No matter what happens this time round after wipe another wipe will not even be considered. However do not let that make you think 12 months down the line from now we will be in the same boat because we wont be. The whole point of the wipe is so we can implement the necessary systems in place to make sure another wipe will not even be needed let alone happen. The game can literally not take another wipe after this one, This is the final attempt to save the game and restore its former self.
Rules and restrictions will be severely enforced after wipe as that has been a contributor to why we are in such state right now. Players who should of been banned and removed from the game have been given second chances and this will no longer be a option after wipe, As everyone by now should know after 3/4 years? right and wrong...
The only problem i have with this is that you said exactly this the last time you had a wipe too. How am i supposed that this time my work won't be completely for naught when every wipe you do you say it's the last one, just to have another one down the line anyway?