Posts by DreameR68

    nice, now try SK DPS in actually pvp, including lifedrain, curse, bleeds etc.

    I can still make video for you <3

    I'm not talking about only pvp. In pvp people will remove debuffs, have anti bleed and stuff like that. If you look at the dps ultimate can deal the same dps or more than a sk. Sk should be the off-tank. A bit tanky with damage. DW should be the tank, extremly tanky with low dmg. Dende should be the healer, low hp medicore def (they have the lowest base lp in the game lower than a human). Ultimate should be the support, to make everyone extremly strong with their buffs but still able to survive, with no dmg. But hey ultimate has everything right now.


    A off-tank should be able to replace a tank with really good gear but that shouldn't be the case for supports. Tanks should be a must in dungeons with normal gear. Also damage dealers shouldn't be replaced by supports. In dbog right now ultimates can go full cdr spin and then switch to prop with this strategy they can spam spin and do the same job as a turtle. At the same time they are the support, extremly tanky, with heals, buffs, cc removal. Ah and please don't forget kidboo (gives even more phy atk then kaioken) with no cd aoe spells.

    You want a DPS comparing between SK and Ulti next?

    Don't worry I just did that for you:

    with CC 100 weapons +15 no effects, no other gear (no dogis no prop, no accessoirs, without buffs, only passive) against lvl 1 mobs

    SK :

    sk bold strike 8100

    helzone 5400

    ultimate sharp slice 2875


    clustomer bomb behind 8000

    clustomer bomb front 5200

    flame thrower breeze 7400

    double dynamite horn 7100

    firespin 1 tick 9200

    and please let's not forget about ulti prop buff which will make everything worse.


    Ultimate base dmg with +15 CC 100 gloves: 1009 phy / 812 eng

    SK base dmg with +15 CC 100 gloves: 906 phy / 935 eng

    Full dex ultima vs turtle with crafted focus gear.

    So it's wrong that a full focus turtle (with focus passive) can hit a full dex ulti? I don't know how much resist rate you have but I tested it also right now with 1200 Resist Rate vs Dende with 29 Focus staff. Dende hit around 60-70% of his stuns. Ultimate can go up to 2000 resist rate on this lvl that would "probably" mean that dende will only hit 20-40% and with lvl 70 ulti can have around 2700 resist rate while focus will just go up by 5. Resist is countered by successrate that is normal. Yes you want to resist more but resist is already pretty op. You can resist EVERY debuff / cc in the game with just 1 stat. The only use of successrate is to counter resist. If your enemy has no successrate he won't hit you that much. Also don't forget that turtle has probably the most successrate in the game (maybe after karma). Other classes are sacrificing survivability for successrate while ultimates doesn't really care because they are already so tanky it won't matter much for them.

    The problem here is that only 1 small change made classes op in budo. As an example:

    SK grab was the reason why they won all the time

    Karma 25% more dmg from behind is the reason why no sk can win right now

    Also same applies for other classes like:

    Turtle won only by slow dash bug and sleep spam (duration won't go down like with other spells because you can get out of combat)

    I think budokai says nothing about the state of a class.

    Lets take a really quick look at the classes:


    • Alot of hp
    • Alot of defense
    • Stun, Paralyse, Fear
    • Life drain
    • Good dmg


    • Low hp
    • Alot of defense
    • Paralyse (short cd)
    • Heals
    • Medicore dmg


    • Alot of hp
    • Alot of prop
    • Alot of lp%
    • Alot of defense
    • Paralyse, Candy
    • Alot of resist rate
    • CC Removal
    • Heal
    • Good damage
    • Spin (dodge, prevent dmg from skills, good aoe dmg)


    • Low hp
    • Low defense
    • Sleep, Slow, Paralyse, "Skill Lock" (Destro)
    • Good damage
    • Turtle book (female)


    • Low hp
    • Low defense
    • 2x Stun
    • Good damage
    • Speed buff (maybe high cd)


    • Medicore hp
    • Good defense
    • Paralyse (short cd), Stone, 2x Confuse, Skill lock, Stun
    • Good damage (thanks to 25% dmg increase)

    The problem with ulti isn't that they win budokai. It's that they have already to much and somehow "it's still not enough". They have a heal with short cd, 1 good eng atk (cluster bomb), a few good phy atks, spin which does pretty sick aoe dmg, CC Removal on themselfs when they are stunned, CC Removal on allies or themselfs, alot of defense (good defense gear + alot of lp + alot of lp% + alot of prop). Highest resist rate ingame. A paralyse with low cd. A debuff which can reduce phy atks by 40% which has nearly the same duration as cd if you skill your passive.

