Armor and Weapon Upgrade % increase?

  • So, throughout this journey I started to estimate where I wonna be with my armor/weapons. I wanted to set goals like 6.5-7k Physical Defense with level 60 Crafted Armor.
    This got me wondering how the % system works on the upgrades, I know only a few of the %s because I regularly don't pay attention to how high the increase is.

    I used to remember, but years have passed and I didn't care about it until recently really! (Right around when I started challenging myself with things)

    For Example:

    Upgrading gloves/subweapons from 1-4 gives +10% (If you have a glove with 250 Atk, +1 gives +25 Atk, so you can get +100 by getting +4), later it goes higher (Somewhere around 15% or so)
    Upgrading armor from 1-4 gives +5% (If you have any kind of armor with 500 Def, +1 gives +25 Def, so you can get +100 by getting +4)
    I can somewhat tell the other +s, but I get extremely confused.

    I contacted some mods about the % change as well, none was really capable of helping me!

    I want @Daneos or someone who really remembers the change to tell me.


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