• I would just like to say a huge thank you to Daneos & the DBOG team - without your hard work this game would of ended years ago.

    I would also like to bring to attention the maturity within the community. I'm not sure about many of the guys here but I'm hitting 30 in a couple of months - a DB fan since school days (would like to think I'm not the oldest here :p).

    I apologise in advance if I offend anyone but all I see here are whiney lil brats expecting this game to be made for them.. do you people not understand the complications of keeping a game alive let alone adjusting & updating the original game code?

    As a modder for some games and some-what intermediate understanding of what's required, I do.

    Cut the team some slack.

    The reality here is there is nothing stopping the team packing their sh*t up and setting sail.. have seen MANY projects over the years do this when they feel their work is unappreciated or haven't won over the fans.

    End of the day, it's a lot easier to say f*ck it and move on.. you guys want that?

    Now I do sympathise with some issues people have on here, as well as agree that certain factors of the game need to be adjusted.. there's a right way and a wrong way to discuss it..

    I haven't been following the DBOG community for long but what I see here is toxic.

    Though I'm not posting for a discussion but more a praise to the right people and a back hand to the not, my post isn't aimed at everyone.

    It honestly disappoints me seeing so much hate and self proclaimed attitude on here.

    You don't like what the team are doing with the game, easy - control panel, uninstall programs - BDOG!

    In case my message is unclear - thank you team for the time and effort (and patience) you have spent with this project.

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