Yeah it is a very powerful & underrated spell.
Posts by Sendoku
Def still works so far in PvE&PvP, sometimes for some reason it doesn't tho.
Frequent aggro reset from mobs (no idea how to replicate, seems to be mobs that have a fixed position tho)
DEX and FOCUS both don't increase their respective crit rate (physical DEX, energy FOC).
After testing, somehow physical def works against Namek Warrior (didn't try against other classes), also works vs p.att based mobs (need further tests);
Spells with the effect of +50%dmg if attacking from behind DO work, but is very tricky
Maybe you need to press the Scouter activation key, check it out in your settings.
Otherwise try and buy a new one. -
Why can't we get these ? i remember that we could have it like a year ago so what's the deal ?
I actually proposed this idea like 2 years ago to DBOR so i'm obviously agreeing with it heh.
Je croyais que DBS se passait après battle of gods ? wtf
Guerrier de l'ombre xD ça le fait pas en plus je crois que c'est Chevalier de l'ombre, c'est encore pire :pinch: .
Bienvenue à toi.
no srsly why is the music so loud LOL
Really you should forget about the "very" loud music, just let the game's sound specially if it's such a short video.
Il est down depuis plus de 5h là