Posts by Frylock

    Hello, i've decided to make this thread since there is not so much information about stats, what are they and what they do. I just looked into a lot of old threads (so this isn't my info) and got nothing but info, i tried to get some images, but they are all deleted atm. I'm also going to add anything that i should know.

    Health- Self explanitory
    Energy- the fuel a player needs to perform and use special attacks, (eg kamehameha, special beam cannon, masenko )
    Powerlevel- The strength at which the character performs, decreasing as their Health decreases, (When your hurt, you dont perform as well) or when you have no RP.
    Rage Bubbles (RP) - Bubbles that contribute to different boosts.

    Strength-Basic melee attack skill damage.
    Dexterity- Increases your dodge rate, resistance rate and melee crit rate.
    Constitution- Increases your life points (Health) and lp regen.
    Energy- Increases your Energy Points ("Ki")and ep regen.
    Soul- Basic ki attack skill damage.
    Focus- Increases your hit rate, succes rate and energycal crit rate .
    Spiritual Attack- The damage of most ki skills. (The blue ones)
    Spiritual Defense- The amount of ki damage you can endure.
    Spiritual Attack Critical Hit Rate-Chance to hit for double damage with ki skills.
    Physical Attack Critical Hit Rate- Chance to hit for double damage with melee skills.
    Dodge rate- Your chance to dodge any attack.
    Physical Attack- The damage of most melee skills.(The red ones)
    Physical Defense-The amount of melee damage you can endure.
    Hit rate- The chance to hit another player/mob.
    Defense rate - increases the chance of receaving half of the damage when attacked(a blue effect will appear)

    Stats may vary from class to class, here i go:

    CON (1 Point of CON gives to)

    Fighter->85 LP
    SwordsMan->85 LP
    Turtle Hermit->80 LP
    Crane Hermit->80 LP

    Dende Priest->80 LP
    Poko Priest->85 LP
    Shadow Knight->95 LP
    Dark Warrior->100 LP

    Ultimate Majin->95 LP
    Grand Chef Majin->95 LP
    Plasma Majin->80 LP
    Karma Majin->80 LP

    ENG (1 Point of ENG gives to)

    Fighter->45 EP
    Swordsman->45 EP
    Turtle Hermit->50 EP
    Crane Hermit->55 EP

    Dende Priest->50 EP
    Poko Priest->50 EP
    Shadow Knight-> 50 EP
    Dark Warrior->45 EP

    Ultimate Majin->45 EP
    Grand Chef Majin->45 EP
    Plasma Majin->50 EP
    Karma Majin->50 EP


    Increases Hit Rate by 10, Success Rate by 10, Energy Crit Rate (1FOC = 0.15 Rate), Energy attack (1FOC = 0.5 E.Attack)


    Increased Energy Attack by 1


    Increases Physical Attack by 1


    Increases Dodge by 5, Physical Crit Rate (1DEX = 0.15 Rate), Resistance Rate by 5, Physical Attack (1DEX = 0.8 P.Attack)

    Rage Bubbles

    Rage Bubbles - Bubbles built up through charging. These bubbles give you special charged attacks! The effects are listed further below. Every 10 levels, your maximum rage bubbles is raised by 1. You start the game out with one. These rage bubbles are tedious to charge but can impact a fight! The only other known way to charge these bubbles up is to take damage. But be careful, if you don't use them quick, they will drain out.

    Hyperbolic Time Chamber Skills (HTB Skills) can be impacted by how many rage bubbles you have at the moment. When you struggle, whoever spends more rage bubbles will win!

    Rage Bubble Boosts

    1: Power Buff: Red icon with arrow pointing up : increase the damage for a specific number( if it says 40 then you'll see 40 more points,and etc.Basically it isn't influenced by the opponents defense)

    2: EP reduce: Green Icon with a Ep and a arrow pointing down: Reduce the usage on EP of some skills ( rather usefull for healers)

    3: Cooldown: Reduce: Blue with a clock and a arrow pointing down icon : Reduce the cooldown, great thing to add with any skill.

