Posts by Hodor

    dude , you have 1 common point with Hodor , i will let u geuss what it is ( it's not courage btw )


    Sorry, but talk with your friends in that loser slang.

    I made some points about the topic. If "dude" talk is your only opinion here. Ok! :)

    Stop stealing you damn humans!

    As Namek who have friends which need you to go for dungeons and else...

    Sorry, that I need more as 3sec to kill a mob! But stop stealing!

    You need us Nameks, we dont need you humans! Think about it!

    it's something using your brain at some point soo that you dont need to worry about farming it in future when you can play with your luck faster smh

    also its 14 m each 10 tokens be happy for that some hardcore players just put their char online 24-7 just for enough tokens to buy like 3 white and who knows how many green or purple after all people dont want to bother to go inside a ud or tmq or rp dungeons just to kill soo many mob and get 1 blue or red or even nothing in this early stage of the ob... since token shop got updated with U26-55 stones soo ofc they will abuse the token shop until lvl 60 cap or higher gets added where you have to go pve and farm for it or do what usually most casher do buy from wagu machine lel gj daneos add stones on wagu machine make the game more easier then it needed to be just make the upgrade system harder then it used to be lol

    I have to use my brain, cause you CAN'T manage all these things with one account. Made my day! :D

    This Multiaccount "option" will destroy this game and no one will see it.. Level 1 AFK people is just the beginning and how old is this game now? 14 days?

    And btw. if it was planed by the real devs from DOB, why I cant use 2 chars with ONE account?! I need no answer. :)

    Multiaccount is hack/cheat/bot using what else - There is NO succesful game in the world, where multiaccount is allowed! And I know why! Good players know why! Good communitys know why! And sorry devs, also good ones would know it!

    And now I chase me with your bad arguments :)

    Disable multiaccounts!

    I mean, explain me the logic: For WHAT some/many people need multiple clients?! To buff your main Chars? Are you truly as bad players?

    Sorry but...

    These lvl1 people are all over the world. Just stay 24/7 in the towns and get tokens for nothing every 15 minutes, cause it is allowed!

    Also a funny joke, sharing accounts is forbidden. But multiaccounts is ok?!

    Soviel ich weiß, musst du einen Gegenstand bei dem Upgrade Futzi zerstören lassen.

    So oder so, schau dir an wieviel xp du bekommst. Ignorieren und bei den richtigen und wichtigen Q weitermachen :)

    No my friend, you miss the point - how buu says

    I thinking to steps further beyond! (I love this play on words!)

    Anyway, you talk about a option to get more xp for Zeni. So, which people (right in the moment and also in the future) which people are the heros with much Zeni?

    The Casher and also these multiaccount trolls (sorry, in ANY!!! other game, multiaccount is forbidden, not here!)

    Sorry, so I ask need more?

    Oh yes! We need more options like that!

    I mean, multiaccount is allowed already...and you still need more? Hello Donald Trump?

    Sorry for my two salty sentence... :(

    Das konnte ich dazu in einem anderem Thread finden.

    Hab die Namek Region durch und daran kann ich mich nicht erinnern. Sprich der Q machte keine Probleme. Aber es gibt einen, ich nenne es auch mal Dungeon Q. Da musst du sowohl Mobs IN dem Dungeon umnieten und gleichzeitig noch außerhalb welche erledigen.

    Zur Not könntest du alle anderen Q abschließen oder abbrechen bis nur noch der Q in deinem Log ist. Dann sollte dir die Map mit den roten Kreisen eigentlich schon genau zeigen, wo die Mobs sind die du brauchst

    Hast du bei deiner Firewall und/oder Anti-Virus die entsprechenden Dateien von DBO in die Liste eingefügt?

    Weil man diese Tricks auch damals bei der TW Version machen sollte: Ist dein DBO auf deiner C: Festplatte? Wird der DBOLauncher als Admin ausgeführt?

    The Quest with Hugh is an escort Q. I remember, cause Ive done it yesterday. I think the other one with "Protect Namek Cotton" was also a escort Q.

    Btw. maybe someone could tell me where I have to use the "Harvest Book Team"? Qlog is in korean, only what I can read is the Name "Buru" - but where is it/he? - also namekian Qway