looks exactly like one of those shitty generic browser games, except someone actually bothered to make a launcher for this one.
Posts by Hekate
This mythical creature cant be killed, unless you spend your lifetime there just hitting it, I guess ._.
It's HP is decreasing normally with which attack, but from what I understand, its HP shouldn't be anywhere close to this much. -
why waste money on that ? just get to lv 30 ... and do the flight chain quest till then.
Oh Cool, looking forward to getting there.
that's just a lie every player at end-game tells the newbies. they all just sit around korin village, insulting each other XD
Are you, by any chance, be talking about the game for the SNES ?
Sorry but that wasn't my question
No one was answering your "question", mostly because it's stupid.
There is an Open Beta because there would have to be one after POB. The game was fine until this new crap.
Are you dense ?
He wants it borderless ... windowed mode is not borderless.
The point of borderless fullscreen is to have it like windowed mode BUT without the bars at the top and bottom.
That helps him in absolutely no way ._.
Honestly, the only lag I ever experience in this game (at ANY given time) is only related to the ping and NEVER related to how many characters are present in that area.
Nothing but hosting it in my country will ever change that, and I'm sure that's the same for many others.
This game doesn't require much, it was fairly easy to play it even when I used a 2004 (or something) desktop, back in TW.I also kinda like the idea of the channel for AFKers lol
What this tells me is that it's better to have people with nothing to do but to fight each other in plat (and start flame warz) ...
Most AFKers are people with nothing better to do.
It only takes so long to get to Lv 45 ... and it ain't enough to get 4 z24's ... and adding autopots, EXP boosters and medium pet feed to that only makes it so much worse. -
everything can't be most important. that's for one thing alone ._.
Your post is bad and you should feel bad.
Did you just seriously say we can only get the master class by WISHING for it with the Dragon Balls ?!?!??
Are you f'ing kidding me ?
How retarded can one be ? Seriously, answer the question.You are literally talking about shit you have no idea.
I'd like to punch you. Not for just this crap but for the entire video. It's more than obvious that you never played this apart from these 10 minutes (which would be less than 2 for any normal person).__________________________________
Lol, guys, this dude only seems to play games to crap on them.
Totally a shitty "reviewer", it'd say wannabe but even that is far beyond his limit.
Tha was so awesome !!! ahah
God. I can't listen 9 minutes to that. I barely made it to 3 minutes and I'm already extremely bored ...
Dude really needs to know how to talk.
He should try to makes us excited to know more, this isn't a classroom. -
Looks very old.
I wouldn't buy it '-'
I'd like to participate.
Number - 22
IGN - SuperSwinePT