you seem familiar
Posts by Cashalot
Dude I know how to play SK.
Only thing I dislike is how you are pushing ultimate and karma and doing everything too keep them safe.
You asked me what it needs to be done with them, how to balance them and you simply ignore it.
If DBOG dies, it will die because of you and people like you, that Daneos "trust", I guess money buy even trust now.
Entire community talk about balancing ultimate and karma, while you show up as Majin Jesus and with
, we should trust on that?
If you think that 500+ people in community that demand those changes, are stupid, and you are smart, then question yourself again.
Maybe you gone senile or what...
I am done talking with you and people like you, unless those 2 classes gets fixed.
If not, enjoy being "OP" in empty DBOG server. Cheers, "
" all good buddy.
enjoy seeing things that arent there.
Im just opposing your silly idea's just because of your lack of experience.
that the previous results speak:
1st place budokai characters only.
15 karmas
17 Shadow Knight
4 dende
2 turtle hermit
1 ultimate
1 dark warrior
characters that easily have cc90 equipment
- (slot 1) dende
-(slot 2) ultimate
- (slot 3) karma
-(slot 4) poko
-(slot 5) turtle, chef
finnaly a logical post from you , goodjob
But u forgot, 1 fighter and 1 crane hermit winning budokai.
VS what class mate?
Are we talking about squishy humans, anyone can kill them, even dende....
DreameR68 is right, ultimate needs nerf in resistance or props, something needs to be done.
Tanker with resistance and with energy and physical skills, soo only craft gear is mostly good vs him..
If we are talking about ultimate vs SK, SK will go focus + CD to have any chance to land any debuff, that can be, guess what, EASY REMOVED by ultimate.
Now think about if ultimate takes CD too, since they will use CCBD gear with CD and maybe some other CD accessory if needed soo they can spam heal and remove debuff with heal, easy.
I mean, server speak for itself, Majins Balls Online.
every self respecting sk will use random debuffs before using the annoying ones, and when lifedrain and curse are used, switch to LP % gear.
And with focus gear, SK will land roughly about 75% of the debuffs on a full dex ultima.
Try to play a ultima ureself, and i will let you fight a friend of mines with hes SK, watch what happens
Dreamer come on
I dont want to debunk you the entire day if you keep posting things that are wrong.
yea cash is right about the 2 reasons statement. the 60% doesnt multiply the passive,
if shadow knight goes full lp and buffs im certain they would have more lp then a full buff.
damage well i think if you neglect removal of debuff and heals sk can out damage a buffer (minus spins)
Well yea, SK dishes out 2-3 times more dmg then a ultima ever could in pvp.
As for spins, ppl use anti candy and just run away, or go full physical damage reflect, and abuse the fact you cannot use potions/sensu during spin and exhaust.
What? The only thing that I calculated is number * 60% how is that wrong...
2 reasons.
1, If you add 60% , you have to take out 1 dex earring
2. You calculate that 60% multiplies the passive.
You make a bold statement that ultima has more LP and damage then a shadowknight,
You want me to get started on this?
Really its no problem for me, really, its not. But its so pointless because even if i completely debunk you, you will just make the same bold statements again in a different topic, or in few pages.
Ultimates will only get stronger and stronger. Right now they can tank more than a sk and deal the same dmg. Moreover they have alot more lp then a sk.
Your calculations are wrong, almost everything you just posted is incorrect.
Please dont make me educate you.
The problem with removing rng from upgrade is that you will make sure people will get 100% +15. That's what I'm trying to avoid. Also rng puts more fun into the game. You never know if that one stone will bring you a much better gear or make it worse.
doesnt matter if ppl have equal gear by alot of work, then item strategy and skills come into play
If you pay for a 51F ticket, going till 100F still takes on avarage 50-60 minutes.
You can buy 3 whole boxes for that.
I'd say boxes from pve is fine.
I would like a item wipe too.
Iceman, you play long time, same as me, yet how come im not seeing it?
SK can handle ultima pretty good
Crane/turtle with correct gear too
Dende/poko cant be killed by ultima either.
Karma has big advantage over them due high focus/succes rate.
Plasma cant be killed by ulti either.
Cheff cant be killed by ulti
Dark warrior cant be killed by ulti
Crane absolute destroys ulti in 70 cap.
The only 2 classes that will get killed by ultima , are fighters and swordman.
Every other class will either survive for dice, or kill/ring out ulti
And at 70 cap, ulti needs insane defences to tank those crits from fighter.
ofcourse, none of this matters if theres a giant gear or skill difference.
But im only looking at the endgame of players with gears and pvp experience.
Switching gears mid-combat is what we all do.
Every class beside Ultimate or Karma, can go under nerf or change, but those classes can not even be touched.
If this is "balance", then good job I guess.
ulti nerfs so far
Spin speed MS capped at 300MS
Resistance from items capped at 60%
Agro system in PvE has been changed into a worse version for ultima.
