Posts by Garek

    Goku (Post T.O.P/Base): 380,000,000,000,000,000

    it wouldn't be easier just 380 x 5 (000) ... or something like that xD

    there are a lot of zeros haha

    I'm not sure, I want to gather some statistics from what the players are doing first, and see where we are at from there.

    Verdant i need to apologize you , now i understand where the conflict was in maths .. i was using the discount only on money and not on UStones 😑

    I understand every 10% is deducted a UStone from the recipe .. right ?

    UStone for recipe

    5= 10% , 4=20%, 3=30%, 2=40%, 1=50%

    Something like that .. or im still wrong?

    if possible answer some final questions and stop bothering you 🤭

    1- the recipes to reach 50% discount can be applied even not earning more exp of the recipe in question... example the recipe is lv.5 and I'm already lv25 of crafting.. is it just the amount of 1000? Yes or No ?

    2- @craftsman .. do you have to have the game system turned on in the chat ? Yes or No?

    3- has the exp per level changed? or continues .. 25/20/15/10/5? Yes or No?

    Are you sure this math is right? I don't remember spending so much last time I leveled crafting.

    I know it sounds like an exaggeration but I'm 100% sure I'm correct...

    you probably have your own testing server enter it lets your character level 25 craft without title enable and test to make from u14 to u56 only with Crafts to see how much zeny you will spend... you can use my mathematical example as a base and then with titles from 10% to 50%

    You don't need the max title to get discounts though, the lower titles give discounts as well.

    total expense without discounts ..

    84kk (average)

    With discounts 👇

    10% 75kk (average)

    20% 67kk (average)

    30% 58kk (average)

    40% 50kk (average)

    50% 42kk (average)

    just the set ! (chest/pants/boots)

    imagine now adding the gloves and subweapons .. how expensive it would be.

    sorry i'm being so boring , i just wanted something more affordable for everyone

    You are talking about the prices for upgrading kits, yes? I am not sure, I am waiting to gather some statistics to see how many people get +15 how fast, with these new discounts.

    Yes about that ... lIke as I said... for players who play 24/7 it's easy and fast to get +15 but for players who play little... just like me to gather this exorbitant amount of money is something very difficult and even disheartening, you say you will see how it will be with the discounts .. it will be easier only for this type of players ... try a test with this price that I gave as an example in the post above, so it will be more accessible, you can be sure that the return of people liking it will be much higher, as I said sorry to always complain about it I just want something more accessible to everyone


    look .. an idea I had if you can implement about prices .. would be the following

    current price by recipe

    50.000 u29

    100.000 u42

    150.000 u56

    a new price by recipe

    20,000 u29

    40.000 u42

    60.000 u56

    doing the math as I said (chest / pants / boots) would look like

    34kk (average) if you want to get full +15

    and using the same discounts...

    10% 30kk (average)

    20% 27kk (average)

    30% 23kk (average)

    40% 20kk (average)

    50% 17kk (average)

    an that for me it would be easier for ALL PLAYERS to have the chance to get a +15 set

    because I can already imagine future updates of stones

    when to put level 60 there would probably be a u62 for the price I imagine it will be about 200k per recipe

    and even more when you are level 70 probably a u70 about 250k per recipe

    and if you follow the pattern that I think is good it would be 80,000 u62 and then 100,000 u70

    I know I can be annoying for always complaining about it .. but I think it's fairer for players who play little or just for fun who end up because of things like this not enjoying 100% of the game

    Hello my friend! I am not sure what you mean. Even the first title gives a discount, you don't need the max one only. They all give discounts.

    but it was like I said .. doing the math .. even with 50% off total .. you would spend about 42kk .. just the set (chest/pants/boots) as I informed ..

    imagine adding the gloves and subweapon

    example .. total expense without discounts ..

    84kk (average)

    10% 75kk (average)

    20% 67kk (average)

    30% 58kk (average)

    40% 50kk (average)

    50% 42kk (average)

    just the set ! (chest/pants/boots)

    imagine now adding the gloves and subweapons .. how expensive it would be ..

    but as I said .. it's my opnion for players like me who play little .. for those who play alot ... "24/7" is easy

    about Disassembling

    it's perfect... I just didn't like the prices which in my opinion are still too high.

    ia usar o tradutor mas achei que ficaria meio confuso por isso estou usando a minha língua nativa xD

    Olha sinceramente gostei muito da atualização mas ficou fora dos limites de muitos e muitos jogadores foi o preço, por mais que consiga ainda 50% de desconto .

