Posts by Danrix

    Hey @Neofito You need to learn they everyone has a opinion. I've recently seen a video of some guy showing how to get super sayian and he opened up tokens to check his value he had and I seen gotenks clothing and stones going up to u70 or lesser than u70 I seen it clearly. I would have to use up 3 good days to find that video again. So I refer you watch ur mouth cause that bullying and you shouldn't make people feel bad. You clearly have never seen the video so don't say shit about it.

    2nd time saying this plz link the video XD jk dont CAUSE THERE IS NO VIDEO

    Cool. Besides Genocide Blast, what are the best AoE skills for solo grinding with Karma? I'm trying to do a PVP Group build in which I can decently solo farm in Papaya, be useful in groups and can 1vs1 decently too. You know... a lot of confusion. lol

    for karma u can use auto attacks with kaikoen and speed buff for farming but its boring asf so use kid buu much better.

    And here some info about karma, plasma.

    about plasma and karma here u go a small mini essay on them
    Plasma is a PVE god thhey have high focus, Hit rate, E crit rate and a lot of CD. They can go from using aoes with there drums which are spammable depending of gear or go straight into kid buu and naughtyword shit up. Plasma has the strongest kid buu attacks.
    PVP wise they are great for 5vs5 but not 1vs1. They can be good 1v1 but noone has tried it. In 5vs5 they can give a dex/cd buff to everyone, they can AOE KD the opposition and they have a debuff that allows there team to now get stun/fear/confused.

    Karmas are a time precision based pvp class. They have high success rate and high focus. Along with that they have a high Energy defense passive making them a mini tank. They have a skill lock that can be spammed if used right along with a AOE confuse, single confuse, single stun. They are an overall success based class. For 5vs5, They can AOE confuse the opposition which can guarentee there team a victory if used right. PVE wise they aren't that needed, unless the party really wants speed. For PVE they can provide buffs like Resistance/Antibleed and Focus buff. They do have strong kid buu attacks

    ikr he just wants dogi to added XD

    In the original Dbo I seen there was U stones up to u70 in the token shop so daneos probably too them out and will put them back later when the bugs are fixed with them oh and there where better dogis like gotenks clothing for 45k tokens so he took them out prob and when all issues are fixed (Open beta) then he might put them back.

    there wasnt lol link the video plz

    no this is just dumb adding ustones to 70 no lol.
    we dont want everyone to have 15+ lvl 70 gear plus daneous changed the upgrade system where the item doenst dissappear when its broken so no bad idea.

    Wait? Kaioken doesn't stack critical hit rate anymore? What's the purpose of leveling the skill & using more than Kaioken x1 then?

    Daneous will add critical rate on kaikoen until he fixes the stats for everything.

    you build is a mess of melee attack, energie attacks, pvp and pve builds together holy crap
    you must decide you want pvp or pve you want melee or range

    hybrit build on fight are so useless

    they can play hybrid just more sp on thunder and kaioken

    I remember Daneos Writing about DEX changes and such a month or two ago, try looking in the Global Update Thread or search for DEX changes in the search bar. I'm unsure on Status resistances in this server.

    1 dex = .5 stats resistance
    1 focus = .5 sucess rate

    all classes have 100 sucess rate from lvl 0

    this is exacly why we have this test server bro. people make mistakes, now when the real deal starts if people want an ok build they can either one go look for it in the forums or two try to make one themself. it's not a loss, only if you choose to fuck it up again when open beta is here

    not everyone play pre open beta they prefer to wait for open beta mattey.
    Daneous clearly said everything will be deleted so why would some new players waste their time into something thats gonna be delted?

    ufff way to much work,dont want to burn myself before beta is out hehe
    i would apreciate some tips on leveling a namekian warrior,want to get started on my future shadow knight,tried google but havent come up with anything,some tips and advice on what skills to choose and max would be nice.


    DW are king the of farming u dont need gear so if u wanna earn zeni cause SM gear is really expensive make a DW first reach lvl 70 and sell ustones

    for DW have a read at Sendoku's guide, i never played DW

    and for SK pve…0010015254410010433003401
