Server Maintenance 21.12.2017

  • * Updates

    - Reflect Damage: Attacker now dies from reflect. But before he dies, the LP will be 1. Example: 500 reflect damage, attacker has 400 LP. The players LP will be 1 and with another reflect, the attacker will die.

    * Fixes

    - Skills effect delay

    - Auto pot activates after teleporting

    - Plasma Skill: "Electrical Discharge". (Now works against stun & tied up)

    - Weapon attribute no longer increased damage against monsters with no attribute.

    - Party Budokai: Finalists reward location.

    - Skill goes into cooldown when no target hit.

    - When player A failed casting a skill, then it kept showing the other players that player A is still casting.

    - "Wrong State" issue after skill casting failed.

    - Unable to register mascot while transformed.

    - Possibility to heal/buff someone inside a free battle.

    - Disconnect after selecting a server.

    * Other Updates

    - Character server: stability & disconnect issues.

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