    Maybe we should give them more base dmg and a speed buff. Then the masterpiece should be completed.

    As far as I know ultimate is one of the only classes that didn't get a nerf since retail. Their spin got buffed (yes it got nerfed but only after the buff, so it's still a pretty good buff). Resist % got nerfed but that couldn't be counted as a nerf because we don't have the same formula as on tw. It could be the case that you are resisting more then on retail right now. We don't know.

    Crit dmg got nerfed hard (did effect, plasma, fighter, turtle, swordsman, karma the most and ultimate not at all).

    I'm not saying ultimate is the only class that is in a pretty good spot right now but they are at the top right now followed by sk.

    Back on tw karma had the same skills as right now but aoe confuse was better (did not get canceled on auto attack) and cd reduction with rp was higher, turtle did 3-4x the crit dmg that they do right now and it was still not op. Karma won rarely budokai. On S2 most of the times a turtle (Sleep spam op, only counterplay resist rate but sadly only fighter and ultimate get enough resist rate) won budokai and sometimes a sk. On S1 it was most of the times a sk and sometimes a fighter.

    2. You calculate that 60% multiplies the passive.

    You are right I just looked it up now. With lvl 70 dex gear ulti has 2773 resist rate and without dex armor 2433. Still high enough.

    Even right now with around 1500-1600 resist rate they resist alot. You need to go full foc against them. What will you do with lv 70? Go 60% successrate earrings? Oh I forgot we don't have that.

    So I tested resist rate right now and the numbers are as follow:


    116 Resist Neck

    2x 29 Dex earrings

    2x 59 Resist rings

    10 Dex Helo

    34 Resist Dogi

    29 Dex gear

    Resist Buff
    2009 Resist Rate
    Without dex armor and dogis = 1635 Resist Rate



    Same gear as above

    1437 Resist Rate

    Without dex armor and dogis = 1106



    Same gear as above

    1470 Resist Rate

    With Dex buff = 1600

    Without dex armor and dogis and without dex buff = 1139

    Right now buffer resists alot but with lvl 70 cap it will be much much more.

    So with lvl 70 cap we will have 60% earring and the numbers would look as follow (you would lose 1 dex earring but at the same time you can have more dex on the other earring because of lv 70 and more dex on rings so I will just take 60% for now but your resist rate would be higher):


    2009 -> ~3214

    1635 -> ~2616



    1437 -> ~2299

    1106 -> ~1769



    1470 -> ~2352

    1600 -> ~2560

    1139 -> ~1822

    If we just look at the numbers ultimates gets alot more advantage thanks to resist % than all other classes. Now ultimate also has the advantage that they are pretty tanky + thanks to their buffs they can easy go full dex earrings and resist rings without worrying about dying.

    For Dende if you don't wear the right accessories (anti fear, anti confuse, anti paralyse, prop) they will die pretty easy.

    Fighter is probably the only class that could go full dex but even then they would have less resist rate then a con ulti with dex accessories.


    A big NO for increasing resist % cap on accessories. Ultimates will only get stronger and stronger. Right now they can tank more than a sk and deal the same dmg. Moreover they have a heal with low cd + cc removal and alot more lp then a sk. If ultimates needs a change then they absolutly need a nerf.

    Seonel are you even playing the game right now? The game is literally shit. You have nothing to do ingame. Just sit around before plat. You could shutdown the game and it would be the same. And only because you couldn't cash it doesn't mean tw was bad.

    TW was fun my guild, my friends and me had alot of fun in tw. Much more then right now in DBOG. TW was not perfect sure but the direction we are heading right now is just crap. As I said it in my first post and in alot of other posts you can't compare dbo to another mmorpg. Yes modern mmorpgs are doing much better than dbo and now? You want to make everything easy and at the end you will sit before plat and do nothing like right now. That is just killing the game.

