Posts by megamankix20

    Another thing is that the DMG of some skills like Double bleed and poison bleed doenst increase with RP, it does the same amount of dmg, i know, no one will care about that, but thats a bug, also if you use Spirit wave(Paralisis) and energy heat wave(Confuse) with RP Guard break it activate without burn or poison that is a bug because the skills requires that the targert have at least 1 poison or 1 burn.... too, see how broken is the class?

    Thank you very much for the strategy and for answering me

    Why nerfing 1000 Slashes, when everyone has antibleed, and is a skill with 2 min of cooldown? anyone can do 1 hit KO Daneos, figthers with critics, SK with their critical Bold, turtles with their mighty Kames, but what about crane now? they were made for boss and to counter SK cuz Bleeds always negate defense, now tell me how do i beat an SK? if they have 100% anti bleed or anti para or anti confuse?, maybe if you cap it at 75% or 50% it would be fair, but 100% anti bleed? i know that the game needs a lot of reworks to balance some classes but you cant nerf a skill just because you loose in a duel with a it, again im not triying to disrespect you or anything but i dont follow the logic behind the nerf, ok! ill accept the nerf if you cap anti bleed at 50%, like cooldown... that would be fair enough and if is still a problem that a crane do a lot of dmg with 0+ weapons with bleeds, then put that bleeds increase with attacks and is reduce by defense, so by that cranes would need to have +15 weapons to beat someone, another thing is our combo it cannot connect anymore, anyone pretty much has their own combo, stun+hit, etc, but cranes rigth know just...cant KD, the target has 1 sec to move after the freeze skill ends and change the animetion of the KD, even mobs can move, so tell me how i suppose to pvp now? do i need to create an SK or a figther? because that would be a shame and an unfair matter, but i wont say anything, if you are Okay with all of this, then i wont bother you anymore, i have my ritghs to talk about this and defend my class, i hope you read this, PD: 1000thousand still a problem? then erradicate the skill and give us our old skills like lost in time(Paralisis like SK be like) and some others, before lvl 70 cap(lvl60)

    Welp Defense rate only works with Auto attacks? i get 0 damage when im guarding , i have a full set of max defense rate + Cranes defense 104% rate buff! and when peopple auto attack me and i guard! i get 0 damage...., but if they hit me whit a skill or a DOT i die.... is that how suppose to work? Look at this

    And his glove , should defense rate works like this? , i have like 1200 defense rate + 104% of crane defense rate buff

    Another example of max defense rate against auto attacking thunder speed, btw he is

    So i have been asking and searching about defense rate, and peopple says is the chance of auto halving the damage of autoattack without guarding, an blue symbol will appears if you do soo... something like this, sourche min Defense rate is yet to be fixed, it doesnt work :

    I know what he means, for example if i use the crane Freeze Skill! and try to cast an KD Skill or Sleep with RP it wont happen, the character will charge ki until you move,jump etc, also Thousand Slashes(lvl5 ver) Only works if you put Abdominal,Burn or Poison alongside with Bleedings, if you only use one dodonpa for example, the skill will not execute proppely.

    Like the subject says, this skill fails to KO a LOT!, and for us! the cranes is important to KO! it works like a combo for PvP!! .. also there is a way to bypass the KO animation!!!! if i hit someone with Master Fan Out (and KO is about to get executed!) then that player can jump, walk and stun,attack,etc the other player! and this only happens
    with Master Fan Out Skill! Cuz the animation to KO is soo long! it last 1-2 seconds to KO when it starts!

    nahhh its balanced. if you have good def you wont have any problem with the bleeds, also is Good for PvE, that's why there are not complains, Daneos did something really good there! is it much well balanced that the TW version.

    Also with this, Turtles and any class that have DOT, can really use it on their build, is good.

    This dude in this picture probably has properties earrings and the 18 properties majin buff, which you probably don't have, also he's fully buffed and on your test you are not>>??
    He has Turtle and Karma buff that increase energy crit % WHICH YOU ALSO DONT HAVE lmao, He has the Focus and Soul Dragon buff which you also don't have, he also has the poko soul and energy crit rate buff which you don't have.

    I promise if u get the same gear and buffs you will do the same damage bro.

    i understand what are you saying but raw DMG, Focus, Soul doesnt add anything to the bleed critical men, and as i said the karma buff increase the Crit Rate not the % so he has 20% of the Poko buff and 15% of the turtle and with that it would be 350 more dmg even with that i would not reach 3.3k with dodonbarrage, but i dont know maybe is the properties

    Bro I doubt you had the same gear as him. He had better gear that why he did more damage when he crit with dodon ray. Get better gear if you want to hit higher dude

    Bro hear me out, i have a lvl 70 fan with 27% energy critical and a glove lvl 65 25% energy critical, i dont know if there are rings or earings that give you % of critical dmg! but the max criticl % that she could have in her glove and fan is 33% and even if i had them i would not do 3.3k of bleeding, a Normal DodonBarrage with critical increase succefull and whitouth equi % is 1848 and with the gloves 25% and the fan 27% is 2156..... so i have 300+ more bleeding damage with 52% of critical?(gloves+fan) also if i use the turtle critcial buff i do 2300 DMG cause 15% add like 150 bleeding critical DMG, i dont know, the SK's right now doesnt have legendary equip, so the max % of Critic that they may have is 27% and they do 4k, i know that they bleed doesnt work the same way that us. but still IS A LOT and it skill you faster even if last 10 second

    No, i tested and is the same DMG with Kaioken Grade 5, but thanks for paying us Attention :3 we appreciate it

    UPDATE: Also with or without Kaioken GR1,2,3,4,5,SSJ, The critical bleed has the same DMG, i test it again

    Thanks Daneos,and yes you are ritgh.
    also what about the critic with the bleed? at the video the dodonpa Barrage DMG was 3.3k! i do 2.2k with gloves and fan 27% critic, even if i had 33% i wont do as much damage like the video, did you notice that.