Posts by XealTy

    I've seen the same thing in majin town. It's just so weird like, besides tanem tokens what do they even achieve by this?

    If is possible to sell this itens on market, they can farm gold to sell for real money, I've seen this happen a lot in other games.

    I back to the game recently, and man, what the hell is this?
    1: If somebody has posted this before sorry, I have not see.
    2: This is permitted?
    3: I have not see any option to report this guys, how I do?


    Update your launcher now the skill is no longer free, I believe the quest is working but I did not try to do it then I can not confirm.

    Update here:

    I think the event should rather occur more often. The competition for the spheres is already big today and this will only get worse every time the game gets better and more people come in; If it is RNG you can stay two hours without getting anythingthen it can be very frustrating and this is only amplified by the event occurring only twice in the week and the same day.
    Guys unforeseen happen, if something happens on Saturday you lose any chance of attending the event, I do not think that's right knows, but it's just my opinion.

    I believe not, because it is written in them that bind, but I'm not sure, I've never tried to sell or buy one.
    Also be careful, according to a friend of mine is possible discard them, he said he learned this in the worst way.

    Novo calculo de chances de critico (Post original aqui)
    * Atualização
    Cálculo do acerto crítico atualizado. Padrão & Chance mínima de crítico agora são 5%
    Chance Critica = Chance Critica Fisica ou Magica - Defesa Crítica do Alvo / 10 + 5
    Exemplo: 0 - 0 / 10 = 0 + 5 = 5% chance
    10 - 0 / 10 = 1 + 5 = 6% chance

    Até ontem eu tinha 33% de chances de critico, hoje tenho 8%, ta tenso...

    Will you all EVER realize that daneos is just trying out changes right now since it's NOT the beta test and that it's a T E S T I N G server ?

    Get over it, we're in testing phase, it's obvious daneos is trying out changes, or maybe you'd rather have these wick-wack changes during beta once the real server starts ?

    Yes, but is not that exactly why we're commenting here? To make him know how bad that was? Or should we keep quiet and let this go so that it only repaired at launch? Without feedback how the server could improve?

    Not just the Turtle, all critical class...
    I was pretty good leveling with a 30% critical chance and now I'm with apparently 0%, not the least is 5 correct? Nice!
    Hahahaha no this is really cool, for me to have some critical chance now I'll just need a kaioken of over eight thousand, hey adm, sorry but this sucks, really ¬¬

    Any critical user today.

    you guys should ask yourself,how long do you think Daneos can sustain a server by himself?,with no one giving him a penny.

    True, all F2P game have a little bit of pw2. But I also do not believe that it is worth everything, there has to be a limit to where a player who pays can have an advantage over one who does not pay to make the game "healthy".
    I think it's about what EchoSon was emphasizing not about having something p2w, but yes about how big the gap is between who pays and who does not.

    But anyway as they said this is still a pre-open beta correct? Things can still change.

    Sad but here CCleaner dont's resolve this, I still have lags and insane drops inside the RP (2 in the case) and the game continues to run smoothly out there, I've been "stuck" there for two days already trying to do at least a part of the quests to be able to follow up. I remember having some setbacks in RP1 but nothing as big and insane as now. ;(

    About my pc it's very good actually, I've played games much heavier and poorly optimized than DBO, so I really do not think that's the problem.

    Now that CCleaner has not worked for me, does anyone have any other suggestions?

    See my game out off RP

    My game in RP

    If anyone has a clue how to fix it would be very grateful.

    Try this....I was having 3-5 second lags and Marcus who is a bug master killer on this forum told me to delete all temp files\cache and how I did that was with disk cleanup and I even went one step further and used ccleaner for registry and full clean and it fixed it for me but with ccleaner make sure to uncheck dbog.

    Are you sure about that ? Because the lag is only within those maps. Anyway I have the CCleaner installed here does not cost anything to try.

    Haha thanks guys, I am happy to see that the forum it is very busy and the community is so receptive.

    I'm enjoying the game a lot. :D

    Estava eu trocando uma ideia com a galera br do game e me contaram que a defesa não estava funcionando, fui eu testar lutar com o mesmo mob com set e em seguida peladão e realmente não estava pegando, logo dei uma pesquisada e vi pelo forum a galera falando que realmente não estava funcionando. 8|
    O que quero saber é, isso ocorre somente com a defesa ou há outros atributos também bugados ? Digo eu estava quase jogando uma bota minha fora pois a defesa dela já estava baixa comparada as outras do meu level, porem essa bota sozinha aumenta meu HP em pouco mais de 22% com pontos de Con, oque quero dizer é eu posso estar focando em coisas inúteis sem nem saber por isso gostaria que me contassem se há outros atributos além da defesa que não estejam funcionando.

    Alguém sabe me dizer ?