Posts by linho

    People need to stop this rivalry and comparisons between servers.

    DBOG is the project that is most available compared to other projects that, as Verdant himself said, rush things.

    We have many examples of servers that closed and seemed to be good. Each project tends to offer a different experience, it is up to each person to choose the one they like the most and to follow (or not) the progress of the other servers.

    Sometimes I play to see how things are going on the server and root for its progress, and nothing stops me from playing on others as well.

    I'm glad that the server plans are still focused on the new client, congratulations on the progress Verdant.

    That's really cool, really cool.

    At least for me, this solves a big "problem" that could be the "endgame".

    It made me even more excited to keep playing :)


    Muito legal isso, muito legal mesmo.

    Pelo menos pra mim, isso resolve um grande "problema" que poderia ser o "endgame".

    Deu mais animo ainda, continuar jogando :)

    Hi, I just got back into the game recently, guys, first, congratulations on the server progress.

    He is soooo good, much better than he used to be. Congratulations, it's so delicious.

    A suggestion, which makes a lot of difference in the gameplay (at least when leveling up a character), is to show the notification when we kill a mission mob, see the example in the image below...


    I took this example from another server, I used the character's initial mission as an example, that it is necessary to kill 3 mobs.

    Note that when killing, the game notifies the current status of the mission, this makes it much easier at the time of up.

    On this server, this only happens when the mob needs to drop some quest item, but when killing, if the quest is just to kill, it doesn't notify anything.

    Would it be possible to include this functionality here? I strongly believe that it makes a good difference, it's a detail that makes a difference.

    Thanks in advance!!!


    Mais uma vez, parabéns pelo trabalho, sei que não é nada fácil.

    Se precisarem de alguma ajuda, sou programador web (pleno), e participei do fórum DBO Brasil (juntamente com o Kakaichi) na época dos servidores Korean, Taiwan e Honk Kong.


    Obrigado, ambos, pelas respostas.

    Uma coisa que já gostei é que pela primeira vez fui respondido por quem está na frente do desenvolvimento.

    Verdant , parabéns pelo trabalho e pelo empenho, fico feliz que não desistiram do DBO, esse jogo fez parte da minha vida, vou testar as alterações feitas e dar meu feedback.

    Boa tarde a todos, e sucesso para essa nova direção do DBO Global.

    Bom dia/tarde/noite galera.

    Seguinte, alguém poderia me dar uma posição sobre o jogo?

    A última vez que eu estava a par das notícias, era de que uma versão 2.0 do client iria ser lançada, e todos levariam wipe...

    Isso já aconteceu, vai acontecer, como estão as coisas por aqui?

    I thought it was just me, but I realized that a lot of people have trouble dropping dragon balls.

    What does Daneos have to say about it? So far I have not seen him comment on this "problem", It's getting boring, tiring and discouraging to play this game, seems to be abandoned, completely lost the hype. In 2 events, at level 31, I spent almost 3 hours killing mobs of the same level as myself, and just did not get any spheres.

    I expected more from this global server.


    Se vc esta usando o serve files que o daneos colocou para download pode esquecer por que vc precisa da source do mesmo e ainda saber mexer em C++ e não e simplesmente logica em C++ e saber mexer mesmo o mínimo que vc pode fazer com esse serve e jogar mesmo matando monstros e ganha level nada mais

    Esse que o Daneos colocou tem as skills liberadas? E onde consigo baixar ele?