Posts by Tatu

    The drop rate of stone is to high. I don't know if you went to farm for some hours but you will nearly drop every 1h - 2h at least one purple/green and alot of reds/blues.

    Yes because of the cashers there will be more stones (these guys are cashing like crazy)

    But you need to remember items can't break when you upgrade that means for +15 you only need alot of stones. So if you farm for 1 week you will get at least +13 if not +15.

    I think your arguments are stupid and the only thing you want to achieve is to unbalance the game even more, I'm sorry for the insult but how can you say that in a week you take your armor to the maximum, or a single part? Farming for a month maybe you can achieve something and with good luck.

    I think that the ultimate is usually more PVP because of its great resistance and its abilities that provide an almost certain victory if it is well played, although I have seen Grand Cheff that play very well in the PVP. Now going to the GC, I think that his skills are very useful for PVE in both UDs, TMQs, BIDs, etc. Everyone becomes Ultimates because they are easier to handle in both habits (PVE and PVP) but I prefer GC if I have to be the buffer of the team. Greetings, this is translated into the google translator so apologize if there is any flaw in the grammar.

    You had to get to lvl 10 then it jolted you to 33, in pob it might have been a good idea since were testing classes but never liked them in real game, you should go through the life process of 1-33 :)

    If it gets implemented people will complain twice
    The cookie won't exist anymore like the upgrade tickets that are yet to be removed

    Maybe they are right but my opinion is different since I see this item as Kakarot says, an opportunity to try different classes without the need to invest a whole day or more in leveling up. I do not think it would be P2W either because what you do with that item you can do for free! It's my simple opinion, thanks for your answers!

    Why not put this item in the store? It serves to light skip the first levels and to level characters faster. Maybe the price could be 150 cp or 200 cp

    Dudo que teniendo esvasticas es tu nombre te hagan parte del staff. Tienes que tener respeto hacia todas las personas principalmente. (Recien veo el topic)

    The videos you show prove exactly my point, there are many ways to level up faster even with divided exp.

    Having a spot to farm or grind shouldn't be an issue if players would try to discover how big papaya actually is, instead of fighting over the regular spots everytime. I've found spots that I disregarded previously and I've made good money out of recent farms, that would also apply to grind.

    The only thing I believe this would encourage would be taking away the actual value of leveling up, which is part of the content of the game. Every player wants to rush to level cap but they do not realize that once you hit 70 you will still have to farm or spam dungeons in order to gear up, so everyone should enjoy each content instead of trying to find ways to skip the process.

    Te voy a responder en español porque el traductor hace que me exprese mal jajajaja, a mi parecer el juego empieza a ser divertido a lvl 70 una vez que ya estas armado pero bueno eso es cosa mia ya que me gustan los adult budokai entre otros eventos que requieren de un personaje poderoso. Pero ahora pasando al tema de la exp, se que hay spots que son mas faciles para farmear que otros pero no son lo mismo, la concentracion de mobs del hotel de papaya es inmensa y puedes llegar a hacer una barra en 10-15 minutos de farmeo por eso es que todos se pelean. Ahora sumemos las quest bug, no me estoy quejando yo creo que hay que priorizar el tema de los duplicados entre otras cosas que verdaderamente afectan al desarrollo e integridad del juego. Tambien podemos agregar el alto drop que tienen las piedras ahora, estoy muy conforme con eso pero la gente se vuelve loca por todo papaya incluso llegando a desearte una enfermedad por un simple item. Los fin de semana voy a un voluntariado donde con un grupo de personas/amigos alimentamos a personas de un sector carenciado, no estoy tratando de dar lastima ni nada solo digo que esos dias no los puedo ocupar por eso es que mi personaje esta en level 68 y todavia no tiene una sola esfera ni un solo deseo xD ! Me importa mucho este juego ya que yo creci con el y siempre trato de apoyar donando pero me parece que promover de alguna otra manera (si no te parece correcto) el compañerismo seria una gran idea para un juego con una comunidad tan pequeña pero unidad como es DBOG ! Saludos y gracias por responder.

    Copio y pego el mensaje del traductor !

    I'll answer in Spanish because the translator makes me express badly hahaha, in my opinion the game starts to be fun at lvl 70 once you're armed but well that's my thing since I like adult budokai among other events that require a powerful character. But now going to the issue of the exp, I know there are spots that are easier to farm than others but they are not the same, the concentration of papaya hotel mobs is immense and you can get to make a bar in 10-15 minutes of farmeo that's why everyone is fighting. Now add the quest bug, I'm not complaining I think you have to prioritize the issue of duplicates among other things that really affect the development and integrity of the game. We can also add the high drop that the stones have now, I am very happy with that but people go crazy for all papaya even coming to wish you a disease for a simple item. The weekend I go to a volunteer where with a group of people / friends we feed people from a disadvantaged sector, I'm not trying to give pity or anything just say that those days I can not occupy them that's why my character is at the level 68 and still does not have a single sphere nor a single wish xD! I care a lot about this game because I grew up with it and I always try to support donating but I think that promoting in some other way (if it does not seem right) the fellowship would be a great idea for a game with such a small community but unity how is DBOG! Greetings and thanks for responding.



    As you can see, this process is done by several people so it would not matter if they did it with one or five accounts at a time. Bugs are abused to raise the level much easier, my idea is only to save time and space as many problems arise for who stays with the spot with more mobs. This will encourage the camaraderie among the community and save the typical comment: "I'm here for more time f*ck you" .

    I am going to write all this note in the translator, so please excuse me if there is a mistake in the coherence or in the spelling. I am leveling up a character, in papaya it is very tedious to have to farm the last 5 levels and that good spots to farm are always occupied by players with higher levels. Sometimes I invite these players to a party and accept but here is the problem, if they accept the experience is divided in half resulting in a slow and annoying process. If the experience were not divided, the fellowship would develop better and the level rise would be much better. Thank you for listening and thank you for voting!

    Hola si he escuchado mucho de ti, podrías darme algunos tips? Equipamiento y estrategias? Quiero hacer un buen crane si quieres me los dices por mensajes privado

    El no habla español, se le hara muy dificil enseñarte todo. Te recomiendo que te bases en su build y que mires videos en youtube. Sendoku tiene un canal de ahi puedes ver sus estrategias ! Se aprende mucho de sus videos.