Posts by DreameR68

    funny how people crying because they will need to farm properly for their gear. Sry but in no mmorpg you get endgame gear as fast as in dbo. The changes are the things we had on tw and should I tell you something? Even after some years of playing you did not get +15 on tw and you know what? It was fun. Doing ud and tmq was rewarding cc dungeon was challenging only at the last months before the game shutdow only then the game got to easy and people started spaming cc150


    If you don't want to farm that much you guys need to stop playing an asian grinder mmorpg.

    I just say you people who say this game is easy are just no lifers cuz if you have work uni and also someone like a gf + your family you wouldnt say that this easy... just let it be much changes gotta be applied to the game but not to make much more difficult than it already is, my opinion is we have already hard times with the upgrade if we dont cash like 100 euros to get a lot of zeni and then to spen 90 only for one item... and even tho no one can say that you will 100% get a +15 maybe u have 30% chanse which is already low for the zeni you get. To remove thing like craft is already a stupid idea cuz this game is based on it bassically with the armor. The changes should be only on damage balance def ballance and so, and maybe getting less lag or nerfing some chars.

    I say it's easy and until a few months ago I was going to the university and working everyday after university 4-6h and had still time for hobbies and dbo. Your problem is probably that you don't know the best way to get your gear but after sometime everyone will learn it sooner or later and after that point even you will say this game is easy.

    How to get that stone you ask? By completing Budokai is how you obtain one of those Dragon Stones. +13 requires 1 Dragon Stone, +14 requires 2 Dragon Stones, +15 requires 3. You cannot go higher than +12 without those stones. Its whats needed for none rng upgrades.

    So that would mean every week you can upgrade 7x to +13 +14 +15 (only adult budo) the idea is nice that we get something usefull from budo but because of the lack of players budo is way to easy and 7x upgrade for 1 week is crazy.

    40% increase droprate sounds crazy and alot of exp bonus events.

    But what I really like is the idea with guild tournament (probably bad right now because we don't have enough active guilds) and 2 vs 2 tournaments.

    2 vs 2 budo sound pretty fun.

    Yes I agree with you I would have said reduce materials you get when you disassemble items and give less exp for crafting. Maybe make it a bit more expensive. About adjusting the stats it would be the best solution but I'm 100% sure the team would fk that up.

    About the ranking and budo I know that we need to improve in that aspect the reason why I did not mention them is that I will do probably more party one about open world pve one about budo musoda... one about pvp balances and one about cc dungeon, tmq, ud (but only when i feel like doing it :))

    For me it looks like you are one of those guys that don't know what an asian grinder mmorpg is. You can't change the design of dbo without changing the actual game (we can't right now). The only thing dbo could offer was the hardship of getting your stuff together. The game has nearly no content and a pretty simple pvp system. If you don't want to farm that much you need to play a "modern mmorpg" not an asian grinder.

    Also it is pretty easy to get high upgrades right now you just need to farm for a few weeks. Ofc you need to know the best way to earn money but when you balance a game you always consider the good players not the average / bad players. Because someday even the average players will belong to the good players and then your game will be totally unbalanced like dbog right now (Yes I called you an average / bad player ^^).

    I understand where you are coming from but sometime farming for so many hours only to waste it all and earn absolutely nothing from attempting to upgrade can be demotivating. Maybe make armor/weapoms from upgrading with x amount of stones be bind and keep a +12 cap on it and for +15 still use the current system and adjust it woth some of your suggestions.

    That would still be to easy. Also +12 should be something special I'm trying to make it so that +8 should be the good gear. Until +6 (7,8 if you are lucky) you can't get broken anyway. Upgrading should be really hard (rare stones, low successrste, broken card, rare whites) with this people will only start upgrading after +8 if they finish everything else and thanks to the hard upgrade system they will need alot of time until they get +12.

    Moreover I don't want bind (unbindable) items anymore.

    Posts like this one make u really hate cashers xD

    oh we get +15 from just 200 stones that's easy

    i spend for upgrading alot and alot and get +12 twice while i'm in the game day one

    oh let's wipe so non cashers get fu**ed we are safe we are cashers

    being lucky or rich dosen't mean make others suffering -_-

    I'm also no casher and I was playing active since day 1 of ob. I got at most +14 and that's only once and around 4 or 5 times +13 and alot of times +12. I spent alot of time farming and making zeni with many different ways. But all of those things means nothing if the game is no fun. I play this game not because of pvp or competitive stuff. I play it to have fun with friends and if a wipe means we will get that fun back I will happily sacrifice all my efford until now.

