Posts by Ikumi

    Why for being an MMO, should be hard to upgrade? If it is an MMO, Multiplayer Massive Online, people should be doing Multiplayer things to get better, like farming TMQ and Dungeons to get better gear, not farming solo for weeks. That is what I think

    I agree here which is why I would love DBO to be more involved with its dungeons/upgrades

    I feel like dungeons such tmq/ud feel not so rewarding, yeah you get gear drops and exp but maybe a reward upon completion would be nice such as an upgrade kit on the final boss. It doesn't have to be a kit each but just a single kit guaranteed drop, this to me would be more inviting to do UD/TMQ and other dungeons. Just an idea, something along those lines would be nice.

    someone thats not PROBABLY not even max lvl and doesnt do pvp or pve ( except farming mobs ) has no right to talk about if the games good or not

    It's people like you who ruin the game with their toxicity. The man is entitled to an opinion, if he enjoys it he enjoys it,

    I started playing the game a few months ago before the wipe and bought cash points because I wanted to support the server, however I didn't have the cash points I bought credited to my account again, am I missing something or? Been trying to contact the staff and I had a reply but no action, nothing. Anyone else had this issue and know how to deal with it? ?(;(;(