Posts by Sabin

    Literally it's players like this guy here. Saying that a class can make all the mistakes they want, failing in mechanics and doesn't even have to be agile. Getting away with all these things and still able to dish out insane amounts of damage while being a living tank is balanced. If humans fight tanks, and they make a single mistake against an SK, your basically dead. You're not making sense, the only replies I've seen you giving is that, people are complaining and refusing to adapt. We adapted, does that mean we don't want things to change? And just let imbalance still be in place?

    To be honest , I dont mind humans losing stuns as long as we dont have tank classes that are dps and supports at the same time. The idea of glass cannons having CC is a terrible game design and every single game company tries to avoid it. The company behind dbo was composed by amateurs in the mmo genre in a time where the competitive scene for it was really poor as well. The game actually has ways to deal with this huge amount of CC's we have without much rework, all Daneos has to do is mak Guard work like a trinket that removes cc or stops it from happening with a big cooldown and the pvp in this game becomes fun and dynamic rather than in turns.

    the most annoying thing though is how drop works here. It goes to anyone holding the aggroh, so a tank can just throw a taunt and guarantee/steal the drop.

    Pls usable pots have been used the worst way back in tw people just spent real money to buy allot pot just to remove and use a new after it get used once ...

    for it to be sold in AH is kinda stupid tbh but to see them in token shop makes me think people going to stop buying cash coins to get it... specially tryhards or so say human race who has low hp and all they can relay on is pots to survive 1 bold from sk or who knows from what other class that makes them struggle

    that won't be an issue , you can't remove autopots here. Autopots not being sold on the AH is the definition of P2W , in fact let's say the situation you described still happened and the autopots were bound. Than we'd have a situation where whales would spam pots for life. The way it is now is fine.

    the main issue for players to think the drop rate is low is actually the time period the balls are up. Basically we get 4 hours weekly of dragonball events, on KR we had more, I dont remember how much , but I think it was somewhere around 12 hours.

    Then on taiwan we had 14 hours ( 2 hours daily).

    a single day of the week ( which is a weekend making it a plus plus) with only 4 hours ( 2 events spread throught the day ) is a bit low on my opinion.

    I remember asking 9 wishes per event on DBOkr , using the same method here only netted me 1 wish, sure I could only participate on 1 of the 2 hours events, but still.

    Edit: According to Thefirenight , on Kr db event used to be 48 hours

    1- As the example given, Red Ribbon and other places are pretty big, 100m is almost the half than Shout skill from wonder majins, 45M. 250m or so should be enough, you are not making it global but neither that small. People always have different quests near the same place and so they won't count.

    2- I don't think you know what you are talking about, Antenna beam paralysis after using it almost 4 times it doesnt paralysis, nothing. Not even 0,1s. It's just damage, and THAT was not like that in TW. The reduction was never that big. Also, what other CC does a Dende have? Paralysis is all I can do, having almost 3 seconds cooldown on the skill and 3 secs duration, the skill is made to be spammed, even if it lasts 0,1s. Maybe you can save wonder majins here, but not dendes.

    Btw the reduction doesn't work that much against mobs, by the time you are getting your 2nd or 3rd 13 sec stun you are already dead. I've died good enough because mobs dont use the stun at the same time, they use it 1 after 1.

    that's pretty much what I wrote though.

    The creators of dragon ball fighterz have made a tutorial on how to be effective playing as SK


    Seriously now though, Bold Strike has damage scalling bleeding, the only one in the game, why is that? The fact that anti-bleeding jewels are so sought out after speaks for the skill itself. No poison , no burn , no abdominal pain gear, but bleeding . Let's just let that sink in for a minute.

    That makes no sense. Its scheduled for Open Beta, but there's no set time period for when it will happen? Now you're just trying too hard to disagree with me. Just leave this discussion if you're going to be childish.

    Sabin many players have been saying stuff like this for months but then all the SKs come raining down the thread with "its needed, it can be countered, its good balance."

    Balance was meant to happen in Open Beta, and Open Beta ends once 60 cap ends, so the balance can be done in 55 cap, in this cap also most classes main skills are near maxed, so this also is a good cap to balance.

    I agree with you on that. Just dont expect many players to, as someone mentioned before, 80% of the player base went SK. Everyone wants to be the next budokai winner. Getting to 45 is a big time commitment and they will defend their FOTM class no matter what.

    os brasileiros estão espalhados em diversas guilds, maioria das guilds tem br perdido. A maior parte deles esta ou na Champions ou na PARADISE eu imagino.

    When a Super kame from a 890 energy attack human with 6k LP deals 2k damage to a 15k LP SK and a Bold Strike from said SK with 500 energy attack does 4k damage to same human + 5k damage from bleeding and a DW deals 2k with same energy or more to same human balance is seriously thrown out of the window.

    How people are actually defending a tank class with 3 times more LP than Humans with even more damage and dps is beyond me. I never really understood why SKs were never touched, funny thing is, if you remove bold strike from the game , they still a broken af class lol.

