Posts by seifenoper

    Hi, the quest system is pretty much fine and it is the same as the retail sever. There's always an alternative way to level up but that simply takes the fun of the game away. You can always team up with guild mates / friends to do quest together, as they say "the more the merrier" :comcom2:

    Also, remember to take regular breaks while playing DBOG. :dpeace:

    i'll try and find guildmates and friends who are willing to help i guess, thats probably the quickest and maybe the most fun way to quest

    idk if it's meant to be like this in the game later but i'm around lvl20 - 30, and i'm literally getting drowned with quests.

    one quest you finish leads to another and another and another etc.

    but i mean it isn't bad but i seem to level up too quickly and a whole ton more quests appears, so i wanted know if there was an easier way to handle this or just leave it as it is.

    i wouldn't mind a helping hand or someone who is around my level to party up do the quest in about half the time it takes for one person to do it :)