    If you want to have a game that does not die and that attracts new players, you must adapt to the current time of the MMO

    xD A game is not something you can just adapt to something. There is alot of programming, designing, modelling, story writing, level designing and alot of more things involved. It would take you more than a few years to "adapt" it.

    In these ages nobody is interested in playing MMO genres where getting things is difficult

    Ok and who said that? Everyone I'm playing with wants to play a hard mmorpg. But hey because you don't like that kind of games it's now "nobody is interested in...

    The reason why we don't see many new mmorpgs these years is because it takes alot of time to make one. With the new graphics they need to provide and the mechanics it's just alot harder to make one then any other game. Also thanks to the "massively multiplayer" part the server setup takes ages. It's not worth for many companies to take the risk and create a mmorpg. It's much safer for them to create multiple "easier to develop" games.

    I just don't understand why people don't think about the game first before they talk... This game is not a "modern" mmorpg with a good story, many dungeons and a good pvp system. This is dbo a mmorpg with just a few dungeons and a pretty stupid pvp system. This game has no end-game content there is nothing you can do when you are done with your gear (which is pretty easy to get right now).

    We need to make the best out of this game not something you play just because you got bored. Then you could go and play xenoverse or something else.

    Simply remove timer or increase it on budokai and ranked.

    Problem are the pots. The S Hp pot has a cd of 1min and senzu + autopot 2mins. So if you time your pots correctly someone who did not die until timeout wouldn't even die if the game would go on for 5mins or 10mins. Also the only classes in budo that do dmg are fighter and sk. But even a fighter has problems against dw, sk, ulti, grandma.

    Buffers can't be killed, same for sks (except from karmas but they will probably get nerfed).

    It wont change anything as long as there's no wipe + hacks protection system.

    Hackers already got all, regular player will have even harder

    As far as I know Daneos will do something about hackers / botters with the new client but I'm not sure about a wipe. I think he won't wipe the game but maybe still do something like he did with the u70 stones.

    Sadly he is investing his whole time into the new client so we don't get much informations. GMs and Mods are just here to ban people nothing else. They also don't know much about Daneos work.

    What the dbog team is missing the most is the teamwork (wanted to say this).

    You say you want boxes harder to get, so what about making them more usable? Make them 20x harder to get, but in exchange make it so they give better properties and remove some of the more useless ones. I'd be fine with that, because it meant that once you get a box its actually worth something.

    The question is just how hard will it be to get the stat you want at the end. Let's say you need 50 boxes right now for the right effect and you need to farm 10h for it. With this change you will only get 2 boxes in 10h and will get the right effect with 3 boxes. Then I would say no. My problem with boxes is that they make doing dungeons irrelevant. You just take 1 gear and start boxing.

    You say you want to remove crafting, but how about just buffing non-crafted gear? Making it so that crafted gear can still be useful, but players who go above and beyond and farm TMQ gear are even more powerful?

    Idea behind removing crafting was the same as above. They are so easy to get even if you lower their stats a bit, they make dungeons totally useless. No one would spent their time doing a dungeon alot of times just to get maybe 100 more defense. The problem is that gear has a defense value of around 600-900 on one stat. So if you make craft armor -100 less people won't care and still use craft because it's easier to get. If you make it -200 people will just ignore crafting and it will be the same as it is non existed.

    You say you want stones to be rarer? I'm fine with that, but only if it means that stones are more likely to improve your armor. Improve the odds, but also make the stones harder to find, at least it guarantees progress by encouraging play.

    Same with boxes. If good people won't get +13-+15 gear in just a few months (starting from lvl 1) it's fine.

    These ideas are not bad people will not be so frustrated but the progress needs to be adjusted. People shouldn't finish their end-gear within a few months.

    All numbers are just an example, did not look them up (to lazy).

    Here's the thing: I don't wanna be one of the top players in the game, I just want to enjoy it. Believe me, if I were allowed to enjoy the content in this game then it would be a nonissue, but metagame content demands maxxed out gear to even compete, which leads to the farming problems. If gameplay is limited to loops of grinding until you can only just barely participate in end-game content, then something's very wrong. When you need to farm for 50 hours just to get +10 gear necessary for only more farming, then I'd rather use my time for something better.