    Understand though that while this is true to lv 45 , this game was balanced around patch 70, so any balance patches right now would break the game later on. So as frustrating as it is to play pvp right now I would recommend people to bear it for a while.

    there are 2 ways to balance a pvp game, that is all classes are weak or all classes are broken , DBO is the latter, but that is only true at endgame. Current patch has the SK with all its tool before-hand making it an early-game demon. There are also wonders and dende of course but those are exploiting a bug ( no DR against players in pvp ) pretty much spamming CC skills with as much cooldown as duration.

    Well Since I've played all versions of dbo I can answer how its suppose to work and if I agree a change should be make:

    1 - Original DBO was also 100m and to my pleasant surprise I saw it changed here. Wish It could've stayed the way it was, makes party play much more fun and engaging.

    2 - DBO had DR since its launch, it works like this, once you enter combat with anything any CC you do ( from the same skill , not the same sort of CC) will lose a few seconds of effectivness until its lasts for like 0,1s , which I imagine is that the target gets added resistance with each use of that CC. I never saw CCs not doing anything even if the targets gets 100% resistance to it. DBO has been balanced with that in mind. Dendes and wonders have other tools to deal with dangerous threats like that.

    for instance on your example , if you only use your cc to stop the cast , the ultra can be killed before 100% DR kicks in , also having different sources of CC on your group helps. What is wrong though is that DR here should work in pvp too like it used to in DBO, not working in pvp is the reason you see Wonders and Dendes winning solo budokais effortlessly. Anyone who gets killed by 2 rats with 13 seconds long stuns will understand why DR should be a thing.

    3 - That mob never fought back, but his HP didnt increase neither. He had 0 LP regen if you engage in combat with him , also the pods in TMQ3 didnt heal either.

    4 - indeed, food is supposed to be for any class, it should be fixed asap, its annoying right now

    5 - the sort inventory option was a big help in taiwan, hope to see it working here too.

    Here is some advice for you. I wont give you a build though, that's up to you.

    Kamehameha lv 3 is one of the highest scaling skills going from 2 to 3 because the cooldown reduces from 8 to 6

    Kamehameha scales better than scatter shot but scatter has a bigger range

    Rapid shot 5 due to its 4 seconds cooldown and 2 seconds animation is one of the highest dps skill for turtles, great filler while everything else is in cooldown

    Sokidan has the worst scaling of all skills, getting 3% more damage with each level

    Super kame 2 is obviously the hardest hitting skill for turtles on 45, followed by Sokidan , kamehameha 7 and rapid shot 5.

    if you are going full pve , sleep is quite useless but I would still get Slow as that lasts for 30s when using RP and most bosses accept slow, meaning you could solo any boss or the group could just kite the boss easily.

    Weaken defense 3 will increase the whole group damage by around 20-30% , mob/bosses can't have less than 0 defense though.

    "Quest monster kills no longer counts for whole party. Now capped to 100m range."

    RIP, I am going to miss completing quests in an area while my group members were in another.

    Was It causing some sort of bug or exploit? Why change this?

    Até porque isso é uma questão de bom senso e bom design de interface. Você prefere que aparece 10000 pra upar pro proximo level ou 12789162879120987175786152 pra upar pro próximo level sendo que a diferença continua 10k.

    Esse maluco que ta postando isso de primeiro eu achei que fosse retardo, mas agora eu acho que ele simplesmente não entende matematica mesmo.

    Se você tem 10k de xp e o proximo level pra upar é 30k , você tem que upar 20k
    Se voce tem 0 de xp e o próximo level pra upar é 20k, você tem que upar 20k.

    Ou ele é muito burro ou faltou mta aula de matemática no colégio.

    Pela amor de Deus me fla um jogo de rpg que o exp zera quando vc ganha lvl, isso não existe cara se não vc teria que ganha todos os lvl de antes, como eu disse para passar do 5 pro 6 e só um exemplo, se toda vez que zera a exp vc vai passa pelo exp do lvl anterior de novo, para depois pega o restante do exp pro próximo lvl isso não existe isso de zera a exp tem q ser manter com o que estava antes

    guild wars 2, blade and soul , World of warcraft , Cabal 2 , Swordsman Online, perfect world, Forsaken world, Saint Seiya online , Tera , Final fantasy xiv , wild star , diablo 3 , path of exile . Esses são só os que eu lembro de ter jogado , porque tem mais.

    Tibia é o unico mmo que continua contando a partir da sua xp máxima obtida. Acho que você só jogou tibia por isso está estranhando.

    DBO nem sempre foi assim na verdade. Antigamente do lv 30 pro 31 precisava 500k de xp, ai do 31 pro 32 pulava pra 1.3kk , depois do 32 pro 33 eram mais 3kk. Isso era tão absurdo que depois de terminar todas as quests do lv 32 você tinha 20% do level e tinha que grindar todo o resto ( demorava demais!).

    Hoje em dia tem mais quest do que você precisa.