Karma nerfs
RP cooldown from skill lock has been adjusted
If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask me, i'll happely inform you.
Sounds kinky, that roleplaying ?
Am I understanding it correct that it's a bad thing that focus is a counter to resist? 0.0
your free to understand things the way you like, aslong you dont assume things i never said ?
Everything you've said is to make Ulti look weaker than it actually is. You cry about it's resist yet it resists every debuff thrown at it. There's more but that's a waste of my time. The only realistic thing you've said is that Ulti has low damage and even with the low damage the class is tankier than a SK+It has Pleasant Feeling, A debuff remover which is also a heal and another seperate heal. Don't talk about being realistic, you're just being biased towards the class you play.
as soon as the enemy uses stuff to increase its focus, you wont resist anymore.
As for being tanky, DW and SK are both still tankier in pvp enviroment, aswell in pve team enviroment.
You know this, i know this, and we both know why you keep posting this bs even while you dont even play the game.
I don't understand how someone tries so hard to make an op class look weak.
I didnt say ulti was weak, but i do like to stay realistic.
But i've read this post of you already many times , doesnt it get old?
lol if were up to me, i'd make an open economy.
-Boxes from world boss and CCBD , can be sold and traded
-Items from CCBD can be sold/traded
-Items from BIDS , can be sold/traded
-Items from shenron and scramble, can be sold/traded
This would allow people who play the game, active, to make a nice amount of zeni, by selling stuff, other rich ppl are lazy to do themselves.
Box-head(boxbox) I won't quote you, it is too big to do that.
DPS classes are glass cannon, when they critic, it is high critic dmg, they are made that way but still I am only saying that their critic dmg needs to be buffed a bit soo that they gain back power that is taken.
Yea well NTL logic is bullshit ... lol
I mean you like it or not, high DPS + immunity, shouldn't be in 1 skill, but still I am fine if spin and ball would simply be full transfered to physical skills with %physical on them, than speed, soo deal %physical per 2 sec for as long it last.
If you see those skills, go full physical and you will reduce dmg a bit.
About those tanky classes, Ultimate is number 1 if well geared, highest props than any class in game and now with CCBD gears at will is problem for humans af plus resistance, while chef on other hand have a bit higher LP and less props but each debuff land on it.
Soo yea Ultimate at least in props needs to be reduced since it already have high resistance ( 1 prop - 0.7% ) for ultimate and np.
All spins are physical % based dmg based, but just like attack speed, their spin speed increased with movement speed, just like it did in retail. (and makes sense too) spins do nearly 0 dmg in pvp, if u go full physical. u can just chose, not to run away and take 0 dmg.
Or go full energy defences, with max physical dmg reflect, and abuse the fact that during spin AND exhaust, enemy cannot use potions/sensubeans
Also, they are not immune to auto atk.
As for tankyness. DW and SK are tankier in PvP 1v1.
Buffers dmg > DPS classes
This is bullshit tho and needs to be changed.
I don't mind that if fighter and turtle critic with their skills, it is one shot, because they are DPS classes and yea critic dmg needs to be edited on critic classes.
Still I am still for to make dex and foc, on DPS classes to be improved a bit.
Dex should give to fighter more survivability than props, at least in PVP, in PVE it is props no doubt.
For FOC, Plasma and Turtle, it needs to increase dmg rate, I mean burning attack from SM is better than turtle critic dmg. lol
But yea spin and ball shouldn't be based on speed at all, that is wrong af.
Buffer dmg does not > DPS classes.
The only situation where this maybe does apply, a little, is in PvE, with FireSpin or Candyball transformation (with poko+karma buffs) Area dmg, rivals a turtle in terms of dmg. Sadly its Damage over time (14 seconds) + exhaust time of 5~10 seconds afterwards.
Where as turtle can 1 shot people in 5v5 budokai.
Secondly, i could also bring up a argument that dende's could potentionally outdps single target classes too with their buff and maximum speed
When it comes down to the 4 tanky classes.
The single target dmg goes as follows (skills/pvp)
Grand Cheff majin < Ultimate Majin < Dark Warrior <<<<<<< shadowknight
Aswell when it comes down to agro managment, Dark warrior and SK are way ahead of ulti/cheff.
You're being ridiculous, a Grand Chef with a solid sub weapon, and max movement speed does a lot more total damage with their candy ball than a Ultimate Majin will do with their flaming shower. Why? Because it lasts 2-3x longer than Flaming shower.
Spin/Candy is the equivalent of an AoE thunder, it does great AoE damage, and it's viable against bosses.
you do know that spins(cant crit either, just letting you know.. incase..
) are capped at 300 ms right, and auto attack is capped at 50ms
Yes, spins do alot of dmg with karma+poko speed buff, but its not compareable in dps to a Thunder fighter in a PvE single target environment.
Crafted defences was a bad move on ntl part, coz defences are way higher then cc or tmq