Posts by SaitoSenpai

    Anyways, even if it's this year, it wont be now.

    And we haven't had any update since 22nd December. Are thwy preparing something? I hope and my fingers are crossed...

    Actually all the dev and staff member been spending time with their family cause of the holidays, so no nothing planned. We'll get back to work soon though.

    So, I was thinking lately of color changing dogis or clothes. I have no idea if this already exists but tell me if it does exist! For example, lets say you bought a founder pack with Goku's dogi in it, can you like change it to more of Orange and Blue (Goku) to Blue and Orange (Vegito). Is that in anyway possible? Like by adding an item to your dogi or anything! (I never had a dogi so IDK about them alot).
    SECOND, I just want to say, does the game have a blue that looks kinda like SSGSS? I don't believe the game does! Is there a possible way the team can add the SSGSS blue. (SSG: They got red xD)
    Thank you for reading and I hope that the team answers! :thumbsup:

    We can easily Mod dogi through client files. I've done it many times already. Though Sadly there is no built in recolor system for dogi. I wish there was such system, then everyone can be a little bit more unique. We could start looking into this system, Though something like this would be added after the game is completed.

    This year will definitely be the year everyone get to fill their screenshot folders with in game pictures of their friends traveling with them throughout Dragonball Online.

    Hey, I'd like to know if you guys will make new Updates?
    Like make Beerus and such like that?
    I know the Old DBO didn't have it so since you guys are re-making the Server could you?
    You guys seem to have the correct tools.

    Btw great work on the Servers :thumbsup:

    We don't have any tools that NTL had. IF we did this would be a lot easier. We'll probably be able to create new quest aside from that we'll have to explore later on.

    its worth to get the founder package since it'll be remove after game launch fully.

    I feel that something might be around the corner...

    Remember when they pointed out all the betas and even the realease date? Yea, that was way way off...regardless this begining of 2016 (for January to February) we might get something closed to an open beta...

    We haven't had any updates since 22nd, and the new update just might come after 1st of January. SO...Something big might be just around new year...

    We uderestimated the amount of work needed to be done to fix it. So we push it back instead of giving you guys a incomplete game thus the only way to play right now is having founders. It show you want to support us even if the game isn't 100% complete yet.

    Though I have keen senses and I can smell open beta coming around in **********.

    The issue isn't making it work to where you can enter UD,TMQ etc. Cause that is easy. Daneos can easily transport to budokai or tmq and take nice screenshot. Though there's no point if we can't play it. It has to be coded really well to run quickly otherwise server won't be able to handle it.

    We're not about faking progress that we haven't finished. -cough-

    Yes and DB Hunt etc.

    Yes, i played for years but i never craft thing xD, how found the materials?are a enemy drop?

    most material are found through breaking items like gear and wep higher level the higher grade material. As for special stuff it can be found various places in the game,some from event or some from cash shop. Though we haven't determine if everything will be the same as retail. We may have mob drop crafting stuff.