    Just as an info: I hope you know that the only end-game content that this game provides is cc dungeon which is actually pretty useless.

    Many people are leaving this game because of many reasons:

    • bans
    • unbalanced pvp
    • they realized that this game has no end content
    • not enough updates
    • disappointed with gms, admins
    • pve: no parties to play with

    I know now you will say see how bad dbo is. Yes it's a bad game but some guys still love it. There is no need to make it even worse. I would say let's go 10 steps back (back to the state as it was on tw) and start balancing from there. On tw we also had botter and hackers but the economy and the game experience was never this bad as it is in dbog. You could do tmq 3 - 4 for months and it still was fun. At least from that point on we should making this game more fun (not more easy).

    If you have to sacrifice your entire life to play a videogame with broken systems, and actively espouse it, then yes you have no life.

    just lol I said it here in the forum alot of times. Until a few months ago I was going to the university every day and was working 4-6 hours after it every day even on saturdays (only working on that day). I still managed to go outside with my friends learn for university and visit my family regularly. And still I was one of the top players in the game. But yeah everyone who is better then you or overcome harder obstacles then you is a "no lifer"

    Also if you want to be one of the top players then yes you need to sacrifice more than others that's, how life works. But how about living in the "lower level" of the game? Just let the good players who spent more time into the game have +10 +12 and you +6-+8. Make sense?

    What part of this is so difficult to comprehend? Can you step outside your basement and realize that people cannot play videogames all day long?

    Just lol no one forces you to play a grind mmorpg. Some love it and some not but this game is a grind mmorpg. It was design, developed and released as one. Someone who spents more time into the game should be better than others. That's simple. With your logic people who spent alot of time into the game would have +15 after just a short amount of time and people like you who has "a life" would spent a few months for it. How about no? Let a grind mmorpg be a grind mmorpg. If you don't want to play a grind mmorpg you need to play another game not try to change the game itself like the dbog team did. The outcome is just clear: a game who is much worse than dbo tw.

    Did you seriously just admit that you should give up schooling, taking care of family, maintaining responsibilities, to play videogames?

    10 IQ? If you don't have the time to play games then don't do it. Even when you are a student and have exams and a family to take care of and no time. JUST FKING QUIT PLAYING GAMES. But hey "no time, alot of responsibilites" and still coming here in this forum flaming how bad dbo is and how good eso is. Just lol.

    We are trying to find a solution for this game. Instead of crying and comparing it to another game make logical suggestions how to improve the game WITH THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THIS GAME and not your own "life". This game was not designed for you.

    So you are saying because you lack the experience and time you want to have the same things as someone who spends alot of time into the game? Because you hate others who are better than you, who are investing more time to be better then you, you call them no lifers?

    I don't know if you play the game right now but everyone is walking around with +15 +14 gear after just 1-2 months. You want to enjoy the game? How about enjoy tmq 1-6 or uds instead of plat? DBO has no endgame content but it has some dungeon on lower lvl. Thanks to craft armor those dungeons are just irrelevant.

    Lastly as I said before you can't change a grind mmorpg into something else that won't work.

    I understand you just want to be on an equal level with other people but then you need to put more efford into it. Your "dream-dbo" doesn't exist and won't exist. I'm 100% sure you also know it but for some reason you are still flaming here, "Make everything easy".

    Then those people that spent "stupidly long" time into grinding will just get best gear in a few weeks. What will we have then? Ah right a server where every good player runs around with +15 and "people who have a life" can run around with +12. I think you don't understand the concept of an online game. You never balance your game looking into the majority of your playerbase. You always look at the good ones because after some time everyone will be good and at that point the game will die.

    "I have schooling. I'm majoring in Biology and have to devote a large portion of my time actually studying for exams, instead of playing video-games covered in Cheeto's crumbs and drinking mountain dew all day. I have responsibilities to my friends and family, I have to make sure my GPA stays above a certain range, I have to ensure that I have time to look for internship opportunities, etc.",

    welcome in life that's how it is for all of us. But if you want something then you need to give up something else if you don't have the time for it.

