Posts by hizeee
When you die, If you click revive, you will crash. With or without self revive stones.
The “+” and “-“ in the Trade Do not work. Video Footage.
-When using a skill that is on cooldown, you get the message “Unable to change class” first before you get the message “Skill is on cooldown”
InFamous/Gucci = best sm in game
I thought Errede was best sm??
Edit: Wait no its KinsK
^ The same could be said for Yes voters
The No voters did new accounts to vote for No more lmao.
Saying the game will lose players and die as the result of a wipe is idiotic.
1. The majority want a wipe, you should be able to see that yourself. Don't deny it.
2. Isn't the game already dead as it is? Or are you satisfied with every channel being 'Not Busy'?
?? The channels say something different than Not Busy before? Was i alive?
^ i do farm alot so maybe that’s the reason
Well, that suggesiton is also thought out well. Got a few things tho..since i think i am what ppl call a pessimist. I'd say i'm just overthinking in general but with the results i often happened to be right...
To 1:
-Stones can be dropped easy atm. Sure for some it's not easy cuz of bad luck maybe, but overall, it is. I think i still have 100x U60 blue. Had the same amount of U60 red stones...
-Making a NPC trade regular stones for purple/green stones would mean ppl get those easier thx to easy regular stone drop of red/blue stones.
-Adding a new Dungeon/TMQ for one stone...and under those requirements of Teamplay...forget that one lol.
-Adding a new NPC to trade medals or whatever to get purple/green stones from said NPC is too much with the first two points that i wrote down. Would make it even easier than it already is.
To 2:
- As i've mentioned above, RNG makes sure ppl don't go to high upgrades too easy. It's a gamble. Some ppl have luck and get high upgrades and others get f*cked. By deleting it, you make Upgrading more rewaarding which is nice but i think for DBO it's death at some point. What's the point in rewarding if everyone has it after a certain while? What to do then?
-If i combine those caps you gave as an example with your suggestion in the first part, it sounds too easy to achieve. Too many options to get stones...Ofc you could come up with a new cap setting but that would make it too hard for ppl. And we all know, ppl want it as easy as possible. They would just trash talk you if you try to make it harder. And tbh i feel like your suggestion is already too much for a majority of players hahahahaha. Sad but true.
With your suggestion, you wrote that it's 379 stones to reach +15. With the first part, you make it easy to get those tho. With that NPC trade, special TMQ/UD,Medal trade... xD I mean it's still hard. I admit it. But for me it's nothing tbh. And some others think the same. The majority will hate this tho. So i don't see this happening. And to me it's also just a guaranteed +15 after a certain while, even if it's hard. RNG makes sure that even after a certain while, there are not too many high upgraded things (example: DBO official servers)
That's how i see your suggestion.
For now i'll stick with what i suggested tbh. It's bascially back to the roots. And i think it would be good for now, going back to original state. We know it would help to get rid off of too many high upgraded items. We saw it back then. Just have to make sure ppl can't duplicate stuff such as stones...and items in general....
Not gonna argue with you. The Advance Stones drop rate are more or less okay but the Regular Stones....lord. I literally have 1023 (about 100kk+ in today’s economy) U60-65 Red Stones and 104 Blue u60-65 Stones (I sell everytime i have x100). Decrease drop rate on regular stones immediately.
Especially with broken option, this is by far one of the greatest idea yet. The problem is if broken option comes into play, that would mean daneos would have to change damage formula making +6-10 weapons do just a bit more damage if an average persons’ upgrade is gonna be +6-10.
Add Broke option. Theres a reason why the trade/LFG chat doesn’t get spammed with “hacker” anytime someone gets +15 like it used to be. I played TW for 2 weeks and +10 was like godlike. Now its for newbies.
I did kiddo 6 months ago, i did mostly pve with my DW, i used more then 60 boxes dumb kid, i just made an example of what time it takes for a free player to get that amount of boxes, and you went ape shit, if you think that 300 boxes invested with your cash and money shouldnt give you some kind of benefit in return then you're right this game is definetly for braindead people like yourself.
Cry to the RNG gods.
Im about to give my opinion >.>
So, I see a lot of people just going nuts with the whole wipe thing "Daneos said no more wipes, Daneos this... that... "
I just want my cash back and a new opportunity to actually manage myself to cash it the right way in a complete game, not a 0.50% completed game like it was when OB released.
And I wouldn't mind starting over, the new client seems interesting and might be time to reconsider just going brand new. I love this game, never get tired of it. I sometimes quit but I eventually come back, leveling just makes my addiction grow haha
Who’s choice was it to cash in a .50 completed game in the first place? But dw, most Wipe supporters just want their cp back.
since when is guild full of randoms and with a scammer master that cant defend their dojo from BRs top tier?
We had 4 less people the whole time and people kept leaving and they only had a 20 point lead... lol.
you are mad if u dont want wipe.
is it obvious you are too selfish and want to keep ur stupid kid budo char.
there are people who have +15 level 70 BID gear.
