Actually, having a distance limit on this is also how it used to be in the old DBO. Perhaps, at one point, it didn't have that limit but then it was later fixed? A bug occurred in DBOG, where kills would count for people who would be in completely separate maps, but this has been fixed. It is more logical for quest progress to advance for people who are actually nearby.
The current range goes around (if not exactly) the player's maximum view range and we feel like this is plenty enough. I passed your suggestion on to the big man himself and he confirmed that there are currently no plans to increase the range. Sorry.
Ok this is my answer to what you said. If this game is going by the real life logic. Then players in the party can do the missions together even when they are apart 1.5 kilometers. Because if they need to kill something and get something from a mob, a party member could easily do that and carry the requiered item to his party member for the mission. If you have any understanding about what I said you surelly would think the same. The bug or whatever happened with that was great, and now you made the game more boring and a pain to play. Because some of the people will lose their flying jet and it will be really hard for them to do the missions. If you still think that the "fix" that you people did with this is allright then I have no words to that. I love the game, but with this change you just made the game worse.