Posts by SaitoSenpai

    Ask Any question regarding crafting here

    Watch the video if you never seen crafting on DBO.

    Give us on your opinion on the crafting system, how should we improve it? Or should it stay the same.

    yeah i don't think this will be final I don't know why daneos did it this way but I'm sure this is one of those things he's focus on last. Let him finish coding the game 100% before judging the fine tuning of the game. Feedback is appericated though but make a constructive thread for it.

    PM me an application for translator job if you can't post on that thread. Also Welcome :)

    So this is the question for those of you end game people who like me grind kraken all day with attack speed gear.

    Do you guys remember what weapon and glove were attack speed? I Forgot, I thought it was bacteria drops but now I don't remember been so long.

    All I remember is that the speed was 15% attack speed increase. I don't remember if armor could be attack speed %.

    IF your wondering why I'm asking, it's cause I wanna test something and need to remember those items but forgot xD

    We don't have any plan to expand the race or class in DBO, because our first goal is to make DBO playable and better then retail. So These things will have to wait after we complete that goal.

    I meant from the original game released in 2010 that shutdown in 2013. But thanks for letting me know that that patch gives game an error i will not try it then ^^

    If someone have the old english patch from retail link it to me and I'll take a look. We're currently working really hard to translate the whole game.

    Does the english patch from the original DBO website work? they have a 2.2 english patch available for download, so im just wondering if anyone kows if that will work to make the game content readable.

    The Original dbo? do you mean wasabii dbo or

    why would you want to use an outdated patch? Dbor is translating this game into full english.

    we will be way done before them.

    I would like to first point out, The events are handled by Azis and the Admin alone. The whole DBOG Staff team doesn't decide the winners or create the events. We each have our own roles. So daneos and I have no part in the winner selection.

    I believe this thread could do good for our community, Azis as an community manager should be conversing more with her community and understanding why they are upset.
    I wish you esdeath could be a bit more mature about how you he this threads. Though looking from your viewpoint I can see you guys are clearly angry from the selection Azis made. So I can understand to an extent why the post were made this way.

    I'll forward the thread to Azis, since he is a busy person and have her reply.

    Thanks for caring so much about our Community feedback are always welcome.

    I've been testing my luck on the Dev server with current upgrade system. 200 upgrade stones for both armor and wep. Purple and Green stones, I only manage to get to +9 other time I either got my item rested to +0 or back down by 1.

    I have not yet reach +15. So if you guys think with current system it's easy to upgrade to +15. Nope it's still hard, very hard.