    I love the fact that people say dont compare dbo to dbog.... and yet they still do....

    we are trying to get away of that ‘grind heavy kmmo’... this is no longer a kmmo so you guys just gotta deal with it... the majority of the player base do not want this like they also dont want a wipe. Its understandable... the game left asia, no body cares if you had fun in kr or tw, this is another game like

    Yes we are even worse than dbo right now. "We are trying to get away of that grind heavy kmmo" I hope you know what needs to be done to get away from it? It would be much easier to create a completly new game. You would need to add alot of new dungeons, change the whole gear system, change pve and make even pvp better (not talking about balance but about the fighting system). Well you literally say instead of playing the old dbo we should rather play this shitty game for the next 5 years until all of those things I mention above are implemented? Why just not play another game and let dbo be dbo.

    Right now we have two types of players pulling each end of the rope, those who want things fast and easy, and those who prefer to grind their way up. It might sound like a bold statement but its impossible to please everyone, I'd go ahead and say make a high rate server and a low rate server, have players run around +15 on the high rate server, while only the luckiest will stand out on the low rate one.

    Now this can go two different ways, people who like the grind will grow fed up of the RNGsus and jump on the high rate server, or people who want it easy will eventually realize how boring it is to be one in a thousand with full +15 sets and bounce to the low rate server.

    Separate the potatoes from the clods, people will complain a lot less, trust me this.

    The easiest way to solve this problem but we still have a problem with this solution. We have only a small playerbase so on both servers people will get bored with playing / competing with only a small amount of players. MMORPG = Massively multiplayer online role playing game, the reason why mmorpgs are so fun is because of the "massively multplayer" part (At least that's what I think).

    Yeah, you're absolutely right I do need to allocate my time more wisely- By playing other games where I'm not bored out of my mind. Don't you get it? The reason players are criticizing this game is because there's literally no reason to play it. Let me just say it flat out: 5 minutes of killing mobs is already an awful chore. You play games to get AWAY from chores. So I play games that actually reward me for my time spent, while still offering an entirely new and different experience. It took me the past week to grind up another alt in ESO, and now that he's cap, I can start farming for gear (shouldn't take more than 1-3 days), and after that I have 20+ dungeons to tackle, entire skill lines to max out, still 300 more levels until cap to collect, I have to collect all the valuables in the world map, rediscover everything, etc. An hour a day gets you so much progress and gold, and yet I still have 200 hours of gameplay left: PER CHARACTER.

    The fact that you say that the grind is necessary is an admission that DBO Isn't a huge game. That's why it has no choice but to artificially inflate its grind to spread out content into smaller bites. However, that only sentences the game to a quick death. I spent 50 hours gridning for stones and have nothing to show for it. So I quit. Then I spent 50 hours in ESO: I have collected several new armor sets all with their own unique uses and value, have farmed over 500k gold (about 100kk worth in DBO, because the economy doens't suck and you can buy pretty much anything), have managed to spend a good amount of time in PVP, made several new builds, etc.

    tl;dr: I'm done with the game because Its not fun. Simple as that. IT's not a good game, and I don't enjoy having to waste time on a stupid trash game. The only reason I come back to these forums is specifically to see if the games potential will ever be unleashed.

    lol dunno what your problem is. Everyone knows that dbo has not much to offer pvp is pretty simple no fancy stuff. If you look at the dungeons we only have CC Dungeon. We all know about that and that's why we are saying the only way to make this game more fun is to make it more grind heavy. DBO was designed as an asian mmorpg and it's still that. If you don't want to play something like that you just need to play another game it's just stupid to compare one mmorpg to another. Most mmorpgs was developed by different companies with different intentions. You can't just change the game however you want.

    And we understood that you like ESO ok but at the same time I like heavy grindy games. Whats wrong with that? Waste my time with it? You are also wasting your time with playing games. At the end games won't still your hunger or they won't pay you your salary. They won't make your family happy.

    People have different tastes some like competitve games others op pvp games, some like games where solo plays are important other likes team heavy games.

    So shortly this is dbo an asian developed mmorpg with only a few dungeons no real content where you need to farm alot, at least that's how it was designed. If you try to change that then the game will suck if you don't want to play a game like that you just need to quit this. There is literally no reason to cry here in forum how bad dbo is and how good eso is.