Posts by Kyra


    Hello everyone and good morning!
    there was a post down one of the Mod, the download of the client would be available shortly on the website, and I wonder are going to leave it available about 3-4 days before the closed alpha?

    Epoca que veio esses equips craft ? e buG de Immortalidade? que qualquer legiao noob conseguia fazer Kraken 50 vezes no dia? .. essa epoca se equipava um char com mt

    Não fiz ele nessa época, nessa época eu era da kaio quando havia esse bug de imortalidade, meu fighter era o Gaa (GrandesayamanBr) , fiz esse turtle 3 meses antes do dia ouve a noticia do fechamento do dbo, e fiz ele do 0 por que não tinha mais nenhum char.
    E também se fosse dessa época do bug teria algum acessório do kraken e não tem nenhum.

    :v , saquei, meu turtle de 3 meses full + 10 ~~ +9
    Estava bom, era pra ter ficado equipado melhor, mais deixei pra lá, já que o jogo ia fechar, e também pra dar upgrade no taiwan sem cash era bem difícil por causa dos preços, e também criei esse turtle do 0, sem nenhum zeny e sem nada, pois não tinha mais nenhuma acc por causa de inconvenientes com a shitsabii.

    Pra ser um turtle criado do 0, sem nada em 3 meses era very op :v

    na verdade eu que não me referi direito, esclarecendo heueh , eu joguei de turtle por 3 meses sem contar o ultimo mes do dbo, e nesses 3 meses e antes disso por exemplo des de quando modificaram a cachaça de fighter não tinha um turtle assim, e em tres meses fiz o turtle +9~+10 com equips pra pegar até segundo solo :v e tbm pra pegar aura da ccbd 150 , tinha tudo pra ir menos pt, aliança podre é tenso, não sei muito dos outros turtles que jogaram nos caps anteriores. Se tiver video deles me mande por gentileza xd

    LoL , você não conhecia muita gente no DBO né?
    Nenhum outro depois do SabiN lógico, semi finalista do budokai solo no koreano e do Arkantos(Crusader) né? Campeão do budokai em grupo. Mas enfim ahah

    Eu joguei lv 60-70 cap no TW, e do lv 70 eu era o melhor equipado, e um dos poucos que conseguia e tinha equips para ir vs qualquer classe ^^ no 1 vs 1 .

    No inicio criarei um turtle simplesmente pelo fato de ter tido um ótimo turtle como nenhum outro, e por que a classe é uma dlç de jogar, em seguida um fighter e um dende.
    Fighter por que também é uma dlç de jogar e dende tbm heuuhe, dende é para ajudar as pessoas da guild e da aliança pra obter as coisas, já que faz falta um bom healer.

    I think what Kyra is trying to say is that instead of nerfing the Turtle porn book you could nerf certain skills so that you can't spam the "DiviNe combo".

    Bad idea imo because with full RP a turtle can still perma sleep and just dmg you at the end with that burn skill for an easy draw win.

    Nearly so bro, in the most viable case in my opinion was to remove the two Budokai class of items or game whatever, of fighter and turtle, in the case of turtle, increase the time of some debuffs, as I took the example of Kienzan the top, leaving it as 8.6 ~~ 10 seconds, and so would not have that spaming rp balls, using felled endless, endless things to rp.

    It was just one more example can be reformulated in a better way, so balanced and not doing u have to use a boot with 20 rp regeneration, to fill one RP ball to use Kienzan 1x, and no other class has a work she of this .

    As I recall Fencing was a good MALE TURTLE, and did pretty well in tournament without the Hentai book.
    The Hentai book is the only reason why most people make female turtles to abuse the brokenness like divine did. If you can completely still throughout the entire match without next to or any damage done to you. Yeah, that's completely fair. Pretty sure you can have a good fighting chance without the book. Sure it'll be harder, but it'll be better than going on easy mode. No one should have the ability to gain a full rp gauge whenever they want. Only option is long cooldown, less rp given, or just take it df out.

    Dodge... is a joke it was all luck mostly.

    Has no cry to increase the duration of skills, the book hentai main purpose was that, as with the Kienzan with a few seconds was not possible to do the combo.
    the book does not matter des that what I said is balanced, that was the weak point, so I had the hentai book to balance that, if the rise time in the book skills is no longer necessary.

    the focus here are the items from their classes.
    How the @ Madrid252 mentioned can be made modifications hentai book, In the case would have to be increased in time debuffs of turtle, that is to compensate and not unbalance the pvp and also be useful in pve'll take as an example the Kienzan.

    Kienzan lasts about 3-6 seconds if I remember correctly, and using hentai book could increase the ability of time to 8.6 ~ 10 sec, and there without having RP 1000 and will still give it to compete in the 1 vs 1 against tank's class, and would be very useful in longer time for a dungeon where has strong mobs with about 90k LP, thus giving a break pro's tank at the time of action.

    Ps: Dodge pot with 300% Dodge was very exaggerated and complain hentai book.

    mimimi very thing that the book was op and do not know what, if you do not have the equipment hentai book is useless, I'll get the divine for example, before having all the equipment that he had at the end of dbo, he was defeated easily, 2-3 min seems fair, if removed would have to remodel the debuffs of turtle so it can go 1 vs 1 against tank's class, the book was created for it after all, the same class specific items of CCBD (Black set, with each respective defense to each class).
    Remove hentai book - increased time debuffs and other skills ^^.

    Hentai book is only useful if you have varying equipment and OPso not anyone who could use it as well so I think it would not be a problem.
    hentai male and fiminino book with the same stats = Fair enough.

    Special item for turtle and fighter class, are going stay how it was in the last days of the DBO?
    For the Budokai Tenkaichi mainly I refer to book for turtle pot and dodge of fighters.

    I like the reward in webdepot, where as before this good, the way the MewRen said could be the beginning of the open beta, at least for a month, al thereafter would webdepot Normal = one month or 15 days do not remember sure how to it was.