I tried to upload the screen shot from my drive, but this page isn't having any of it.
Posts by FaceFisted
Ah, no worries then. I'll continue the training so I can access the CCBD.
It sounds like a Bruce Lee tower of death kinda thing.
Can't wait =D
Read somewhere that this game has dungeon content.
I Made it to lv 21 and I still dont see any means of queuing.
Dungeons, raids, world boss, and event invasions are the primary reason I play mmos. Nothing is more satisfying than having a team working together to overcome obstacles. The short term comradery is great, and unlike most (not all) pvp groups, dungeoneers share secrets, tips and tricks so that the team as a whole benefits. The motivation is selfless, as opposed to selfish. (in general)
So how do I access this content?
I found this thread which has some informative info.
....But its ancient. Hopefully its still relevant.
That cosmo guy at the bottom has the most detailed info
Hello people
From some recent reading I did, I've come to understand that the team is VERY busy working to stabilize, maintain, and add content to DBOG.
I understand this, so I'm not making demands, or trying to start a riot. I'm also certain this is a topic thats been posted over and over.
Hopefully, this one will be a little different.
Just had an interesting conversation with my brother, who unlike me, is a DBZ fan, about playable races, timeline, cannon and such.
Just to be clear, I love most of the games, which is why I play them, (like this one, which is amazing). I love the incredible art, and the sci-fi aspects to it are unique.
I was never able to enjoy the cartoons however. While I loved the training and martial arts, the show never went in depth with the training or spirituality, preferring instead to show over and over that if you just get emotionally feeble, you win fights, which is completely incorrect.
So I could never really get into it. That and cartoons really aren't my thing anyways.
That said, please take this idea with a grain of salt, as I'm not sure whats cannon and whats not.
I was thinking that adding 3 additional playable classes/species would greatly increase not only replayability, but also enrich the overall experience.
All without having to create 3 additional new starting worlds. These unique species would make DBOG stand out a little bit more in terms of character selection from the other titles out there.
1rst: on the list, Animal type earthlings. There are already many animal type NPCs and I would think it would be easier to manipulate those sprites instead of starting from scratch.
I believe animal type earthlings also have many fighters in the DBZ universe, (werewolf tribe people, things?) but none are ever playable.
Perhaps they could be a sort of glass cannon/dot role?
They would of course share the same starting zone as the human type earthlings.
2nd: Tuffles.
My brother was saying something about tuffles being extinct in several universes but still alive in others? I don't really remember, it was complicated.
What I do remember is that they are technologically advanced, so perhaps instead of Ki energy, they use blasters and rockets to fight, and jump jets to fly around.
I believe they've traditionally had ties with namekians, so they could share the same starting zone. (which would be an interesting mix. Spiritual fighters with technologically advanced allies sharing the same space)
Perhaps their combat role could be armor/block breaking, with debuffs?
3rd: Aliens. Another reason I really like DBZ, are the interesting alien designs. There are so many. like that purple cheer leader guy that can switch bodies with people, or those 2 pink guys that shape shift and disguise as namekians. The mysterious Yardrats, the powerful Kanassan, the blue skinned pirate guy. There are so many.
Due to most of them having mysterious powers, it would make sense to me to place them on the majin world.
They could have extra strong rp attacks, and unique rp mechanics that govern transformations and alternative states. Fill that strange swiss army knife type role.
Thats all. I know there is some overlap, and it would take ALOT of sprite design, and minor world alterations, not to mention the crapton of playtesting/balancing.
Just figured I'd share.
Made my first character, logged in, saw a lv 1 lady bug, went to punch it to death...and got slapped to death by a lv49 pink BBW hippo thing. In a lv 1 zone. that chased me roughly 4 kilometers and never lost aggro. Then I got a funny message about 'do not use 3rd party hacks or software to cheat, or else'...I mean, the thought didn't cross my mind, even if I do think a lv 49 in a lv 1 beginner zone is BS. made me chuckle.
The rest of my first session was alright. dare I say fun. I might actually be able to recommend this one. Get a recruitment drive going at school.
I found an old thread using the search bar in the upper right (under 'downloads') that provided 4 alternative download options. the one from mediafire worked for me.
Now the issue is that after installing and patching, it wants me to login and is claiming that my correct credentials are incorrect.
But I saw many a thread here somewhere about the same thing so im sure im about to find a fix.