Posts by SantiHN

    For what seems to be a week or two, the forums have been victims of spam bots. With them still coming here after a while with just forum mods deleting the threads after a few hours, couldn't there be an automated cleaning solution?

    Things to consider:
    All the bots seem to come spamming about fake university degrees.
    They always use strings consisting of chinese characters.
    They always use the words meaning "diploma" and/or "certificate". Some include "fake".

    Could an automated script be installed to monitor the forums and automatically ban the accounts or at the very least ask for moderator approval before posting? With these strings being monitored, I doubt a chinese user would come here talking about his diploma or certificate. I don't think it will cause an inconvenience with the chinese community.

    You will only find Dragon Balls during the Dragon Ball Hunt event every saturday with a proper scouter that can find Dragon Balls.

    Pero vamos a ver, para que hagan cambios y reajustes balanceados con las clases, primero tendrán que recuperar lo que era el DBO, incluyendo sus fallos y desbalances..

    Si no saben cuales problemas habian, como van a solucionarlo, falta un monton de contenido perteneciente al juego, vease entonces, ni siquiera tenemos el juego en su totalidad en nuestras manos, y ya quereis que lo arreglen, por eso no hago posts estilo "El fighter no puede llegar a la speed maxima, se buguea", "El SK está desbalanceado en pvp, o está roto" "Él turtle no tiene daño y esta bug".

    Estamos en pre open beta.

    ¡Recibiremos un reset gente! Piensen en eso.

    ¿Pero si no les informas a los Devs que esta mal y no hay retro alimentación de la comunidad, como sabrán que esta mal?

    Hackers have nothing to do with this xD

    Maybe it's just a technical problem....that happens on the day of db hunt cuz so many ppl are there who wanna get dbs. During the hunt one channel was off. Then a second one went off right before db hunt ended i guess. And now this xD

    I have no knowledge on server things but maybe server is kinda stressed and that's why channels collapse?

    It's been happening way before DB hunt during this week. Channels constantly dropping one by one. I think it's the second time this week that the whole server is unavailable.

    He seems to write stuff with his feet. I have no idea what he means.

    "Player A has 70% CDR, uses a skill with 12 seconds cool down reduction then the 12 seconds are going to be decreased by 70%."
    Decreasing 12 seconds by 70% means subtracting 8.4 seconds from 12, leaving you with a 3.6 seconds cooldown instead of 12 seconds.

    Is this how it works?

    Muchos parecen no saber sobre el problema actual con los servidores, por lo que vi en un thread reciente. Lo que este post de Tempest nos dice:

    Lo que el post dice es que por circunstancias no previstas, el servidor esta experimentando dificultades técnicas.

    En los problemas que suceden están:

    *Constantes caídas de canales

    *Los canales se quedan fuera de linea y no son utilizables

    *Errores de conexión al servidor (Los jugadores no pueden entrar a los canales/cuenta por este error)

    *Los canales se sobrepoblan y se llenan

    Estos problemas son a través de todo el servidor, y que se espera que se arreglen para el día de hoy a mas tardar.

    No se alarmen por que el equipo esta trabajando constantemente para resolver estos problemas. Si el servidor se cae, le urgen a los jugadores esperar pacientemente hasta que vuelva. Si este problema ocurre (lo cual ya sucedió) se le pide a los miembros de la comunidad que estén revisando los foros y el servidor de Discord por cualquier actualización sobre el problema.

    Disculpen por las inconveniencias.

    EDIT: Ya esta de vuelta.

    This also happened to me when I tried to summon Shen Ron on Saturday during the DB Hunt while the log-in server (or whatever that was the log in problem that day) was down and I got the same error constantly. I haven't tried using the DBs ever since but I will and will come back to see if I still have the problem.

    I want to know if there is a limit to the attribute amount you get per level of craft.

    For example if you can get a 28 constitution on for a example a lvl 11 crafted gear piece. Or is there a limit per recipe?