Posts by Goku

    When will patch be done and server unlocked??

    It's scheduled to be open within the next 3 hours! HYPE! :thumbsup:

    10kk zeni isn't a lot those once people reach level cap. on the original server the green skill reset book cost around 300kk-600kk(some where in that area or even more) i believe.

    Yeah, those were ridiculous prices just to reset your skill points. 300-600 million zeni was way too inflated.

    I agree, the skill reset books were probably the biggest complaint of DBO players since the original Kr version. The solution is to do what the OP said, just like in World of Warcraft and many other MMO's. Get rid of the books and let trainers reset our builds for zeni.

    The only 2 things people ever complained about the cash shop were:

    1. Skill Resets costing real money (which in reality should be sold by a trainer, like in World of Warcraft)

    2. Flight scrolls (But you guys fixed that because you're amazing :D )

    Yes, level 50 for transformations was the best. It made the game harder and having a transformation was more special and rare. When the cap was 70 the game was sooo easy and it didn't take long to level at all. Especially if you have friends that are level 70 already. Level 50-55 were the good days. I would love if they raised the level cap by 10 levels each year, starting at level 50.

    I would LOVE if the DBOG team followed the original patch dates. The original lvl 50-55 version was really fun and people won't get bored fast. Just add flying day 1 though please.

    Would it be possible(later in development) to take the walking animation from NPCs and make it usable by player characters using a hotkey? I think it would add a great roleplay effect to the game seeing some players running or walking through the cities. But is it possible?

    Thanks for the hard work, DBOG team!