Posts by Sieth

    Given how mandatory they are, how rng heavy they are and how many of them you usually need to get the stat you're looking for within the margins of acceptable/medicore (not even talking about max stat) I can see why both sides are concerned about them.
    Both sides have valid points. In one side, server needs more boxes or else their price will keep going up and up, simply because of how economy works: offer and demand. In the other side, too many of them in the hands of a few people can totally break the balance and ruin the server for good.
    It's a tough call and I'm not sure which side I would lean more towards, but one thing is certain: Server needs more boxes to try and keep up with the pace of the demand or else they might as well be cash shop only considering how expensive they will end up, being only accessible to people with lots and lots of zeni (Those usually being cashers). And cashers need a bigger incentive to keep donating other than a small chance of getting the one item they're looking for amidst a million items they don't even need. (You might think other Wagu prizes are also great but ask a casher to send you a screenshot of their CP inventory and you'll realize how little your bank of dogis means to them).
    Whatever they end up doing, I hope they realize how precarious the situation is and how big of an impact whatever change is implemented (if any change is implemented at all) can end up having in the server.

    Revert buff removal = more classes can be taken into pve, which still means ultimates can be taken

    Don't revert = ultimates have to go or you can't do anything

    Not surprised why you want this change to stick

    Or you can not rely or need their buffs to do your job: problem solved
    Also, which classes? Swordsman? Fighter? People need to understand and drill into their heads that some classes just aren't meant for pve.
    The same logic applies to dende, but I don't see anyone saying we should get free heals so "other classes can join pve runs".
    The same logic can be applied to tanks, yet I don't see anyone asking for a replacement for them either.
    Why is it so hard to understand that each one has a role and they all combine together to make the run work smoothly?

    1- Buffers not only buff but also provide important support to the team, to the point where many parties stop taking a SK/DW and rather use Cheff/Ulti as their buffer + tank + debuff remover in case Dende can't do it himself.
    2- I have an Ultimate and a Cheff, I don't main them but I have leveled them to 55 and yes, it can be annoying to buff everytime you enter UD3, but at the same time it only takes 2-5 seconds and you are done. Is not demotivating at all.
    3- People who main buffers will always have a spot in groups same as Dendes have always gotten a spot in groups, they're needed. That's how the game works and that's how it should have always been: Tank, Support, DPS.

    Want faster runs? Get better and stronger so you don't need to be buffed to do your job. People should appreciate buffers for what they do and provide: they enhance the entire party. They don't JUST buff, that just shows how you belittle their work and how much the game needed the change that was implemented.

    To think that the person answering this thread would be my buddy lol. You still playing that baldie excuse for a fighter? The Krilin wannabe? haha

    PST: My Karma is Yasiel and my Turtle is Zevriel. Hell, don't know why we're talking in english to begin with.

    Yo. Returning player here. Some of you might remember me, some won't even know who the heck I am.

    To the point, I wanted to know a few things about the current state of the game. Those things being:

    1- Is attack speed still "buggy"? In the sense that it doesn't work as it used to be in the original DB game. Meaning Karmas or Pokos are pretty "useless" in terms of dps and constant damage output and have to rely on skills to do their damage instead of auttoattacks. It used to be like that when I was playing on this version and I'd love to know what's the current state of attackspeed with or without SSJ/Kaioken

    2- Are defenses actually defenses now? In the sense that they actually mitigate damage and aren't there just to show a bit more of battle power and be a pretty decoration?

    3- Are damage from main/sub weapons properly calculated now? Before you'd see turtles oneshotting everyone with a giant kame because they'd get their damage modifiers from gloves + sub weapon instead of the sub weapon alone. Is that still a thing or was that fixed?

    4- Is the karma resistance + dot duration reduction buff still bugged? Is resistance bugged in general? Are confusion and playful doll still bugged?

    I'd love to know what's going on with all these since those were the most important topics for me when I was playing and the biggest reason why I quit. Hopefully all of them (or most) are now working properly and could get hooked back up into the game. Thanks!

    It is always good to see people coming back to the game. Right now the game is pretty decent in combat and the speed looks well done, still needs some little aspects to fix but its enjoyable.

    Pretty decent as "viable" or pretty decent as "actually worth speccing into speed instead of crit % like everybody else"?

    What's up. Some of you might remember me, some won't. I'm a returning player (or wanting to return) and I'd like to hear you guys opinions about the state of the game, the recent patches/bug fixes and what's the feeling you get from the game itself.
    I quit a few days after the sub-weapon nerf/patch so I have missed on a lot that's been going on since then and I'd like to hear it from people that's playing the game rather than go through pages of dev notes and updates.

    If it helps, my mains are Karma and Turtle. Love to play Speed Karma and full PvE Turtle. But speed was guttered and near impossible to use. How is it doing now?

