no erro levaremos para os outros admistradores e eles saberam oque fazer , pois n podemos banir sem a opniao dos outros
Qualquer coisa que você quer que a gente sabe?Joguei isso por mts anos no antigo , tive todas classes e fui um dos ranking , conheco muita coisa , conheco esse game mais que a maioria que joga isso , ate mesmo mais que os admistradores do servidor , posso ajudar o game a desenvolver de uma forma incrivel ! -
Nome de Tela: Pablo Henrique
Idade: 19
Disponibilidade: Eu jogo DBO a muitos anos desde a época do original , lembro de tudo e sei como funciona todas Quest , sempre estou online pois ultimamente eu estudo , e faço cursos e sempre estou conectado ao fórum
Idioma Você é fluente no? Portugues , Japones , posso ajudar os brasileiros a ter um desenvolvimento pois uma grande parte dos Br jogam mas com poucas informaçoes e como eu falo japones posso ajudar no desempenho , eu joguei o DBO original por muito , muito, tempo nao tem nada que eu n saiba desse game ..
Como você pode ajudar DBOG? Como eu disse , eu conheço o game inteiro classes , Quest e tudo mais , quero ajudar a transforma ele no original , volta a ser grandioso como sempre , com informações , falar sobre o game , ajudar as pessoas a transforma-lo e reporta os bugs pois ja conheco todos se eu estiver na equipe creio que vo fazer grande diferença no game para melhor desempenho
Se um de seu amigo quebrou uma regra no nosso fórum o que você faria? eu ja fui adm de outros fóruns e quando isso acontece devemos chamar atenção do individuo se caso ele persistir no erro levaremos para os outros admistradores e eles saberam oque fazer , pois n podemos banir sem a opniao dos outros
Qualquer coisa que você quer que a gente sabe?Joguei isso por mts anos no antigo , tive todas classes e fui um dos ranking , conheco muita coisa , conheco esse game mais que a maioria que joga isso , ate mesmo mais que os admistradores do servidor , posso ajudar o game a desenvolver de uma forma incrivel ! -
Screen Name: Evolutive110
Age: 20
Availability: I am online pretty much everyday for a total of 8-9 hours, checking for the news, speaking to friends and such. I'm pretty much ready to answer any question regarding the game, avoiding any sorts of flame, spam and such. Speaking about time, from a general perspective, I tend to login after lunch and logout during late evening, frequently checking new posts from my phone whenever I'm out.
Language You're Fluent In: Italian, English, and a little bit of French.
How can tou help DBOG? By avoiding any sort of chaos If/and wherever possible. I tend not to make any kind of promises, but I can say without doubt that I will do my best in that regard, as little as it is, to improve the users experience, by helping newbies in any way I can, sanctioning and punishing only when necessary. Else, I'd be glad to accept the consequences of my doing, if I were to be considered unsuitable for the role.
If your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do? As a student of law, I consider any sort of judgement to be equal and valid based on the situation and the law in force. If one of my friends, guildmates, or whatever else, were to break the rules, I would correct them like anyone else. And like anyone else, I would gladly try to help them improve, if that's what is needed.
Anything else you want us to know? I have played Dragon Ball Online since the Korean Open Beta, and I've been following the non-oriental communnity pretty much since launch, having been a moderator in other 2 forums regarding DBO content. I may be busy with exams and such from time to time, but that's just everyone's everyday-like problems. Nothing else beside that. If it is required, I would be glad to provide any kind of suggestion regarding the forum, when it is needed. If any other information about myself would be required, I would be glad to answer in the best way I can.
Screen Name: Evolutive110
Age: 20
Availability: I am online pretty much everyday for a total of 8-9 hours, checking for the news, speaking to friends and such. I'm pretty much ready to answer any question regarding the game, avoiding any sorts of flame, spam and such. Speaking about time, from a general perspective, I tend to login after lunch and logout during late evening, frequently checking new posts from my phone whenever I'm out.
Language You're Fluent In: Italian, English, and a little bit of French.
How can tou help DBOG? By avoiding any sort of chaos If/and wherever possible. I tend not to make any kind of promises, but I can say without doubt that I will do my best in that regard, as little as it is, to improve the users experience, by helping newbies in any way I can, sanctioning and punishing only when necessary. Else, I'd be glad to accept the consequences of my doing, if I were to be considered unsuitable for the role.
If your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do? As a student of law, I consider any sort of judgement to be equal and valid based on the situation and the law in force. If one of my friends, guildmates, or whatever else, were to break the rules, I would correct them like anyone else. And like anyone else, I would gladly try to help them improve, if that's what is needed.