    4: KnockDown: Purple with a little dude icon: Knocks target, but be aware , just a few skills work on a fallen target ( such as kienzan, kamehameha etc. cant use aoe's on them nor most Dots , stun debuffs or buffs. can heal them), this buff can be blocked with R and not only that , there is a chance to counter-attack this buff and knock the caster instead of the target (can be done with mobs too).

    5: Decrease cast time: Lightining Icon : well , decrease cast time.

    6: Guard Break: Violet with a white circle icon: this one most people dont get it right. If you use a skill with this buff on a target pressing R ( blocking) the skill'll hit for 250% more damage, basically it'll do 4 times more damage then it normally does.

    7: Increases time duration: orange icon with a clock and a arrow pointing up: increases the duration of buffs, debuffs , dots.


    34 is the maximum stat for con, focus, soul etc
    There's no such thing as a crit rate percentage. There's Crit Damage % (Boost's your crit-hit damage) & Crit Rate, which makes you more likely to do a crit-hit. It's all about the Success Rate % which is a whole other category that only boost your chances to land immobilization skills such as: confuse, candy, paralysis, faint, dot's, this is why Cranes have Succes Rate as passive, etc.
    1 STR gives Swordsman 1.4 physical attack
    All stats can be easily checked later, using the Poko's Pet.

    Skill ''Dragon's Pledge'' from Dark Warriors DOES NOT WORK. After 15 min cooldown to use it again, he looks like activating the buff, but you don't get any. It just doesn't apply, please add this to the skill bugs

    ''Mobile Sell'' does not work, i thought it was working because the NPC teleport, and the Resurrection is
    Bugged, nothing happens after opening the jail
    Rocks does not count.
    Escorting quest got stacked there until you kill the first spawning monsters.

    u can spam hypnosis and freeze,dot doesnt wake up hypnotised people/mobs,hypnosis/freeze combo makes your opponent never wake up until u run out of energy. how will it be useless -_-

    Bro.....dots do awake the enemy, the ONLY THING that don't awake them, are debuffs, like reducing 10% of their phy attack, reducing % of their life, stuff like that, you need to put the DOT and then make them SLEEP, to not awake them, and its very hard use DOT's since they dont have stuns, their only stun ''Freeze'' also paralyse themselves. Cranes are just useful agaisn't fighters/swordmans/buffers (short range attack) because of the slow. But agaisn't Majins with 45M teleport, they fucked up, and also if the namek have Mystic hand, btw nameks have a lot of ranged skills

    Quest Bugged
    Quest Bugged
    Quest Bugged
    When trying to give Jr. Master when disconnected says that the target does not exist

    Idk, swordsman is pretty bad right now with all its broken skills. Doesn't even have super hp like your class.

    High HP without defense, because isn't working neither, good joke, the only thing DW can do is tank with a healer, because thats bugged too, when somebody heals you, they take aggro, and they actually dont, so until you are in party, DW does nothing, he does not even the half of damage as swordmans or fighters :whistling:

    Wait 1 moment, are you saying that the defense and the state damage won't work during ALL the pre beta??????? So you mean that i need to make a different build since those isnt working???? Im talking about DW


    Dragon's Pledge is still SO USELESS!At max is blocked around 2500DMG... and freaking Dark Warriors have a regular of 13k to 15k health ... so 2.5k is literally northing... Wasting the 5 Skill points when you can use them to make at least 1 attack much better is much more useful.
    You can always but the healing potions. (Not counting the fact that you may also use Great Namekian form which also helps increase your health when cornered)

    I think you are wrong bro, Dragon's pledge it's not an absorbing damage skill, it's not supposed to just absorb or block 2500 dmg and that's all, the skill duration is 1 minute,i think that example; the enemy uses 3 skills and he can block almost 2500 of every one of the 3 skills, also receiving a loooooot of less damage from autoattacks, that is a looooot helpful at tanking tons of mobs. I doubt that an lvl 46 skill just absorbs 2500 damage, knowing that DW got huge HP, they won't make a skill like that. But unfortunately i haven't used it and i dont know anyone neither

    If you are using the tickets to upgrade it's normal because tickets are disabled. You can just upgrade by using stones