    Something weird is happening to me. I pressed the keys but nothing happens. Do I have to play the game windowed mode or that shouldn't have anything to do with it?

    EDIT: I just found the problem. Had to change the settings to windowed mode, and boom it worked. Might want to add that to the description. Or maybe I'm the only tard that plays the game on full screen lol

    DoTs are in a weird spot right now:

    - They do INSANE damage in PvE if you have good gear.
    - They do INSANE damage in PvP if you have good gear.
    - They do DECENT damage in PvE if you have poor gear.
    - They do CRAP damage in PvP if you have good gear and go against someone with OP armor.

    I liked dot's better before this patch. I'm pretty sure this patch is only temporal and a way for Daneos to "boost" Cranes since a lot of their skills are bugged and needed a bit of a boost.
    DoTs have always been a safe and stable way of dealing persistent damage that ignores defense, properties, buffs, everything.

    Hi Danoes,

    According to your update the damage of Crane's skills such as Dodon ray should be based on the subweapon but it seems their damage is based on the base weapon.(Also, there's no fan required sign in the skill description and I can use those skills without the fan)

    You answered your own question. Not EVERY skill you get in your master class tree will require the sub weapon to cast. ONLY those that do will have their damage calculated from the sub weapon.

    "All" confuse act the same way once inflicted on a foe. The same would apply whether or not it's a single target or an AoE skill would it not?

    so in answer to your question. Yes playful doll is technically also bugged. and it has been since November. Daneos already knows about it so this thread was kind of pointless as it's been in the official bug thread and reported heavily at the time it came about.

    The reason why Playfull Doll is "bugged" is because you don't need to stand still for the confusion to last for it's full duration. You can cast it and whoever is in range will be confused for the full duration wether you stand still or not. If it was reported heavily at the time it came out it's kind of surprising to me that you don't even know the main reason why it was happening... Just saying.

    i know about silence ur not reading my post im talking about dark beam and playful doll not silence

    You, my friend, are the one that's not reading my post. THE LAST SENTENCE was about Silence while EVERYTHING ELSE was about confusion. There's a reason for that, however, and it's very simple: YOU WERE SAYING THAT CONFUSION STUNS YOU AND/OR MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO USE SKILLS.
    So, to prove you wrong about the first part (THE PART THAT CONFUSION SUPPOSEDLY STUNS YOU) I wrote several sentences of how confusion works RIGHT NOW and how it USED TO WORK ON KR/TW. Then, to prove you wrong about how confusion MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO USE SKILLS I wrote about Silence to close it down on the very last sentence. Yet, surprisingly, that's where you picked up from, a very clear sign of poor reading and lack of comprehension.
    To make it easier for ya I used caps on certain parts and will even make them bold, so you have zero excuse to miss them :)

    Hi all i do same damage when crit with 28 soul golves craft +5 and 26 % enrgy crit drop +5 it is not logic so i hope damage will be back like before it was when defense wasn't working farming papaya is too hard know for us the karmas
    Any way thanks all for making this game good and HF

    i can gather groupe of mob and kill them all with +5 and +8 like 15 mob or 20 not even close to die

    Let's play a game: whoever finds the 150 differences wins!

    Thanks for all the replies!! After reading them, I think I am going to make a Shadow Knight! Does anyone know about a hybrid build for SK or are the usual PvP builds also good for PvE? Thanks in advance!

    How disappointing....

    My friends tested both of them. Spirited Roar gives better attack. Might gives crit but with Spirited Roar boost to damage You still got better crit than with Might.

    Spirited Roar - better boost to attack, You lose 25% energh def.
    Might - Worse boost to attack, 23 STR is "almost" nothing, and +16% crit power give less crit damage than +30% attack from Spirited Roar.
    The only one + is that You don't lose e.def.

    If im not wrong Nady or someone did video to compare these two buffs very long time ago. You can try to find.

    You didn't add anything to what I already said. If you won't add anything substancial try and not double post. Thanks

    Spirited Roar

    Because I'm not an idiot

    You seem to be. Everytime you answer a thread is to either insult the OP or humiliate it.
    If you don't have anything productive to add, shut your mouth and let others answer the question.

    To the point: Spirited Roar gives you a much bigger damage increase and it will always get bigger the more you upgrade your weapons and the more attack you get, since it's % based. But you trade-off a lot of energy defense for it.
    Might gives you a fixed ammount of attack and half-a-weapon-worth-off crit damage, but you don't have to sacrifice any defensive capabilities for that boost.

    In the end, comes down to personal preference. If you wanna go balls deep, go for SRoar. If you want to pack a punch but not be insta gibbed by any half-decent energy attack then go for Might