Posts by Sabin


    First of all, when you tell someone you did math, usually someone shows
    the full data of them doing it. Now if you can't show it, don't even put
    in your sentence, as it means nothing to that point.

    And you should read the whole thread if you want to make those kinds of statements.


    Now you put that sentence, as if you were commanding me. Never, never do that. I might end up getting banned.

    Also, "putting Asians in a pedestal" So,
    I'm calling them a God of the gaming because I said "They'd walk around
    with +15s in dbo?" Hm, interesting.

    You said so yourself, why would asians be walking around in dboglobal full +15 and not us? You obviously put them in the pedestal sir. RNG system, thats all


    You do realize...that this is an Asian
    game...right? So, just for this once, let's say I'm Italian. playing a
    Italian game. Shouldn't I be better at the game than regular foreigners?

    Thats the same as saying brazillians can't be good at soccer cause england invented it. It doesnt make any sense, at all.

    aaaaand thats racist.

    Sabin Vlw por porra nenhuma vc e o engraçadinho daqui vai procurar o que fazer

    wtf , eu respondo o cara e ele me ofende, sera que eu vou ter que colocar as respostas em negrito pra ele ver?

    Duas pergunta
    1º Já liberou o servidor US?
    2º e como esta a estabilidade agora por que pelo que parece o Daneos andou mexendo no serve ?
    Ta pior que ontem

    Por favor responda serio pois estou no serviço e não sei como esta o servidor pois não posso acessa-lo agora desde já agradeço

    I doubt people ever payed to play alphas. Alphas arent open to public at all because of this. You should never deliver an very buggy version of the game that needs close testing to the public.

    Normally alpha tests are closed tests in order to test bugs , stability are left for Beta tests.

    I doubt you or any of your friends ever played an alpha test at all, they were betas.

    I think Daenos chose to open alpha to everyone for few reasons:

    1- its been so long since everyone played DBO the last time , that we all really need that little piece of dbo for the nostalgia.

    2 - We all know that nowadays whoever goes first has an advantage

    3 - He wanted to solve the server capacity problems as soon as possible.

    I will start complaining about bugs when open beta starts, thats when bugs are due to be carried to oficial release.

    Ué? Estavamos no mesmo server? Depois que ele ficou on não levei dc nenhuma vez Oo. O foda é que o mapa dos humanos tem mta quest de coletar e estas estão bugadas ( acho que no alpha namek é o melhor pra se fazer mesmo, menos competição e mais quests de matar mobs)

    Isso que você tirou foi uma self? Parece que você tava usando o pc e um cara veio correndo e bateu uma foto.

    I don't know why you're streaming something that everybody's going to play at the same time xD If it was closed, I would understand, but since it's open for everybody

    That logic. Lets ask twitch to ban all the streams of games that have already released.

    When I see the graphics of WoW, I think those of DBO are fine, since it's playable on almost every computers today

    You do know that WoW has waaaaay better graphics then DBO right? Also the WoW combat laughs at dbo slow paced combat. Dont get me wrong I like both games , but if you remove the Dragonball shell dbo has it becomes a much worse wow with little to no content and bad combat mechanics.

    I am not saying dbo is a bad game, but it is nowhere close to wow in quality( otherwise it wouldnt have failed).