Posts by Nady93

    Title can stay forever. but dont make budokai everyway like in HK..., 1-2 per week is enought or even to much.
    And like as Iceman said there should be winner ranking on this website.

    Najwięcej bedzie fighterów/swordów/turtli + jakaś klasa która bedzie OP (w DBO był to SK)
    Jeśli będę grał to prawdopodobnie dende jako main, i ze 2 klasy do PvP jeszcze nie wiem jakie, to zależy od balansu. Chyba że będę miał więcej czasu na grę (w co wątpie) to będę grał większością wszystkich klas :P

    Ja mam klucz z poprzedniego rozdania, jestem ciekaw czy bedzie działał.
    Nie rozumiem ich postępowania w wyborze testerów, jak dla mnie robią to źle. Powinna być to mniejsza grupa osób, do tego doświadczonych i nie takich co mają hype na gre i będą tylko expic jak już testy się zaczną.
    Może po prostu to jest metoda na przyciągnięcie ludzi do siebie.
    Zobaczymy jak to wyjdzie w praktyce, czy alpha wystartuje planowo 20.04, czy bedzie tak jak ostatnio...

    Web depo is OK, just wasabii failed with it.
    I had many accounts to get web depo items, it was obvious to make a lot of accounts if wasabii give free stuff for each one.
    It should be still in game but items should be given more smart.
    Everything should be binded so no one can trade/sell items from 1lvl characters.
    Hell no for free wagu wagu, silver/brown boxes, upgrade stones and other items which can make someone rich even if they are in 1lvl characters.

    Let web depo be, but smart.

    Dodge pot and hentai book made shit in PvP, instant all RP balls wtf :/
    It should be still in game but it should be banned in PvP (ranked battle, budokai)

    Soul is actually 1.5 E attack but yeah it is pretty much useless

    (It might have had an "invisible" but obviously no one noticed a change which makes that imaginary hidden stat useless too)

    Many stats had an "invisible" stat which were really hard to notice. For example, Focus decreased stun duration but the difference was really small which made it hard to notice.

    It is 1-1, maybe you noticed 1.5 because of additional effects like kaioken.

    Just saw the topic. Only LP and EP values are correct. Every class received different values for each str, eng etc.

    Stats in this topic are mine tests (copy from dbocom or dbmmo). I checked it on my own and i am sure it is good.
    Well i didn't checked it on every 12 classes, just 4-5 classes(every race) but only LP and EP calculation was different, rest was same.
    Test was made with over 100 stat difference (con, sol etc).
    I am just curious how you can know how it was calculated without play DBO :P

    SOL, and STR are useless it have to be changed


    How much Success rate do you gain from 1 focus?

    It can't be checked in game easy. You was able to see how much focus give only by buffing poko's pet, and in that case 1 foc = 10 success rate.

    Kid budokai doesn't count

    Celestial Titania
    For turtle it was not problem lol
    Sleep at start = 20 seconds break, enough to buff yourself, change gear, charge RP(book) and still have much time left

    Break is needed to fair start, 10 seconds is enough, i would like it to be 30~60sec
    No break give advantage to first semi-final winer/winers. Second player have to change gear up to 8-10 parts.
    That's unfainr especially in 5vs5, you can't switch your jewelery so you can be eliminated fast at start and fight starts with 5 vs 4/3/2...

    expect, not except
    eng - pl
    except - za wyjątkiem
    expect - oczekiwać