Well I'm starting to play again and I can't even find namekian armor to buy, I ask of anyone with decent namekian craft armor level 60 to give them to me so the armor doesn't go to waste if you don't mind I guess.
Posts by Cancer
It's Unkown T cellblock B I got willy in me.
InFamous/Gucci = best sm in game
You need to be lvl29 or higher
WTT lvl 60 p def namekian top 22% lp rgen +12 for lvl60 namekian craft top +18% lp rgen atleast +11, WTT lvl60 29 con namekian p def pants +11 for lvl 60 craft namekain pants +18% lp rgen atleast +11, WTT Lvl 60 p def shoes namekian 27con +10 for lvl 60 craft namekian shoes +22 con atleast +10. Pm here
E.e wassup cancer or i should say gucci?
call me cancer, Mr. Joel Babaman
as the title says
i buy for 3kkk
Nice mod I think it looks great!
Yes, but there are many people who do not know how to do it
They can easily learn how to mod themselves since there is a guide how to mod.
WTS +10 Level 60 rare claws 23% e crit dmg, 10kk
its only one dogi
if you want it you need wait the download time
you can just replace the goku token dogi by using resource tool so theres no point of this mod even existing.
https://tools.dboglobal.to/?to…0043500011301554011500400 farming build. max ur cd.
How much?
I saw a unreleased dogi on Esdeath, I guess that's one of the dogis.
Heres my build https://tools.dboglobal.to/?to…1000015310130401301053030
You dont even need area agro, energy siege is basically area agro.
My friend does 10k dmg with Demon Wave to the mobs in papaya. He wears foc pants and top.
If your saying you want to one shot mobs, get prop earrings.
Why is the aura green instead of blue? Could you by chance change that please?
I`m pretty sure baraku took a break on modding and DBOG.
Thanks man I appreciate it! ^ ^
unless ur a male majin cause they fat
all jokes aside many community members have responded with there opinion on this issue.
I for one prefer the current system as if you work hard to keep your spot generally they person will leave.
i know that healers, cranes and sms would have a harder time with this but sadly thats how the game is.
some classes tend to dominate pve more
I agree to this! Go Go President Box-head