Posts by JO80

    First of all i want to apologize for my bad english thats not my mother tongue but im pretty sure you will understand the reason of this post.

    Im an active player ingame but not this much in this forum. The reason i want to write, is because of the wipe many ppls want. This is not the solution for this game ! How many times in the future you want wipe the game again ? Many ppl spent a lot of real money and lifetime in this game so its naturally you can get better stuff by cashing. Most ppl dont understand this is a private server with no money background. Cashers or at beginning the founders take their part of revive this game.

    Most people who wants this bullshit wipe is the majority of players who never spent 1€ for this game but are making trouble because there are gamer with stuff +15!? This is a pay to win Game !!

    i know there are many bugusers with cheated Stuff dont wanna safe them, but i think the Team of DBOG in front Daneos knows how to liberate us from this maggots without wipe again and destroy all work of ppl who spent money and work hard for the stuff they got.

    Thats my opionion.

    Know we are a democrazy ? lets Vote then for or against this wipe. BUT! let only votes the Founders of this Game . Im sure a MOD can do it .

    My opionion is no wipe !! there are many other possibility to clear and make the game better.

    its because we have this bullshit lvl 55 cap. there will be different when lvl cap comes to 70. you will notice a change when we have the lvl 60 cap. Until this you will see only karmas or SK for win budo...

    In my opionion the only think to change is to bring back dogiballs and brown boxes into cash shop !! This Wagu Bullshit sucks alot.

    Back to Topic: The failure of Dogiballs is a must . I cashed alot and got a lot of dogiballs and a percentage of 24 failure of 100 is acceptable.

    Dude everyone is starting from level 1 so there are no op turtles to grind you

    ?? This is what i want, starting from lvl 1! op turtles ? who spoke about op turtles to grind ? nobody. I never need someone to grind me since korea or taiwan.

    I try to explain what (no lvl cap) means for me. I say no to lvl cap under lvl 70 , There is actually no official statement about this. Im sure there will be no lvl cap under 70. And there is one big reason why im sure about it....

    the dbog team already said that in OB the lvl cap wont starts at level 70 just so you know.

    And 5 days eh?
    that's hardcore.

    hey dude ,i know what they say . and thats ok . For OB they do all correctly start at lvl 1 and go up to lvl 70 like it has to be. I try to understand why people want this lvl cap to 30, 50 or so on.

    hardcore 5 days ? when you know what to do it is normal to reach . Hardcore is 2-3 Days.

    Hey Guys , who has this stupid idea of lvl cap ? no lvl cap is needed in this game . for what? I (the most player)can reach lvl 70 in under 5 days and then ? what the hell can you do at lvl 30 or 50 ? No fun and boring . the most player stay in citys because of this and talking trash and chill their ass. Cant understand what benefit this gives for the game, tell me someone? only reason for this bullshit can be for low lvl player who are lazy to go lvl 70 (and never reach it anyways) has a chance to compete against high lvl gamer.
    LVL cap ? NO!!

    sry for my bad english.

    the most of 70 +15 gear was upgraded at the time when gear not downgraded, if you upgrade with White Stone. In my opinion there must be a duplication bug in the past who allowed to duplicate the upgraded gear and sell them around. The first Peoples to starts with the +15 gear was in the chinese part of members. Remember to hear something like that . But hey i havent any proove.

    so again you are in Australia ? db hunting for you starts at 08:30pm (20:30). in 7 minutes

    and the next one for you tomorrow at 05:30 am

    seriously my friend, make something else because your knowledge about this game is equal to zero, try to help yourselve. Many people would appreciate to no more spamming the forum with nonsense threads. thx dude

    l'alpha e gia stata l anno scorso e da li che iniziarano i founder. per la closed beta penso, come gia scritto, che col pacchetto krillin non si ha acesso.

    devi tenere conto che questo progetto e stato tirato su da gente come noi. non e un official game. e poi i Founder sono stati offerti per finanziare i costi di mantenimento, server ecc. significha nessuno era o e costretto comprare un founder!! ognuno che vuole aiutare e contribuire compra- quello che si sente o puo-.In cambio e stato dato acesso nei test server e dipendente del founder anche goodies per il release. Al momento del release i pacchetti Founder non ci saranno piu.
    Il giocho rimarra gratis senza dubbi , perche i soldi per continuare li mettono quelli che shoppano. Era cosi in Taiwan ,Korea ecc. e lo sara anche qui.

    Percio io ero e sono disposto aiutare comprando il founder perche lo meritano per il lavoro fatto fin qui.

    posso garantire che con qualsiasi Founder Pack avrete acesso sul Dev Server. :D
    Altro discorso per la closed beta, la temo di no (mia opinione) come nella closed alpha.

    Poi a la fine se conviene comprare solo un Krillin Founder dipende da voi. Vi da un acesso solo al Dev Server e nessun vantaggio nel release.
    In poche parole spendere 15 dollari per giocare in un server che durera qualche mese e non e che puoi farci tanto, mi sembra troppo. Almeno col Goku Founder hai qualcosa iniziando dal beta release.

    in ogni caso mi farebbe piacere vedervi gia adesso online :thumbsup:

    Ciao connazionali :D

    Bello sapere che esistano anche italiani pronti a partire su dbog. Taiwan era casa mia ai tempi e italiani ne conoscevo pochissimi, famoso con Ryu80 il mio Fighter (70) ero piu nell sud america che nei dintorni europei chissa perche.. :) .
    Stavolta mi piacerebbe conoscere anche gente italiana con qui giocarci. Se ci dovessere essere qualcuno che giochi nel Dev Server puo contattarmi anche online (sempre Ryu80 8) ).
    La gilda Evolution che attiva gia nel Dev Server, ci sara anche a release o open beta che penso arrivi a meta anno. Questa sara` aperta non solo a italiani ma anche ad altri amici non italiani dai tempi Taiwan.

    In poche parole chi vuole iniziare in una gilda puo scrivermi.
    Ciao a presto :thumbsup:

    Lingue italiano , tedesco (vivo in germania) e inglese.