    (a nao ser que voce seja os players afk ou que ficam 24/7 no jogo)

    como sao a cada 5 peças independende do nivel voce consegue uma de outro .. (ex. 5 u14 = 1 u29) e assim por diante

    fzendo as contas a risca .. tirando as de drop porque u42 e u56 é quase nula a chance de drop (na minha opnião comparada as u14/u29)

    voce precisa de 225 peças u42 pra fazer 45 u56 (peito/calça/bota +15 ) e o preço é 150.000 por receita totalizando = 6,750,000

    calculando isso mediante as outras ficaria assim

    u14 5625 (peças) fazendo as receitas para obter as u29 50.000 = 56kk (em media) total = 1125

    u29 1125 (peças) fazendo as Receitas para Obter as U42 100.000 = 22kk (em media ) total = 225

    u42 225 (peças) fazendo as receitas para obter as u56 150.000 = 6kk (em media) total = 45

    u56 45 (peças)

    totalizando 84kk em media .. isso que nem coloquei as luvas e subarmas

    mesmo que nesse meio tempo o player teria algumas u29 ou u42 de drop (u56 acho muito dificil) mas digo em media ainda sim gastaria uns 60 a 70kk

    e ate o player conseguir chegar aos 50% de desconto (titulo) ficaria uns 42kk por ai só o set .. (peito/calça/bota)

    ja vai gastar muita grana só de chegar ate lvl 35 de craft ... sei que pra muitos jogadores podem dizer .. ahh eu consigo isso em uma semana mas e para aqueles assim como eu que jogam pouco... poxa fica quase que impossivel .. vai conseguir apenas farmando? seria mais facil chegar a um lvl80 do que ter o dinheiro .. pois se for depender do leilão .. uma u56 quase 7 ou 6 kk ja fica inviavel

    é minha opnião pessoal .. sei que muitos vão descordar ... mas para mim era mais facil deixar a mesma % de drophate para as u42 e u56 igual das u14 /u29 que a cada duas ordas de mobs voce consegue pelo menos 4 de cada e enquanto a cada 40 ordas de mob voce consegue 1 u42 e 0 u56

    : thumbdown: : rolar os olhos:

    most likely not ... because if not even a freeza saga the original came to an end, but in a way the famous dragon ball XenoVerse 1 and 2 would be a "successor" to dbo as the story relies heavily on the original game

    you can keep buying without fear that it will exceed 2000 normally... I believe the message was at the time of the official server

    some earrings cannot be used in the equip box to change the status like those of mudosa or Sheron, but earrings and even the necklace we can change ... any future updates to fix this?:thumbup:

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean my friend! O.O

    sorry my bad english 🤭😅 (Google Translator)

    I mean if the dragonball of the wagu boxes ... can influence the drop dragonball (killing mobs)

    example .. I have 4 db (boxes) and 5 drops totaling 9 (with number of repeated stars) .... the game identifies that they are different or if I kill a mob with a db icon it would not fall at all or appear in the shape of a stone thinking I already have 7 ?🤔🤔🤔

    the ev dragonball may have some influence on the drop dragonballs?

    I got the golden one that gave me seven (I made the wish) then I got the blue one that gave me four or three I don't remember for sure ... but I also have five that I got in drops has some influence because two that came in the box has the same number of stars as I have to drop if you happen to see a mob with one of them may have some influence because it has more than 7 in the inventory

    I have a different opinion about vehicles (*please note my opinion only represents me and not the dbog team on this manner)

    having the vehicles and fuel as not a permanent fixture is a good thing as it works as a forum of zeni sink for the game to the non casher maybe add red fuel in token shop.

    as for the cashier I think fuel is fine as it is.

    yes box I talked about the cash because that was what came to my head first haha xD

    tokens can also be used for liquid fuel S3 (permanent) is perhaps a more "viable"

    Daneos it would be possible to leave the Liquid Fuel by cash (pernament) just like the motorcycles / cars because I think it's a bit sad to always have to buy several times .. as long as it lasts up to 30 days (that's enough) I in my opinion could be permanent could even increase prices but make them permanent