Posts by richyrichy

    I wouldn't consider this an option, because of the nature of the game. If you stop seeing other players, beside your party members you'd see mobs dying from nothing in the normal world, or mobs being gathered from an invisible player in your client. In this game you need to know where players are. Usually the game does not give lag at all, the only time I would consider it necessary are times when there's an event like the Xmas event we had some days ago, where many people lagged/crashed because of the amount of players gathered in one place, but usually this does not happen so doesn't seem very important.

    -Santo, DBOG Team

    yeah but not everybody has a high end pc

    i play games where i have the hide other players option on all the time it is very effective,

    instead of complete invincible their characters will be replaced buy a game object or something still indicating that a player is there but not enough to make it lagg, like in this pic attached (players are replaced with green objects)

    the solution for PVP and PVE is to make different formulas for each.

    one for PVP and one for PVE. like some MMOs.

    ^^ i support these ideas too.

    they should be different calculations for pvp and pve for each skill, so you can boost plasma majin, fighter and swordsman skills in pve and it wont affect pvp

    , that alone can fix 60% of dbo balance problem ( using different calculation for skiills pvp/pve)

    u summed up what is wrong with the combat in this game, combat is so sh%*

    Afk and kill mob/boss doesn't get any boring than that, nerf attack speed.

    People say game will be hard without it, it won't -.- bcos there is something called SKILLS. The current game is not skill based

    This is my opinion

    I like the daily quest idea but the zeni reward is a bit much, give too much zeni and prices of items will rise.

    But still good suggestion

    Best way to fix attack speed party is to nerf your attack in dungeons.

    A game called Digimon masters online (dmo) did the same with their Korean version, it caused every player in Korea to use their skills in dungeon no matter how weak it was outside in the fields. ( in the game you could achieve 52% attack speed increase).

    My digimon in Korean dmo does about 29k attack in fields but when I go in dungeon I do about 7k, makes all my skills priority no matter how fast I hit

    I am sure if dbo implements (not sure of PvP, I don't do PvP) this it will create better class balance and play style

    Ty echoson, you have been really helpful with my fighter build and equipments it hard for a newbie to understand stuff in this game. I guess I will craft all my armour with con stats and use attack speed on both weapons.

    Will using con gears make my DPS low bcos I don't have dex gears?