Posts by fkimn

    there are nomral, superior, rare and legendary earings.

    The max stats in the reare is 28. You can obtain rare earings from muddosa gamble, action house or any bid.

    The max stats in the legendaty is 34. You can only obtain legendary jewelery in the bids and they are not tradeable. So you can only obtain playing the bids.

    Once you get your jewelery you need to box it and get the stat you need.
    To get brown boxs you can donate to the server and try your luck with the gamble machine. Buy it in AH or any trading post. (the actual prices is betwen 50 - 65kk, dont let you scamm from those who are selling box 70++kk)Or you can do the event boss a lot of times. (The one with the magins). The merchant of this event will sell you one brown box for -4 golden coins +10kk. (Or two or any amount you want meanwile you have the coins and the zeni)


    don't know the exact value but it's between 68 and 75
    68 < cap <= 75

    As percent it's 50%

    If you are dragonclan you will get +20 from your passive

    If you are dragonclan you will get +20 from your passive

    oh dude how can i forget that! lool thats the reason couse i cant reduce more than that.. with that pasive the cap seems to be 70.
    Thanks men

    i understand you but in my opinion crane should have a better perfomance in pve, use only for debuff isnt right. My point is if we use Cranes only for debuff they will never been chonsen for a bid party. We have a few alternatives to the full speed party. But we really need a few more to make the game more interesting.
    We can go with full speed turtles, so Cranes shoul not have problem with the basic imput damage. But if you must lose the explosive damage of the turtle for the early instances of the bids, you should gain something more before.
    I dont have a Crane, and i m not searching his utility with the actual performance, just wanna start a discusion of how can the class be more usefull for the pve ( in my opinion Cranes should be ones of the best pve classes in the game). with a few changes that shouldnt afect the pvp system. A low rate agro could help them, or a short time buff.

    Wich is the actual cd reduccion cap? Im wearing 17+16+3+1+8+8 (53) and if i wear the cc dungeon set seems not reduce at all... Seem to me maybe is 50.. but just wanna be sure

    if with one skill u take agro so there is a real problem i would bee glad to do a bid with u to see how this is even possible add mee ing TheProdige

    i dont have a Crane but a few of my guilds fellows have i ll add you so you can see

    crane thousand slashes use to be one their many PVE niche but it got nerfed due to pvp issues or complaintss

    if the crane could at least make a combo without get the %100 agro maybe he could manage the fight without the thousand. In htat video you can see a Crane spaming cyclones without get the %100 agro

    well it's you'r team wich is bad

    or u don't watch agro my suggestions : put the 33 % lp then the dadon's and finnaly cyclone ( put the deff debuff first ) then go speed and watch ur agro when u look that u are at like 80 % u stop attack

    are you a Crane ? you simply take the 100% agro with the dadon... the rest of the combo is useless for the reasons that i make this post.

    im not asking for damages combos, im talking about the amount of agro of the crane skills

    Hi huys, i dont have any Crane so maybe you could exlpain me how to make work the crane in the bids and other stuffs.

    For now all the times that i went with a crane to any bid the bleeds take all the agro and make the character unviable for pbe stuffs, even with the agro buff of the sk.

    could be great have a speed-bleed crane, but for now is hard to work with a character that dont make explosive damage and take all the agro anyway.

    Im not talking about increase thousands or any pvp stuff.. just make the crane bleeds less agro demanding

    What do you think?

    the mobs who have a chances of drop the db will show a ball in the minimap, once you see one you need kill him. But thats works only in the Dragon Ball Hunt event.

    Does the propieties incresase the heal habilitie in the dende???

    Im wearing kraken rings and doesnt seem improve my healing skills at all..

    Hello guys. Just wanna ask you about something that i think can be improved.

    Just dont remember if this is a bug or not, but when i play with my dende the only way to see my agro is when i target some mob. In the moment that i target another player or heal someone else the agro screen disapear. This can be very dramatic for the dende how has to see the agro balance and stats from other playes all the time.
    I know is a minor tweek but could be great for dendes and other character how dont target mobs all the time if this didnt happen.

    entonces lo que pasa es que tu monitor no soporta el tipo de resolucion en la que se ejecuta el juego busca este archivo:


    que se encuetnra dentro de la carpeta user.

    y cambia esta parte

    VIDEO_WIDTH = 1280;

    VIDEO_HEIGHT = 720;

    cambia los valores por:

    VIDEO_WIDTH = 800;

    VIDEO_HEIGHT = 600;

    si asi logras jugar, una vez en el juego seleciona la resolucion que mas se ajuste a tus necesidades.