Posts by Kamekameman

    when is the next update its getting boring and hard after lvl 40 ?

    Global Update Thread

    right at the bottom,post from Daneos...

    * Info

    These Updates and bug fixes are not applied on the pre-open beta server yet. We will write an announcement once it is applied. Questions about when it will be applied are going to be removed and user might receive a warning/bann!

    -dragon ball and dragon ball z (i count them as one)
    -dungeons and dragons

    shame its only a list of 5,left out a whole bunch more,one i have to mention that would be my 6th choice would have to be muscleman hehe.

    this is the closest thing i could find in youtube,but i watched the original one,this is from the 2nd generation.

    Even if that was the proper analogy, appetisers aren't meant to fill you up. I'll also point out why my analogy makes more sense. You are missing the dislike factor in yours. Again, many will use the stone to skip the 10-33 because they're sick and tired of it.

    Your analogy would make sense if the stone wasn't added to the game.
    Remember the premise of our analogies are about game content WITH the stone. Don't miss out that factor. let me get this straight,if they are sick and tired of leveling to level 33 then that must mean they have done it before,so where is exactly is the problem?

    if they have done it before it means they have other characters which in that case would allow them to buy the stone :rolleyes:

    just seems to me that you want a server filled with new players that took the easy route and are now spammin the chat with questions which they could have learned by themselves if THEY ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME

    restricting people from voicing their own opinions?

    what opinions would that be exactly?

    its a simple concept,my analogy maybe a bit off but if you cant understand it then we have bigger issues.

    if you skip content you are actually shaving off hours of your game time,now now i know how mmo players like it these days,if they could they would skip the grind by paying some money and login and look at their new max level heroe,then go to the mailbox and pick up all the shinny top level gear and bam there you have it.

    i on the other hand play the game a bit differently,i dont consider it a grind,its part of the game that is why i enjoy,people wanting to inmediately jump levels and skip content are completely missing the true purpose of mmos,but hey who am i to tell you how to play,right?

    now yeah im not well versed in dbo but is dbo a revolutionary mmo that invented the wheel? answer is a big resounding NO.
    this is a themepark mmo so yeah its a pretty easy concept which hasnt changed much in the last 15 years,level up a character,reach level cap,run dungeons for better gear so you can do raids and that is about it (not mentioning pvp because i dont partake in it)
    mmo is an mmo,im not saying dont have the books or stones available just have some sort of restriction on them,perfect choice would be have 1 character of each starting area and then you can get the book or stone.
    you got all 3 then go ahead and skip ahead all you want,in my honest opinion that is just plain lazyness but hey if you want it you got it.

    and about the complaining ive meet a ton of people like that in mmo forums,bwaa bwaa cry me a rive i got nothing to do this game SUCKS, then you reply to their post and ask them questions and it so happens that they havent done squat,no reputations,no crafting,no achievements,no knowledge of the history and story of the game they are playing...NOTHING,they just went ahead grinding like mad men just to reach max level so they could ''PwN'' everyone and everything.

    think what you will,not going to change my opinion.

    You have every right to complain about lack of content. A person's views and opinions shouldn't be dismissed just because they've skipped some parts of the game.

    yeah sorry that doesnt make sense,its like me going to the town fair,not use ANY of the rides and then complain and say that the town fair sucks because there isnt anything to do.

    if you skip content you have no right to complain about the lack of it,granted you can only complain about end level content but skipping those 33 levels should automatically devoid you of any right to complain that there isnt anything to do...

    quick note''

    sure have the level 33 book,stone but enforce the following law.

    ''any player with only 1 or 2 characters that has used the stone and COMPLAINS about lack of content will get an instant ban''

    im sure you would agree with this,i mean if you ''skip'' content how can you complain that there isnt any?
    this rule of course wouldnt apply if you have like more than 3 characters,and i said 3 because there are 3 different leveling zones,more than 3 yeah go ahead use the stone and you can even complain if you want...less than 3 characters and you complain about lack of content? wam bam thank you maam insta ban.

    I thought you are better then this, you constantly remind us that you are older and more experienced and yet you act childish.
    The guy said not to write the word "soon" if its not soon, the excessive use of caps was out of place but he said nothing about pushing/hating daneos , i dont agree with how he talks but the main idea just a little bit, which is that writing the word "soon" may lead to the thought that it is atleast in the near week.

    beh it was just a joke,i could imagine him behind the computer screen holding a pizza pocket in one hand,mountain dew in the other and just raging at the computer screen...just because im older doesnt mean i cant have a little fun once in a while ;)

    is saying that someone hasnt reached puberty actually an insult? nope,if he rages like this on the forums he opens up himself to be made fun of, atleast just a little bit.

    guys like you are sitting behind their computer and just cry ! if you think it is easy to do this than do it on your own but dont flame because your flame wont let daeno work faster. So just chill and wait till he releases all the updates.

    i think he is just mad with the word soon,he asked his parents when he would reach puberty and they replied:soon,hence his anger against that word

    wow,lengthy post but not really useful.

    if the op would have posted in a different manner i wouldnt have had an issue with it,but all i see are post of players using the words NEED, WANT and we are ENTITLED TO.

    you dont like my post? fine by me,that is your prerogative,just block me and move on.

    think this comunity can be good?

    of course it can,with some tough loving maybe we can get some of these young ''pups'' to have patience,not clutter the forums with topics that have been discussed a thousand times,stop being lazy and do a search on the forums for info they might need or want and specially get rid of the sense of entitlement that they all seem to carry with them.

    Can someone tell me a good game to play similar to dbo while the channels are offline. THANKS.

    like similar how,anime or mmo related?

    about mmo or any other anime style game no idea but if you want to play some mmos try swtor or sto,swtor's ground combat is amazing but sto has the best space fights,they are both ftp so give them a try.

    0_0 What I meant is that changing/adjust classes passives and skills for PvP wouldn't matter or hardly affect PVE because I like said before the End game content on this game is very difficult and requires good gear the right builds and the alot of items that counter the bosses special attack such as Dot,High skill damage,debuffs, and buffs.
    TDLR changing/adjusting passives and skills for classes will hardly affect Pve because it will be same especially if the changes are minor and balanced

    nah sorry bud,not buying it.

    any change to a class if its made with pvp in mind WILL affect its performance in pve and the other way around,ive seen it countless times where a change was made for the sake of pve and wam bam thank you maam that classes performance suffered in pvp,same thing with pvp,classes went thru nerfs and that affected the classes performance in pve.

    some of the side effects of ''balancing'' werent that bad but in other cases it made some classes almost obsolete...

    end game content in this game is pretty much the same as other mmos,there is nothing really special or unique about it,DBO hasnt invented the wheel when it comes to dungeons,pretty much the same ol' as other mmos,different tactics but same stuff.
    you need good gear,buff,debuffs and a knowledge of the encounters specially bosses,but even if you have all that what happens if you lose performance because your class got nerfed?

    p.s. Dot,High skill damage,debuffs, and buffs arent items,they are skills or spells.

    Price shouldn't be more than 20$ that's all, price is stupid af right now just like white stone

    oh well u got a point but 30 is a bit too much

    yeah i do have to agree with you there,price is a bit steep but if you just take some time you can come up with a good name that you like so that way thats 30 bucks you save ;)