Posts by zxcvb

    thunder do +50% from current speed mean=1/2
    37 :1/2=(18,5%)
    37+18.5%=55,5% attack speed

    I dont Think so.

    There is no explane on Skills " Thunder " like that And

    If Thunder works like it Just use Thunder only.

    When I use speed gear ( attack speed 1100 ) 21% + 21% + Bliz Fist 20% = 62%.

    Compae I use Critical damage gear ( attack speed 1100 ) + Thunder 50% = 50%

    Thunder look like working 50%.

    Rank Battle bug.

    1.When use Buff Before Enter the Rank, Buff effect still remaining after Rank start.

    2.When hitted by speed decrease curse, its effect still remaining next round.

    Check it.

    Many Turtle users abusing No.1, No.2 bugs.

    Example. Before Enter the Rank they use Turtle book Hiding tree or run far way and use it or accept enter the Rank and use it same time.

    Looks fun.

    Hi everyone. This is Marlboro.

    I wanna know Why dodge is not work of skills. This is a biggest problem currently.

    And nobody talk about damage caculation.

    I think All user are over power. Because Glove or Staff + sub weapon damage = Total damage.

    even auto attack, basic job's skills, Master class skills.

    This game is not shooting game.

    And I dont think Speed Fighter will good.

    Dash lag and bug, lacation lag and bug make auto attack hard.

    and samll bug.

    When rank battle 1 or 2 round you hitted by turtle reduce speed curse and die.

    reduce speed curse effect still remaining next round.

    Let me introduce myself quick.
    I'm from South Korea and live in AZ USA for a pilot training.

    I don't like to write a post on forum cause forum isn't familiar with me.
    However I think to use bug is decrease game quality and makes users quit to play game.

    There are several bugs in Arena.

    First. Dash bug.
    When you use dash with keyboard other user's screen display you dash infinitely even you locate in Arena.

    Second. Revive bug.
    Naturally User revive near popo stone. But some of user revive near the arena or everywhere He/She want.

    Third. Go inside arena without system message.
    This bug existed long time ago with Dash bug.

    Fourth. Outside of arena user skill can effect inside of arena. // Inside of arena user skill can effect outside of arena user.
    For example. Heal. Buff.

    Usually I don't try to use bug even I know.
    If you guys really love this game Please 1 more think before to use bug.

    Last. I wanna report a Racist.

    This is a Global server, isn't it?
    I like this server than TW and KR server. Because I can meet users from the world.
    But, Global server can not keep continue if there exist Racism.

    Here is some screen shots.
    Decision is up to you.

    According to Faker10, 50% user of this server is yellow Asian dogs.

    Anyway I wanna tell you guys something.

    Sometimes I saw some of user use bug and other user said " I gonna report you "

    then user who used bug said " go go repoert XD " and laugh.

    Is it normal?

    Thanks to read.

    Did someoen test if crit % dmg works now on item effects ? Cuz my stick 21% doesn't give me anything... o.o

    Hello. My ID is Marlboro.

    I tested my critical damage to use +8 Craft Lv 70. Glove with Increase Physical Critical Hit Rate 10 and Increase Physical Critical Damage 27%

    when I know my critical damage decrease.


    When I used +8 Craft Lv 70. Glove with Increase Physical Critical Hit Rate 10.

    My Critical damage of Super High Speed Needle was 23210 without Kaioken.


    When I used +8 Craft Lv 70. Glove with Increase Physical Critical Damage 27%.

    My Critical damage of Super High Speed Needle was 27138 without Kaioken.

    When I get this result I use +13 Craft Lv 70. Stick with Increase Physical Critical Hit Rate 10.
