Game performance improving.

  • Hi.

    I would like suggest that, if possible the dboglauncher can be start the game with high cpu priority (and also normal).

    I expecting this suggestion because i expected the "win10 creators update, gamer mod", but i tested the dbog and i not see nothing more cpu speed or more fps when is turn off or on the gamer mod.
    Formerly i played the dbog with high priority anno the old dbo and dbog also, and about the game cpu calculations improved about 10%-15%-20%, because the old directx9 much graphics calculation run into cpu, not gpu. And dbo winner many gpu and also cpu speed only this.
    Only need the next command when\before start the game, "START dbog.exe \HIGH" but since only can start into Launcher, my *.bat file not can start dbo with high priority and the launcher not can start with high priority.
    I would like that for you, test high cpu priority the game, but not increasing at the "task manager" when run the game with normal, also before starting, icrease the priority: Create " *.bat" file with this command: "START dbog.exe \HIGH" and start the " *.bat" file wich open the dbog.exe with high priority.
    There are more priority but i know the \HIGH the best, i test anno.

    And would be build this start mod into the launcher if possible.

    Wait for answer.

    Thank's, Bye.

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