Anything else you want us to know? I have played Dragon Ball Online since the Korean Open Beta, and I've been following the non-oriental communnity pretty much since launch, having been a moderator in other 2 forums regarding DBO content. I may be busy with exams and such from time to time, but that's just everyone's everyday-like problems. Nothing else beside that. If it is required, I would be glad to provide any kind of suggestion regarding the forum, when it is needed. If any other information about myself would be required, I would be glad to answer in the best way I can.
Screen Name: MangiaZuppa
Availability: Almost all the Day.
Language You´re Fluent in? : Italian, English and a little bit of German.
How can you help DBOG? I can at least explain new stuffs for the new players that wants to try this game.
Among the other things, i have a new Teamspeak´s server for all the new players that wants to connect and speak between them.If one of your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do?:First of all i would try to speak with him and let me explain why he did so. Then i´ll try to ask someone else like me (Super Moderator, Moderator ecc) which is the best way to punish him.
Anything else you want us to know?: Actually, how i said, im a really Available person, especially now (im going to a German School, after i came here in German from Italy: so i can do my homeworks ecc. very fast.) By the way, im going to be very equal to all the people of this Forum.
Screen Name: MangiaZuppa
Availability: Almost all the Day.
Language You´re Fluent in? : Italian, English and a little bit of German.
How can you help DBOG? I can at least explain new stuffs for the new players that wants to try this game.
Among the other things, i have a new Teamspeak´s server for all the new players that wants to connect and speak between them.If one of your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do?:First of all i would try to speak with him and let me explain why he did so. Then i´ll try to ask someone else like me (Super Moderator, Moderator ecc) which is the best way to punish him.
Anything else you want us to know?: Actually, how i said, im a really Available person, especially now (im going to a German School, after i came here in German from Italy: so i can do my homeworks ecc. very fast.) By the way, im going to be very equal to all the people of this Forum.
Screen Name: Mercy
Age: 21
Availability: Almost 4 or 5 hour, depending on the stability of the server
Language You're Fluent In?: Spanish very fluent
How can you help DBOG?: it might help to remove the doubt of the players are latino, both how old and new players, that sometimes the old players cause rumors and produce that new players will get confused and maintain order both in the forum how to within the game.
If one of your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do?:first I would warn you that this has been done by breaking the rules, if it does not capture the rules would have to take drastic steps for that subject does not matter if it is my brother or a friend the rules are the rules.
Anything else you want us to know?: I am a person that takes very seriously the things, that when it comes to talking serious about what I do and I don't have games but I can also be a friendly person and respectful and there is respect, respect you will have from my hand, so I take it very seriously in what I can and can't do.
Screen Name: Mercy
Age: 21
Availability: Almost 4 or 5 hour, depending on the stability of the server
Language You're Fluent In?: Spanish very fluent
How can you help DBOG?: it might help to remove the doubt of the players are latino, both how old and new players, that sometimes the old players cause rumors and produce that new players will get confused and maintain order both in the forum how to within the game.
If one of your friend broke a rule on our forum what would you do?:first I would warn you that this has been done by breaking the rules, if it does not capture the rules would have to take drastic steps for that subject does not matter if it is my brother or a friend the rules are the rules.
Anything else you want us to know?: I am a person that takes very seriously the things, that when it comes to talking serious about what I do and I don't have games but I can also be a friendly person and respectful and there is respect, respect you will have from my hand, so I take it very seriously in what I can and can't do.
Screen Name: ShibaJuice
Age: 16
Availability: Almost 24/7 (I have no life haha)Language Fluent In: English, French, and Chinese.
How can you Help DBOG? Quality over quantity. I'll ensure grammatically correct English and devotion to making this MMORPG the best there is.
What would you do if your friend broke a rule on the Forum? Politely inform them of the rule they broke, remove their "error" and ask politely not to do it again. There will be no 3 strikes. If you avoid my warning, there'll be consequences.
Anything Else you Want Us To Know? I've been a fan of this project since it bloomed and have been anxiously waiting for the Pre-Open Beta. I'm a huge fan of DBOG and Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super in general, have been since the age of 3. I'm a 16 year old guy, active on Facebook and Skype pretty much 24/7, except for those times I take naps. Other than that, I'm usually always awake. I'm a hardworker and excel when working with/around other people. Thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope we may get in touch soon.
Screen Name: ShibaJuice
Age: 16
Availability: Almost 24/7 (I have no life haha)Language Fluent In: English, French, and Chinese.
How can you Help DBOG? Quality over quantity. I'll ensure grammatically correct English and devotion to making this MMORPG the best there is.