    The future looks pretty dark right now.

    i made 3 items to +15 and two of them took around 800-900 million zeni each, the other only 30kk cause i was super lucky:)

    +15 is NOT TOO EASY, maybe +12 is a bit too easy.and broken card is annoying enough!

    you really want to destroy CCBD gear which takes forever to farm/box your stats?

    big C

    Yes I want to destroy it. Wasn't that clear from my post?

    +15 is not "Too" easy but still easy enough

    "You made 3x to +15" thats 3 to much.

    Here are my thoughts on how to make this game a bit better as it is right now.

    Before I start I would like to say that you shouldn't compare dbog to another game you like or love. DBO is a typical asian grinder mmorpg.

    Yes we all would like to have a better fighting system, more content and so on but sadly because of the technical limitations we won't.

    We need to balance THIS game and not an "ideal dream-like" dbo which does not exist. I know you guys will hate me for my suggestions but I think this is what the game needs.

    So lets start with "MY" changes:

    1. Bring back broken card

    The problem with "no broken" is that you only need to farm your gear once and after that you are done with pve. So because your gear can never be destroyed / deleted after some time we will have more items on the market then we need. This will also break the economy ingame. Moreover this will make it harder to get +15. I personally think a game always needs space for improvement. We saw it back on POB and now in OB people get way to fast +15. Yes bots played an important role but they just speed things up. +15 should be something "holy" that's nearly impossible to get and when you get it it should stay something special. Also this game should be balanced based on +12 gear not on +15. The best players should have on average +12 gear and only a small number of people should have +15 but only with alot of hard work (not only with 1-2 months of farming 1h a day) and alot luck. +15 Should make you crazy strong.

    2. Increase Upgrade reduce on broken card when using white stone

    Right now if you are using a white stone and get broken you will lose 2 upgrades. Back on retail it was 4-6. We need that back. Upgrading should be really risky but at the same time high rewarding. +6 Should be the normal upgrade for average players. And only if you have alot of money then you should upgrade your gear higher then +6.

    3. Reduce successrate of upgrade

    Reduce the successrate of upgrades. Everyone who played the game in the last few month saw all the +15 upgrades. More than 5 items per day to +15 and that each day and that we so few players online. That is stupid. Good upgrades should be something special.

    3. Reduce droprate of Upgrade Stones

    Reduce the droprate of upgrade stones. It should be hard to get upgrade stones. Yes I know upgrading is frustrating but make upgrading something special. In all the asian grinder mmorpgs I played until now upgrading was the last thing you would do. It was something that only the rich people could efford. I really liked that idea because you are forced to gear up to a specific standard (+6) get all your accessoirs weapons and armors and only after that it made sense to focus on upgrading. +15 is the limit but that doesn't mean that it also should be the standard for all good players and before I forget it make the droprate of white stones way less than the drop rate of purple and green stones.

    4. Reduce brown boxes extremly and increase the chance to drop good effects

    Make the price of brown boxes in cc dungeon much higher and don't put to many brown boxes in events or cashshop. Gear should be dropped with the right effects not switched into the right one.

    People should farm the right gear in open world, tmq, ud, bids. Farming should be worth doing not something you do only for "fun". But for that the chances to get a drop with good effects needs to be increaed. It shouldn't be to high, you should not get a good item in a few hours.

    5. Make everything tradeable

    Every item should be tradeable. Some people don't want to farm but then at least the guys that do the farming should be rewarded by the players that want to cash their items. This way the "farmer" and the "casher" would be happy.

    **Edit 18.09.2018 here

    6. Remove crafting

    Crafting is way to fast and easy. You get nearly the best gear for doing literally nothing. You get much more craft items back if you break the crafted items than you used for them. Back on tw crafting was released much later with lvl 70 cap where it didn't really matter but back then it was much harder and more expensive and more time consuming to craft. I would say just remove crafting.

    until here**

    Now let's the hate begin.

    Just because I'm curious I would like to have your opinions if you

    a) agree

    b) agree in many aspects but not all

    c) disagree

    d) disagree in many aspects but not all

    with me. Thanks. :|


    At first I wanted to make a post which contains all my ideas about dbog changes but while writing this I got pretty bored so I will probably seperate it into multiple parts and write the other parts someday later (only if I feel like doing it). I call this part the "GEAR" part.

    spin is a buff rather than a nerf. On retail ms did not increased ticks of your spin. Dbog buffed it way to much and just lowered the buff.

