Posts by Pecos

    I welcome you in my name and in name of entire DBOG Staff.

    I hope you will enjoy the POB stage and help us fix game.

    Have fun!

    One thing I was wondering is if there is any help needed in submitting spelling, grammatical, and context corrections for in-game text, specifically regarding story line and NPC content. I have noticed many instances of translated English text from Japanese that is hard to follow because the context and grammar was quite literally "lost in translation". This isn't a criticism of the translators by any means. Japanese and English differ in structure and syntax which inevitably leads to sentences that are hard to follow once in English.

    Story elements and narrative tid-bits are an interest of mine and it would be great to refine it where I can. If this is something the team would think valuable, I was wondering how best to submit my edits and where on the forum that would be handled?