Can everyone else even see it?
Killroy Mod showcase.
Can everyone else even see it?
Nope, they are *client edits* meaning that only you and your computer can see them, if someone has the same mod as you then they will see you with it.
Alright I got it to able to swap dogi thanks to Saitama so I can able to see my character using Gotenks.
Preview of Gotenks
Blue x Teal
Im still playing around with the color.
Im thinking ideas or which texture to add on the pants or I don't know. Fusion outfit is amazing and well done made but if I added dragons texture just like my mod I use but I don't want that since thats just me not having more ideas what to add.
Again.. Fusion outfit is really fun to recolor stuff but I try black pants.
Keep in mind I know these are simple recolor with photoshop but some people are lazy for it or Don't know how to use Photoshop correctly.
Alright I got it to able to swap dogi thanks to Saitama so I can able to see my character using Gotenks.
Preview of Gotenks
Blue x Teal
Im still playing around with the color.
Im thinking ideas or which texture to add on the pants or I don't know. Fusion outfit is amazing and well done made but if I added dragons texture just like my mod I use but I don't want that since thats just me not having more ideas what to add.
Again.. Fusion outfit is really fun to recolor stuff but I try black pants.
Keep in mind I know these are simple recolor with photoshop but some people are lazy for it or Don't know how to use Photoshop correctly.
Looks nice!
Working on little bit on the pants tomrrow but uhh credits goes to "Tsune" for the Aura and SSB reskin.
Working on little bit on the pants tomrrow but uhh credits goes to "Tsune" for the Aura and SSB reskin.
End result looks nice, but we're going to have to work on the Aura a bit more, idk why mine looks green lol, can't manage to make it look blue, but anyway, for those wondering, this new spiky aura looks transparent in the pictures, but having it in the game you can see it clearly, and as I previously said, it's extra spiky. I'm glad you liked it Killroy.
Nice update!
I know the highlighting of the character during SSJ, or in this case SSB, doesn't help show the full project, but it still looks cool!
What you need to do at the moment is maybe give SSG a try. (The aura of an SSG is not only a shade of red, it is red, yellow, and orange, so be careful)
Enjoy your time! -
Hmmm I guess I can give SSG a try in the near future
Another update mod
Xenoverse 1 Fusion Mod Black Gogeta
I been watching some Xenoverse 1 fusion mod and I been seeing some nice color so I remade them for DBO
only change I did is flip the color
If you seen the fusion mod when Black Goku and Vegeta fuse and the outfit looks like
White top,White long sleeves,Black pants,White shoes. (sorry I forgot take a picture)
thats a nice mod man
make the black color red and u have a ssj4 mod -
@killroy909 can you give me the link for Blue x Yellow Dragon Goku Dogi
Any Namekian mods?
Sorry I am no longer do Mods anymore.
Sim, oob dogi, eu também posso brincar com isso
Eu vou ter que moer muito para obter Gotenks dogi em breve.
Atualização: eu fiz Black x Cyan desta vez e parece muito bom, eu gosto da cor Aqua.
[Attach = 2889, none, 188] [/ attach] \
Eu provavelmente faço 2 varaition de cores para o meu Goku Gi Dragon mod, uma vez que a recoloração é divertida e eu gosto desse mod muito, portanto, merece ter outras variações. (Futuro proposto vou fazer cor de variação para o mod dogi que eu faço. Se vale a pena em meu próprio perito, mas veremos)
Cor do futuro:
Branco x Azul
Variação de cor do Aqua Azul x Ciano ou Ciano x Azul
Vermelho x Amarelo
Preto x Branco
Cyan x Black(Você pode sugerir 2 cores se quiser, então eu coloco na lista para trabalhar nelas quando tiver a chance)
Muito bom seu Dogi do Blackx Cyan, porem para Feminino a Blusa nao nao mudo, te peço pra concerta ela, lhe agradesço bastante, Muito bom trabalho.Parabens
Muito bom o Dogi Black x Ocian .continue a trabalha nesses dois .se puder fazer as outras melhoradas.muiyo bom mesmo.Parabens
Se puder recriar a Aura do SSj e do Kaioken .por outras cores mais densas. Seria uma boa. Um parceiro ae fez um SSj .parece até o SSj do próprio desenho. Só uma ideia já que você tá sendo o melhor .
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