What would you do if your friend broke a rule on the Forum? Politely inform them of the rule they broke, remove their "error" and ask politely not to do it again. There will be no 3 strikes. If you avoid my warning, there'll be consequences.
Anything Else you Want Us To Know? I've been a fan of this project since it bloomed and have been anxiously waiting for the Pre-Open Beta. I'm a huge fan of DBOG and Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super in general, have been since the age of 3. I'm a 16 year old guy, active on Facebook and Skype pretty much 24/7, except for those times I take naps. Other than that, I'm usually always awake. I'm a hardworker and excel when working with/around other people. Thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope we may get in touch soon.
Screen Name: Vindictus
Age: 23Availability: Siempre Activo.
Language Fluent In: Español, pero tambien manejo un poco el Ingles.¿Cómo puede ayudar DBOG?
Ayudaria en mantener la estabilidad y gemonia dentro y fuera del servicio DBOG.Si uno de tus amigos se rompió una regla en nuestro foro ¿qué harías?
Algo más que quieras que sepamos?Le daria una advertencia, Si por otra razón volviera a incumplirlas actuaria mendiantes a las Reglas planteadas y verificaria con el STAFF que tipo de sanción se le aplicaria de acuerdo a las Normas.
Soy Fans del Foro y siempre activo a la hora de responder cualquier Duda o inquietud que tenga algun usuario, Espero que porque hable español No me quite meritos a ejercer dicho cargo.
Tengo conocimientos a la hora de prestar soporte, si algun usuario tiene problemas a la hora de ingresar al juego.
Tambien queria hacerles saber que ahora cuento con una pagina WEB "Dragon Ball Online Global Latinoamerica" hay posteo todas las actualizaciones e informaciones relacionada con el servicio DBOG.
Sin mas nada que decir Suerte a los postulados. (Y)
Screen Name: Vindictus
Age: 23Availability: Siempre Activo.
Language Fluent In: Español, pero tambien manejo un poco el Ingles.¿Cómo puede ayudar DBOG?
Ayudaria en mantener la estabilidad y gemonia dentro y fuera del servicio DBOG.Si uno de tus amigos se rompió una regla en nuestro foro ¿qué harías?
Algo más que quieras que sepamos?Le daria una advertencia, Si por otra razón volviera a incumplirlas actuaria mendiantes a las Reglas planteadas y verificaria con el STAFF que tipo de sanción se le aplicaria de acuerdo a las Normas.
Soy Fans del Foro y siempre activo a la hora de responder cualquier Duda o inquietud que tenga algun usuario, Espero que porque hable español No me quite meritos a ejercer dicho cargo.
Tengo conocimientos a la hora de prestar soporte, si algun usuario tiene problemas a la hora de ingresar al juego.
Tambien queria hacerles saber que ahora cuento con una pagina WEB "Dragon Ball Online Global Latinoamerica" hay posteo todas las actualizaciones e informaciones relacionada con el servicio DBOG.
Sin mas nada que decir Suerte a los postulados. (Y)
Screen Name: Taizamo/Izamo
Age: 16
Availability: Most of the Summer (Some days after 11 A.M)Language Fluent In: English (Currently Studying Spanish)
How Can you Help DBOG? I will devote time and effort to improving the enjoyment and quality others experience from the game and help with anything that I am able to or can.
What would you do if your friend broke a rule on the Forum? I would advise him that rules are rules and if it would happen again that there would be consequences.(Depending on the Rule Broken, I would immediately punish)
Anything Else you Want Us To Know? I am and have been a big fan of DBO and all of it's content since the beginning. I have followed DBOG Since the program was first started and just seeing it develop makes me want to help and improve as well.
Screen Name: Taizamo/Izamo
Age: 16
Availability: Most of the Summer (Some days after 11 A.M)Language Fluent In: English (Currently Studying Spanish)
How Can you Help DBOG? I will devote time and effort to improving the enjoyment and quality others experience from the game and help with anything that I am able to or can.
What would you do if your friend broke a rule on the Forum? I would advise him that rules are rules and if it would happen again that there would be consequences.(Depending on the Rule Broken, I would immediately punish)
Anything Else you Want Us To Know? I am and have been a big fan of DBO and all of it's content since the beginning. I have followed DBOG Since the program was first started and just seeing it develop makes me want to help and improve as well.
screen name: jaden0510
availability: anytime after 3:45
language fluent in?: French and English but my home country is America
how can I help dbog?: ban hackers and spammers and translate things to English and French
if my friend broke a rule on forum?: I would mute them or if it escalates worse ban
anything else u wanna know?: I'm jaden and I am 23 and I have a bit of skill with electronics and tech.