    With resistance yes we have a cap but at the same time resist formula is not the same as on tw. Maybe you have more resist in dbog than in tw. We don't know. Ulti is still in a pretty good spot there is no reason to buff them anymore.

    Crit dmg got nerfed pretty hard which was an indirect buff for all tanks including ultis.

    Dex is fine where its at

    its not noticable in this current cap but in 70s as you are aware they are able to out resist all other classes including ultimate majin, crane, and dende who all have nature resistance buffs in a shape or form.

    On lvl 70 the class with the most resist rate is ultimate.

    The list looks as follow (numbers are not exact because I can't remeber it good enough but they are pretty close to the real numbers):

    1. Ultimate - 2800 Resist rate

    2. Fighter - 2400 Resist rate

    3. Dende - 1800 Resist rate

    I did not test it with sm or other classes.

    Why should someone do proper pve in this game?

    You take craft armor (cheap in ah also cheap to craft yourself) which are already pretty good

    You take accessoirs from Mudosa (if you need prop you sell the good anti acc ones and buy prop)

    After that you only go open world farm to drop some stones (1-2h a day is more than enough)

    CC Dungeon with lvl 60? Why?

    You can get legend accessoirs from shenlong and the armor from cc is just way to expensive to upgrade / switch effects just for a little better stats.

    The weapons have also nearly the same stats as the craft one just that they give lp bonus + have a little better effects. Worth? No.

    For your normal gear (good craft gear)

    you farm way less than for your cc gear. The advantage of cc gear is so small that it's not worth to dedicate yourself to get it. People just look befor cc dungeon if they can find a party in 5min they will do it else they just don't care and go afk.

    That's also what I'm talking about the whole time. This game has no pve content no reason to farm -> nothing to do only plat and budokai. On tw you needed to farm alot to get gear to do cc dungeon. Right now every noob can do it because gear is free. Also on tw normal players spammed tmq for gear but that's also not needed in dbog. Crafting is much cheaper and easier and faster than on tw. Same story for UDs.

    Reason behind props reduction on Dende and Poko, is to remove any idea of healer support class who can use tanker armors to do tanking.

    So you are crying because +15 poko can tank cc 100? Just LOL

    About speed nerf, each class have DOT's and Poko flying dragon needs to have burn skill inside.

    Plus poko have curse too.

    That won't solve anything at the end you will make karma poko useless and make crane and fighter more viable. Nothing changed just that pvp classes got good in pve and some classes got deleted from the game (RIP Poko).

    Karma Skill lock and Crane Freeze skill must work on each boss, soo instead of karma you can crane.

    Why the fk should freeze or skill lock work on bosses? That's stupid. You could spam freeze with cdr gear and clear all bosses without taking 1 dmg.

    About PVP part and props, with props reduced, humans with full prop would stand chance against buffers and dendes and their only hope is to one shot them before reflect kills them, ok they end up with 1 HP with reflect but unless something is changed, humans are gone in this game, we don't want Majins Balls Online game, don't we...

    Right now turtle is top tier in pvp same with crane. The only problem lies within ultimates and tank-dmgdealer-cc-Shadowknights. Dende isn't really a problem for humans. Only real tanks who can deal dmg while being tanky and having crazy amount of lp.

    When I saw that someone is saying that dex stats are useless than props, then even DPS classes start to use it, well that needs to be changed and if need, dex needs to be buffed soo it gives same critic dmg as full prop geared.


    This way humans could wear dex, pray for resistance and dodge and still keep same critic dmg as they are wearing props.

    So you are saying give humans props + resistance + dodgerate + dmg? Could you pls stop. You can either go prop and be a bit more tanky or go dex (nearly the same dmg) and have dodge rate + resist rate.

    I understand your problem but your solutions won't solve anything they will make everything worse.

    Increase crit dmg, and fighter/ turtle 1 shot all

    I just don't understand how crit did 3-4x times the dmg it does on dbog and on tw crit couldn't 1 shot everyone in pvp. Because some calculations or whatever is fked up right now crit dmg classes got a crazy nerf. The sad part in it is that the dbog team sees this as something good.