Don’t get mad because I knocked you out in prelims bro. Blame your trash gear.
New upgrade system idea
Make each upgrade guaranteed if you put in a certain amount of stones (Could keep the old system and have new system if players would rather gamble?)
+15 items usually cost around 250kk and advanced stones cost around 2kk-2.5kk.
1 - 2 - 5 normal
2 - 3 - 10 normal
3 - 4 - 15 normal
4 - 5 - 20 normal
5 - 6 - 5 advanced (5 White Stones) 12kk
6 - 7 - 5 advanced (5 White Stones) 12kk
7 - 8 - 5 advanced (5 White Stones) 12kk
8 - 9 - 5 advanced (5 White Stones) 12kk
9 - 10 - 5 advanced (5 White Stones) 12kk
10 - 11 - 10 advanced (10 White Stones) 24kk
11 - 12 - 15 advanced (15 White Stones) 36kk
12 - 13 - 20 advanced (20 White Stones) 48kk
13 - 14 - 25 advanced (25 White Stones) 60kk
14 - 15 - 30 advanced (30 White Stones) 72kk
A total of 125 advanced stones needed in order to achieve +15 - If advanced stones cost 2kk-2.5kk and white stones cost 400k a +15 item would cost from 300kk-362.5kk
Going by my own personal experience with farming, I was farming 2 advanced stones, 4 white stones and 4kk from selling trash per hour which equals to 9.6kk-10.6kk per hour (Let's just say 10kk). So, if you're farming 10kk per hour, it would take a total of 6 hours to achieve +10, 12 hours to achieve +12, 30 hours to achieve +15. (This is going off advanced stones costing 2kk each)
Now, let's see how much it would cost in dollars to get 125 advanced stones (300kk) - 5 dollars gets you a Level up 30, which then gets you around 20kk in game. It would require 15 Level up 30s to achieve +15, which costs 75 dollars in total. 75 dollars or 30 hours of grinding seems like a fair trade off.
Now let's see how many days it would take you in order to achieve +15 from grinding a specific amount of hours a day.
1 hour a day = 10kk per day, 300kk per month (1 +15 item per month)
2 hours a day = 20kk per day, 600kk per month (2 +15 items per month)
3 hours a day = 30kk per day, 900kk per month (3 +15 items per month)
4 hours a day = 40kk per day, 1200kk per month (4 +15 items per month)
and so on...
In conclusion, +15 items should be very hard to obtain like how it was in tw/kr. So, with my idea I thought that if you make 1-10 easily obtainable and then make 10-15 incredibly longer/harder, it would make having highly upgraded armor and weapons less common and make the game way more harder in terms of spamming cc dungeons which then would prolong the games life.
No disrespect but I would literally have full +15 under a month if this happened. If they implement this, then they need to make Advance much harder to get OR MAYBE increase how many you need to gurantee a +15. In many mmo with a system like that, the amount/cost needed i to gurantee the max level of an item is beyond outrageous....but thats the objective.
I suggest the following:
You should just have a counter that counts every upgrade stone you used on the item. Once you reached the max for one of the categories, then you should have the choice to automatically +15 that item. So For example:
Namek Gloves:
0/300 Advance Weapon Upgrade Stones Used
0/900 Weapon Upgrade Stones Used
- If you reach the max on either, then you can automatically upgrade to 15 by clicking the option.
P.S. Not saying the amount should be crazy high but it should definitely not be low. It should be very hard to achieve. This rewards the time that only try hards would put in (Try hards arent bad...Im one)
Np ill be on 4 hours from now
Sure. I’ll invite you when i get on. Ign?
My IGN is Shallot2121 and at the time of typing this I'm currently level 10 and I'm usually on around 2pm - 10pm CST daily. P.S. If one of the guild members could also do a quick free battle with me so I can finally complete the side quest "A Sparring Match" that would be great.
You can join my guild. We are top tier
did i suggest that, or can you not read what i said, dumbo?
I said that the core problem of this game is that everything revolves around RNG, every single thing, starting from combat to getting the stats to farming, upgrading, dont talk to me about the basis of RNG, it's just that you're used to playing dumb korean MMO's for so long , that you cant get the taste of that asian weiner out of your mouth. That's your problem tho. Most MMO's i've played have drops that base off of RNG even then you have items that you can acquire that can give you perks you need for the gear, this game doesnt have that, instead you get infinite amount of trash and time wasted trying to please RNG gods to be on your side. Conclusion kids. You cant fix something thats fundementaly broken, good ol' danny knew this, what he also had in mind is. "sheesh theres alot of dumb people out there that will pay for this kind of system to get an edge over the other people". I belive you happen to be one of those people or else you wouldnt make this dumb comment in the first place.
Lol... stop playing then. No one will notice. They aren’t changing the game because some random used 60 boxes to get 2 prop and cried. Some people use 300 boxes and don’t get what they want.